Old show slow old Joe drops out and Democrats likely to unite behind sexy and hot Amy Klobucher

       Ramon Ramos

     The beautiful and sexy Amy Klobucher likely will be your next Democrat nominee. The Minnesota senator and her time has long come and many are thinking now is a time for Amy Klobucher to get the political recognition and demand as a front-runner and Presidential nominee. Amy Klobucher ran against Joe Biden 2020 and unfortunately this beautiful and sexy woman did not win. Joe Biden has announced yesterday that he will no longer in a predictable move as the slow one just was not able to move and the media was not willing to hide and be the monarchy it has always been for the Democratic Party

Machine. Joe Biden can go on his rest home and soon he will be dead in the world will be a better place and hell where he belongs  and he will take Jill with him. What the future holds for the Democrats though it's unknown and it appears by some sources that a ticket of Gavin Newsome and Pete Buttgieg is on the horizon however given the identity of session of the Democrat Party the need of a woman on a ticket likely will prevail. We think that the amazing

Minnesota fuckface senator known as Amy Klobucher will be the front runner to replace failed former President Joe Biden. We can now truly say that Joe Biden is a failed former president as he will serve out the rest of his term and then this country will be Joe Biden free in the world of politics for the first time since the late sixties show Biden is a scumbag a race divider and a troll whose main obsession was

talking about the demographic changes that he could not wait seeing non-whites outnumber whites. In addition... this man was also talk about the political opposition not having F-15 fighter jets or whatever and the weird obsession and willingness to anger have the country that Joe Biden love to jump and talk will not be missed. Joe Biden was the worst individual ever and I reckon because the globalists and the Chinese knew Joe Biden was a scumbag who hated his fellow countrymen. This is why they put such money and emphasis into getting this scoundrel weasel elected thankfully we will survive as a nation after Joe Biden and Old Joe can go in the rest home where he should have been the last 15 years. Amy Klobucher,  Pete Buttigich, Gavin Newsom. or even scumbag Jamie Raskin or thug John Fetterman would be preferable then Joe Biden and pretty soon Joe Biden will go into the Dustbin of History however the Democrats are the Democrats and they are in a fascist global entity whose main motivation is to troll their political opposition and to call them deplorables as the failed former presidential

candidates and failed human being witch from Park Ridge used to say. There's even some rumor that
Hillary Clinton is going to be the nominee. One person who is not going to be the presidential candidate for the Democrats is failed cackling jackass Kamala Harris who is a radical and is hated by most of her own party disliked by the rest of the country. There is no way Kamala Harris is going to be on the Democrat ticket when this is all done and despite all these Democrats right now like fat pig JB Pritzker joining Joe Biden and endorsing Kamala Harris. This woman has no chance in the Democrat National Committee will soon figure this out with this in mind Amy Klobucher is the best pick as American needs a sexy face after years of old and years of old and mulatto faces behind the imagery of the White House and president.

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