Louisiana Wildcats Senator John Keneddy and Review Brah team up to help find the murder of a Church's Chicken employee in Memphis

 Jerry O'Leary

      To say that Memphis is a disastrous and dangerous city would be understated and the amount of crime in the city committed by the black population cannot be understated. Memphis is a shithole filled with radical hate-filled black people who have committed so much crime that has made Memphis on the radar as one of the top three most dangerous cities in America. An employee at Church's Chicken was gunned down by a purple-haired black

woman after an argument over the quality the chicken and the price. These types of arguments are common in a place like Memphis often leading to death and indeed this woman waited for the employee to step outside and throw out some garbage when she immediately pounced on the person with a handgun and used it to shoot the individual to death. 

     With this in mind the Kentucky Fried Chicken loving and the Fried Chicken loving senator John Kennedy spoke to Fox News and gave a saddening response to this brutal crime. Senator Kennedy promised the victim's family that he will do everything in his power from outside the state to help bring this woman to justice for the brutal murder of a Church's Chicken employee. Church's Chicken in fact has been ranked as the most dangerous chicken place to work and attend by Chicken Magazine.  I reckon there are few Churches Chickens these days because of the restaurants ability to drive

the most insane and dangerous people into chicken stores. Meanwhile, the young punk review Brah smoked a little about Memphis and his time in this crime ridden city where he got beat up three times. Review Brah also says that he does not like Church's Chicken he called it basically a ghetto type Chicken store that has regressed to a few franchises here and there in some states. 

     Review Brah is putting up some big-time bucks to help catch this maniac. food Brah told his listeners in the Memphis area to be very aware whenever they go to any fast-food business and establishment as these places are very dangerous and the weird and wrong kind of people often go to them. Police are still looking for this killer with purple hair who is nasty and a combative chicken eating freak and both senator Kennedy and Revie Brah are teaming up to help bring this murderer to justice.

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