YouTuber PillZarnRy goes off on black cultural trash and 10-year-old rapper Lil RT having a dating contest

     Mulligan Sullivan

    PillZarnRy cannot believe it he was flipping through some YouTube channels when he came across what appear to be a contest for a 10 year old little boy who looks like he's a 5 year old. A bunch of little black girls were being arranged and a grown ass man was asking the little 5-year-old looking 10-year-old black boy what he thought of these girls before him and whether did he find them attractive and the sick and ever

degenerate black American cultural lifestyle naturally piss PillZarnRy off. He discovered rap music had something to do with this and indeed this little ten-year-old black boy is a vulger rapper named Lil RT. It appears at

this little 10-year-old black boy is a 10-year-old drill and violent rapper talking about bitches and eating snatch which is utterly reprehensible, and this was a case that PillZarnRy made in a 25-minute video on his small but very informative YouTube channel.

     This is a little boy rapping about if bitches are sucking his dick they need to step back. PillZarnRy quite literally ripped into this video and cannot believe that a grown ass man would present 10 preteen black girls to this black boy as if he was the king of Nubia or something. This cultural regression of the Black American is very discerning and plays a large part in the growth of violence urban culture that we see are blue cities have

degraded into. The absurdity and asinine of this Lil RT dating game or whatever and with this grown ass black man making this video for this 10 year old drill rapper named Lil Rt was utterly reprehensible. PillZarnRy says this ratchet culture of rap music and weird black separatism and oddness in Black America as long been a wicked and sick cultural phenomenon and explains many things we see going on in this country whether it be the political division or the high skyrocketing rates of crime. 

     PillZarnRy quite literally ripped into the producers who made this stupid video and anyone that would push forward a 10-year-old little black boy to be a hardcore vulgar and potty mouth rapper and it appears these are the values some black men with money and part of the music mafia wish to teach at a young age and brainwash  is culturally normal and appropriate to call young black girls bitches and women bitches. PillZarnRy blasted the black music industrial complex

and those who would promote and sell such garbage music be it record companies or the actual silly and likely drugged out fans who purchase this toxic content and participate in the scam of on-line streaming sales and bloating of it for particular musical styles and performers fake popularity produced by the black community I have long maintained music is like this weird Ponzi scheme that has links with jewelry Industries an together with the narcotic illegal drug industry and all together they are one big gold fucking chain and a menace to our society.

Body language guy Jesus Rojas levitates Tim Walz and his body language and his obsession with his dog shit

 Jay Yang

    The  body language guy on YouTube did a piece on Tim Walt's who is the disgusting and horrible Minnesota Governor the other day. Tim Walt's pointed out Jesus Enrique Rojas pointed out how Tim Walz and his body language clearly is of a deranged man and individual.  Mr Rojas wonders how the students of this man were able to cope with such a psychopath heading the classroom.

Jesus Enrique Rojas played several videos of some of Tim Walz's more notorious video such as he calling socialism neighborly and Mr Rojas brought out how Tim Walt's essentially is declaring and open about his support for socialism and communism.

Likewise, Tim Waltz's appearance with Dana Bash and his crying about people criticizing his kids and dogs was played by this body language expert who showed that clearly Mr Walz can be seen unhinge and thinking often of the criticism of his weird looking

dogs and how they look stressed out having such a crazed owner as the mad Minnesota governor. The dogs look stressed and beaten and the online critics have pointed out the dogs of Tim Walz look unhealthy and like scared cats. 

      Mr Rojas says he knows a communist when he sees and hears one and clearly Tim Weird is a communist as Mr Rojas replayed the videos of the camping out and burning in Minneapolis for the criminal George Floyd and Mr Rojas wonders if these people who are burning Minneapolis down had s'mores candy bars at the fires and we're telling stories and enjoying their summer night back in 2020. This communist Minnesota governor scumbag Walz allowed the city to burn refusing calling National Guard for several days. Mr Rojas also played how Tim Walz seems to be more concerned with illegal aliens and their ability to drive with a license is the commitment of progressive far-left values and allowing nonsense to drive and live is a committed Marxist goal of Mr Waltz that likely he learned when he studied in China. The online the body language guy says that the body language of Tim Walz as he does these radical woke progressive causes is one with intention to antagonize those who strongly oppose the craze agenda. Walz's open support of a crazed progressive madness on overdrive and uses  government to enforce this weird agenda of a weird governor with an ability to get weird past passages passed in his state of Minnesota makes Jesus Rojas disgusted. 

    The gender affirming care that the state of Minnesota gives to confuse young people to change their identity and operate on them perhaps is one of the more sickest in the furious legislation ever passed by government and the vocalypse scum like this Timberwolve Tim Waltz. The deranged vice-president nominee is very angered at online criticism of how he kicks and tugs at his dogs and other weird actions that he does with his dogs including getting close to their dog's mouth and Tim Waltz has been seen almost licking his dog's mouth which is utterly disgusting. 

