Barry Cunningham destroys the fat UygurIslamcist Cenk Ogre and Young Turks co host libtard John Iadaola in their denial a demented Joe Biden has always been a dementedJoe Biden

 Patrick Jennings

  Growing influential right wing podcaster Barry Cunningham uploaded a video and has done several bashing the corrupt corporate mainstream media and their gas lighting on politics. The big four networks are essentially Democratic Party media who has made excuses and done everything possible to defend and promote failed 90-year-old demented illegitimate President Joe Biden. Barry Cunningham mocked the media and the assertion that Joe Biden was not suffering from cognitive decline when by all evidence through various videos through the years that the various stages of Joe Biden's mental acuity has been challenged by

primarily conservatives. The obvious mental decline of Joe Biden has been obvious evidence and despite the lies and the misinformation gaslighting of the mainstream media and their operatives working on behalf of the Democratic party. Youtuber Barry Cunningham cunning and utterly tore into the fat ass of Cenk Uygur is one of many media analysts who are in complete denial and delusion that Joe Biden's mental decline was not overnight. Cunningham roasted the fat ass of the Young Jerks networks Cenk Ogre and his sidekick and radical commie Johnny Iadaola is just now after this debate these two silly jackasses are complaining about Joe Biden and his mental decline, when by all evidence it was very obvious a year and two ago. Drink Uygur has always been a Bernie Sanders supporter and if pressed this

Turkish Islamist would likely say that his preferred candidate still is Bernie Sanders despite the obvious mental cognitive decline of the geriatric Vermont maniac in the senate. Make no mistake these two scumbags at The Young Turks Network Iadaola and Uygur are extreme Communists, gaslighters of chaos,  and radicals and for them anyone who's not a communist and open about it is a right winger and this explains why they hate Joe Biden so much. Of course, they supported him when he was against

Donald Trump and these two propagandists at The Young Turks Network have long supported the extreme policies and incompetency of Joe Biden. Indeed, Ogre and Iadaola prefer this type of leadership as opposed to the more powerful and America first agenda of Donald Trump.

       Cunningham is tired of the media gaslighting and trying to come to bed for what is essentially a failed horrible economic Administration of failed she'll Biden who by all means should have resigned and disgrace after his first year in the White House Joe Biden is a arrogant and stubborn old bastard who is basically a puppet and this explains why he's even in his position and is kept in it. It is foreigners like jingle or who have prompt up this old bastard now drink ogre is paranoid and

blaming the Democrats and Joe Biden for possibly losing the election which they were going to lose anyway and likely had lost in 2020 before the extremists and the green party fascists of the Democrat Party organized in Joe Biden's own words the biggest election theft political campaign of all time

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