Beat that boy with a bitch.. three local Hispanic women busted for stealing hundreds of bats in Asheville North Carolina

 One one of Tick Tock Trends is a Japanese musical Tik Tok Trend where hot looking women perform in lip sync to a song that says Beat That Boy With A Bat" these women then do a dance where they pretend they are holding a bat and swinging and the promotion  anti-maleness of this cannot be lost in thought. With this in mind three loco not local likely migrants from Venezuela or Colombia were arrested in a shocking and

surprising news story out of Asheville, North Carolina. Three Latino illegal aliens shoved up 30 to 100 baseball bats up their dresses that they stole and why exactly these Latino women would be so intent on stealing baseball bats is not known. A couple of these women were so overdressed like the ladies of Panama that it was obvious they were

wearing large garments in 90° weather in order to steal. This three women gang got away a few times before a word gone out and these sporting good small businesses were more prepared and called police immediately when these women enter the store.  These three scumbags were arrested and why these women wanted to steal baseball bats is not known. perhaps they

wanted to start a Latina Baseball Softball League for recent migrants perhaps they wanted to sell the baseball bats too terroristic gangs who might have used it for an attack. Perhaps they wanted to sell these baseball bats to some Dominican Major League Baseball clubs and organizations to spend a lot of money to recruit Dominican players instead of trying to produce

American Born black and white American players. Whatever the story we will never know and this new story of these three migrants from Venezuela stealing 100 baseball bats within a month period in North Carolina likely will go away and no answers and whether these three maniacs were working with street gangsto provide weapons. This story is bizarre and really

flew under the radar and we want to put it on the radar and these three silly bastard bitches named  we're busted, cuffed, and stuffed like Roscoe e Coltrane into a North Carolina panty wagon and likely will face heavy felony charges as he's baseball bats and theft range and charges up to $30,000 in many cases as a tick tock song says beat that boy with a bat..

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