     Tim Walz is a weird and disgusting individual and the fact that Kamala Harris would pick such a zilly jackass to be her running mate is utterly reprehensible. The body language guy Jesus Enrique Rojas play the video of Tim Walt's open supportive of the city of Minneapolis being a sanctuary city and having local control and naturally a scumbag like Tim Walz would want local control because unfortunately too many American cities are Democrat thus are funded by globalists and are able to establish one party State monopolies with no political opposition from the Republican Party. The direct result we get are insane polices presented and passed by jackasses such as Tim Waltz and his support for sanctuary cities. Jesus Rojas has dealt with socialism

wherever he has lived in South America and he knows a socialist rat bastard when he sees one and clearly everything Tim Walz does is pure socialism and just plain weird as signing bills to require schools to stock boys bathrooms with women's vagina products. This is just weird and only a weird politician like Tim Waltz would support such garbage.

Mark Levin torches the plans for more golf courses in Florida and the state park and Kamala Harris's war on the traditional house

  Brook Tanner

        The great one talk show host Mark Levin went off not too long ago talking about Kamala Harris and the Democrats party war on the traditional single-family housing. The corrupt Democrats and their areas constantly are building multi-dwelling units that are very expensive and all out of the reach of many of the pocketbooks of many Americans. The corruption of the Democrat Party and their willingness only to provide multi-story condo and Tower complexes is one of the identifications of the Democratic cities in the corruption that builds their buildings. Mark Levin absolutely torched the

Democratic party and the constant attack against traditional homes with yards and garages as these maniacs want to redefine what housing should be and will look in the future. Mark Levin is very well aware of this and Agenda 21 and looking at the foreign countries throughout Europe the vast majority of the housing stock are apartments and tall condos. This disastrous living arrangement is preferred by the

global order as an easier method of control and Mark Levin pointed out several ways of the war against the traditional household in Suburban landscape by these lunatics within the Democrat Party. One only has look around the communities and see the only traditional the new housing is multi-dwelling units many of them often replacing what was once traditional housing in homes with yards front and back.


     This disgusting arrangement is pushed and preferred by the green movement and these climate fanatics and this disgusting fact was made out by Mark Levin as their main goal is to destroy people's independence and privacy. Mark Levin tours Kamala Harris as this woman and her policies are indeed going to be one that continues the Democrat Party and Joe Biden's war on traditional housing. This war is indeed being waste in many other countries as well is Europe wants to basically make many areas

look like the Gaza Strip and mother Russia stacking people on top of each other. Make no mistake building living is not natural for humanity and is not the preferred habitat and indeed this is why many people hate cities and what they represent. The great one Mark Levin was not having any of this and he would join the latest growing resistance against this UN Agenda 21 that wants every landscape and Community to be these legos black look alike boring buildings where people have no yards back or front and instead have a little patio to look

Alex Rosen AKA Gordon Flowers humiliates the little one as he brings the documents and the letters and paperwork of Predator trying to meet underage girls

 Jim Oberweis

    Alex Rosen otherwise known as Gordon Flowers did it again. The incredible predator hunter was on the hunt looking for these online sexual predators who go on all these Telegram Gab type sites and try to meet up with young girls. Alex Rosen and did his Gordon Flowers character is he confronted yet another sucker who was trying to meet with underage girls off the internet. Alex Rose and towered over this little man as he called him who was at his workplace in a

unnamed Big Box store. Mr Rosen had a lot of paperwork as  he usually does in documentation when he catches the sexual predators. For this retail worker and Vape smoking addict he was caught red-handed

and was about to go down. For over an hour and a half Gordon Flowers towered over this man and went outside at his workplace to go over the evidence he had that this man was indeed trying to meet underage girls which he did not deny. However he told Gordon that he did not plan on having sex and it was up to the girl as if this somehow softens his

crime.  Gordon Flowers usual filming of the suspect and did the usual pretend in being his friend saying that they are not a bad guy. The main goal of Alex Rosen is to get these fools to spill the beans about all the things they do on the dark web including stuff with infants and once again Alex Rosen got this fool to spill the beans with him on video. 

