Jesse Waters has Andrew Yang and John fetterman on the week in both call for Joe Biden to step

      Jay Yang

       Former presidential candidate Andrew Yang and current Pennsylvania bald head US senator John Fetterman both made the call both men made separate appearances on the great Jesse Watters program and both men utterly devastated and eviscerated failed President Joe Biden and his policies for this country. Andrew Yang called for Joe Biden this step aside as the clear cognitive decline in dementia of this man is embarrassing to a Democrat like Mr Yang the former presidential candidate in New York City mayoral contender pleaded with Joe Biden to listen to the public and increasingly a public call for Joe Biden to step aside has been made. Yang suggested that many Democrats want Biden out of the picture, but they are fearful to say something given the extreme fascism that exists in today's Democrat Party. Make no mistake the Democrat Party of

today is not your grandfather's Democrat Party and even Yang admitted in the past it is consisted of these kleptocratic uber wealthy individuals from recent immigrants who unlike previous waves of immigrants started at the top and not the bottom of a US

Society such as Andrew Yang. Andrew Yang is a multi-millionaire and literally should be a Republican and whether he makes this switch in the future is not known. Mr Yang told Jesse Waterson about running for president in 2028 and whether Joe Biden decides to stay or not he will be out of the picture in 2028.       
       Likewise, the bald head US senator from Pennsylvania John Fetterman made a similar pitch. John Thurman demanded that Joe Biden step down as his failed and embarrassing loss to Donald Trump in the debate prove that Mr Biden has lost a step with his brain, it is ticking much less , and he is no longer the politician even of 10 years ago. John Thunderman also may be a future presidential candidate if he remains stroke free and quits eating the ribs and fried

chicken that put him on a death bed in a hospital not too long ago.  Mr Fettererman says Joe Biden looks like he is dead and this project is  a weak image for this country and it is crucial at this time that Joe Biden do what is right and step down. John

Fetterman called for Joe Biden to end his campaign on the Jesse Waters and let the Democrat process work at the convention where delegates will decide who the nominee will be.  John Federman says the last man is should be is Joe Biden. The Pennsylvania first term US senator says Joe Biden his failed this country in his 3 years with horrible policies and indeed Mr Fetterman may be another politician who turns and becomes a republican given the extreme leftism and crazed Palestinian Pro terrorist direction

that many of his fellow Democrats have gone into and this disgusts John Fetterman. Both Fetterman and Yang represent the future of the Democrat Party and this future does not include Joe Biden or his two sons Hunter Biden and the long dead Bull Biden, whom Joe Biden continues to say died slipping into a pit fires while serving and fighting the

Iranians in 2006. Beau Biden may have also died likely the heavy cocaine tradition of the Biden family and this is most likely what killed Beau Biden. The Biden family is done and when Joe dies there will be no more free dinners and publicity for nasty Jill Biden and this old crow along with the Biden family will no longer be a major power broker when within the Democratic fascist party

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