Dan Bongino blast the nerd ass of Daniel Dale and calls him evil

         Manny Wojak

     One of the more epic takedowns I've heard Dan Bongino do as the right-wing talk show host who took over from Rush Limbaugh laid into the propagandist at CNN and their fake fact checker Daniel Dale. Mr Dale had come on CNN and rebuked the claim that Kamala Harris was the border czar despite the numerous media references back a few years ago and that Joe Biden himself even said that he had appointed Kamala Harris to be the borders area into oversee much of the crisis that was occurring at the border. With this in mind the nerd known as Daniel Dale as a horrible and stupid fact checker does nothing but make false claims in provide ammunition and help for the Democratic Party. Talk show host Dan Bongino called this nerd out and challenged him to a fight as Daniel Dale lied out of his geeky ass the other day concerning these Republican and conservative accusations against failed vice president Kamala Harris. The disgusting and horrible former Kalifornia US senator has been anointed to be the

Democratic Primary in this upcoming election and this stupid woman presents the existential threat to our country. Kamala Harris was a failed border czar doing little and indeed she was a border czar as the media pointed out years ago and Daniel Dale needs to fact check his own stupid ass. and would continue the tradition of Joe Biden and all of his policies and essentially Joe Biden would still be running things using Kamala Harris as his puppet. Daniel Dale deny the obvious that indeed Kamala Harris was put in charge of the borders crisis and actually given a borders title which now the squeaky fuck CNN stupid fake news reporter and dumb fake checker Daniel Dale denies. 

      Dan Bongino said Daniel Dale lies out of his damn ass and he wondered if Daniel Dale has kids and what type of role model he would be with his habitual lying and partisan nature. Bongino went on to wrap this geeky motherfucker who for some reason CNN employees and often pretending to be some expert of opinion. Daniel Dale doesn't know his own shit from his piss and the stupid shit is put into the media from CNN to troll the viewer and the conservative viewers with his bullshit and horseshit. Making a mistake,  Daniel Dale is a nerd shithead whose main motivation is to annoy people like Dan Bongino and the successfully national syndicated radio host invited this prick to come to his studio and have a talk man on man either in the studio or in the back alley. Dan Bongino utterly leveled the CNN fact checker who says that Daniel Dale wouldn't know facts if someone put a boot and kicked him in this fucking skinny ass. Daniel Dale has never been butt fucked by this in the media as he had been by Dan Bongino and indeed perhaps only Steve Kornacki of MSNBC is more of a media nerd and jackass than Daniel Dale.

          Mr Dale considers himself on some special importance and the smartest man in every room he enters and this man considers himself a noble media king a very important person. Why CNN actually employees this jackass and this geek is a major contributor during the political season and to come from time to time and to give his own opinions as facts. Daniel Dale's stupid spirited partisan presence is beyond any comprehension of thought. No wonder CNN has such major low ratings when they have fuck faces like Daniel Dale and other

lame ass media monarchs overpaid dick wads who just talk to troll the viewer. Dan Bongino quite literally would beat the shit out of Daniel Dale being blindfolded and handcuffed and perhaps there is no more rotten and stupid individual at the CNN Network then Mr Daniel Dale-- a fake fact checker and a propagandist for the Democrat Party in Democrat media.

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