Huge streamer iPod speed takes a fall and is assaulted by his own fans and mob outside his hotel room in Norway and he blames Norwegian racism

     Moises Moreno

     A huge dreamer Star by the name of I-Speedpass or whatever was mobbed by his legions of fans as he visited Oslo, Norway and attended the Euro soccer matches. The American streamer who has more fans in Europe than America is a huge name but a relative unknown in North America I show-speed was streaming and hit the relative luxury of his luxury Motel as part of an elite international class and funded by Big Tech to be this huge fake star for young people. A massive number of young Norwegian males came and attended this hotel room and quite literally mobbed the American streamer

who was injured and frightened by the enthusiast support for I Showspeed. Some have said that I shall speed is the biggest thing since Michael Jackson in Scandinavia and parts of Northern Europe as this man is such a huge star streaming his opinions and thoughts on video games and music and chicks. Quite frankly young people

under 25 are nuts and they are in their own little bubble.  Most people never heard or don't even know who I Shall Speed is or can't comprehend the enthusiasm as basically this guy was torn apart nearly as he step out of this hotel room and the scene of I shall speed being ripped apart was reminiscent of The Beatles in Circa 1963 in London. What

exactly I Show Speed does to earn and gain the respect and love of his fans is not known. What is known those I Show Speed though was angered and said he would never step foot in Norway again and he blamed Norwegian racism for this near fatal end from mob of love that the Norwegians were given to him which on face seems utterly insane. Of course, it is insane that a mob of young people primarily

males would flock and get so excited for a fucking no talent streamer and more information needs to come about what exactly I shallspeed is and why he would want such excitement from a foreign base of fan base is it appears that this dickwad does nothing but talk in front of a computer camera and has no real skill or talent. 

     The news that a mob nearly injured a Twitch streaming star that they loved is more evidence of a lunacy of young people today and primarily those online and into the internet weird shit of online gaming which is something that most people can't seem to comprehend. I ShowSpeed is on speeds nearly lost his life not having enough security to protect back him up as a mob of his Scandinavian loving male based population came and wanted to touch this clown, who by all essence from my research does absolutely nothing to earn this

popularity. Fuck I shall speed and the horse he rode on. Poor I shall speed was trapped in a store in Oslo for three to four hours as a mob of his fans congregated outside and demanded that they see their hero and as a crowd grew the panic of I Show speed became more apparent as the Norwegian police were on break or whatever. I show made the claim that he will never step foot in Norway again after this disrespect and near mob lynching of the popular streaming and this would of been the first lynching through hysterical love instead of the old traditional of hate.

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