Jimmy Door and Russell Brand mark and destroy Mick Jagger for his support for Justin Trudeau

        Trevor Travis

    Mick Jagger is 100 years old still performing Rock and Roll sounding raspy and nothing like he did and when he originally made many of these songs. Despite this Mick Jagger and the Rolling Stones are seeing huge ticket sales and likely from corrupt individuals wanting to attend a free event paid for other money from gifts in the global economy. There is no way people are spent their own hard-earned money to watch this 80-year-old fool. With this in mind 80 year old Mick Jagger was in Kanada and he started laying praise into a very

unpopular prime minister known as Justin Trudeau. Mick Jagger was booed out of his ass and not realizing the political situation where over half the country dislikes this globalist and desire to see Justin Trudeau get the hell out of office given the troubles he has caused Canadians.

      Mick Jagger looked lost and confused and his reaction was profusely laughed by many online replaying this encounter. Jimmy Dore said that Mick Jagger is a entertainer global elite doesn't even pay attention to politics and realize that Justin Trudeau is a divisive issue in Canada. Likewise Russell Brand says that Mick Jagger's ignorance of the political situation as these bureaucrats that Justin Trudeau has a big government having used it to  oppress the common man going after the free speech and expression to protest the inequalities they see from a failed

government of Justin Trudeau. Russell Brand says Mick Jagger has lost the antiestablishment drive that drove him in his early career and he has become a tool for the establishment and thus is why he was nearly brewed boo out of his ass by this angry crowd when he brought up the name of Justin Trudeau and tried to lay insane praise. Jimmy Door and Russell Brand bashes Mick Jagger for not knowing about Canadian politics and realize that Justin Trudeau is a neoliberalist who has been hijacked by the globalist economic order that has ruined and made life difficult for the vast majority of people who are not rock and rollers and can do so for 40 to 50 years like Maggot Jagger and his fuck crew of rolling rockers. Nick Jagger and the Rolling Stones are old motherfuckers who should not be acting like they are pretending it is 1964 again and the idea that these fools continue to sing and dance is a fucking disgrace and they should be booed off the stage. In addition to being booed for Justin Trudeau and supporting this idiot room the vast majority of people in Canada do not like

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