    The police showed up in Alex Rosen indeed confirmed what this young man was telling him about trying to meet underage preteen girls off the internet and this naturally was going to be as downfall as the police cameras seen and heard everything and they wrote down pretty much all that he said to Alex Rose and Mr Rosen hand in the paperwork of these individual trying to meet and underage girl for sex. This was yet

another sting that Alex Rosen was able to get with this little man trying to meet a little girl and Rosen is willing to drive fast to meet and catch these guys. The little man was so intimidated by Rosen that he asked Axle to sit down with him so they can be equal and eye level. Once again this idiot not knowing that everything he was saying could be used against him pretty much told Mr Rosen the truth of his motivation and going online trying to find these illegal videos through the nefarious file sharing websites. Alex Rose

and humiliated this guy who was eventually cuffed and stuffed and thrown in a paddy wagon and the number of individuals and video and Gordon Flower videos that Alex Rosen is able to do stinging and catching these predators is utterly amazing and hard to keep track. There must quite literally be almost a thousand videos of him doing and traveling real fast all over the country and catching these guys with many of them actually being arrested for the things that they admitted under Alex Rosen's unusual interrogation. Alex Rosen strong tactics

pretending to be the friend of the little guy giving him a fist bump and telling him that he's not a bad guy and then asking him all sorts of incriminating questions that Axel Rose would eventually pass off to the arriving police and this predator sting video was just like all of his videos on various YouTube channels. These guys are not in any circumstances have to talk to Mr Rosen and it's quite unbelievable so many do and put themselves in further legal problems with their big mouths when confronted by " big" Alex Rosen.

Former Rockstar Roger Stone comes on Alex Stein's podcast and bashes Tim Walz's weirdness and choice of dog

        Ramon Ramos

    Tim Waltz's Minnesota Governor is one of the weirdest politicians we have seen in our lifetime. The fact that Kamala Harris would pick this weird jackass as his vice president is utterly amazing and the growing authoritarianism movement within the Democratic party likely might explain this choice Tim Watts proved that he is willing to shut down the state under orders from China as a long devoted and loyal subject to the Chinese Empire and the Orange dictator Jinping Xi. With this in mind the former lead singer  of the legendary rock group Thundercon Roger Stone appeared on the Alex Stein podcast. Mr Stone has become a top Republican strategist and Roger Stone predicted given the awareness of the democratic authoritarianism of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz many more Democrats are going to leave and full show full support. Roger Stone suggested that likely both Bernie Sanders and Gavin Newsom in the coming

weeks will join the Trump train as they do not like Kamala Harris and want to see her train wrecked and utterly humiliated as a wicked witch of Kalifornia that she always has been likewise the weird Tim Waltz and how he treats his dogs is under scrutiny as the man also treats his son pretty weird tugging on his kids arm in much the same manner as he walks the dogs is a weird piece of shit and both Alex Stein and Roger Stone utterly eviscerated this goofy fucker from Minnesota who for some reason Kamala Harris chose to be her running mate. This former two-decade public school teacher is absolutely unqualified to be even near the White House and he is not even qualified to be the city of St Paul County and County Dog Catcher as indeed is Tim Walz and his weird obsession with dogs.

     Walz is like alot of people as he is part of the dog obsessed community members of our society who believe dogs are more important than people. Alex Stein and Roger Stone think that many other Democrats are going to leave this horrible ticket as they realize that there was an undemocratic process that put Kamala Harris into being the nominee after Joe Biden utterly failed in the first debate and his brain became popcorn. Tim Walz and his weird obsession with sucking horse meat and touching dog shit from his ugly dogs is being made public and the former rocker Mr Stone suggesting that if Kamala Harris had any sense she would replacing the prick pick with another vice president as Tim Waltz is just too

fucking dog weird along with his weird family to ever be on top of any ticket. Alex Stein Prime Time number 99 and the great former rock star Roger Stone utterly decimated these two jackasses and the complete failure of Tim Walz Disney. 

    Kamala Harris was seen in her recent interview with ABC Disney  and Dana Bash as both Stein and Stone said this woman cannot and is mentally unstable and likely heavily alcoholic to be having Daily Press briefings and talk with the media. Kamala Harris is indeed very tipsy and perhaps her being drunk like a skunk explains how such a piece of shit like Tim Waltz was selected as vice president as no one in their right mind would pick this guy to be their running mate in any presidential ticket in modern  or historical times. This was a great interview we highly recommend these two great people to view in this interview in Roger Stone and Alex Stein getting together these two often get overlooked in their strong political opinions and insightful knowledge of and politics where trolling and politics combine.

Anthony Fauci on death bed wish list as he catches West Nile and is on the brink after being bitten by a dirty mosquito

   Milton Wiener

         The rotten medical propagandist and former head of the National Institute of Virology Anthony Fauci is close to death. Anthony Fauci was hospitalized in for six days now he has been in intensive care after catching the West Nile Virus and we had to keep wondering why this Anthony Fauci keeps catching Covid and all these weird diseases. Anthony Fauci may finally meet his maker and the disgusting covid and virus propagandist who pushed forward a 2020 lockdown and participated in an election interference of a massive scale planned by the CCP and now the silly bastard is very close to being at the gates of hell. Anthony Fauci is a rotten and sick individual who unfortunately has got to live a long life and one of snake oil fraud and lies as this man should have been disgraced and out of the medical industry in the 80s for his failed response to the AIDS virus pandemic.

      Failed Anthony Fauci is either really very sick or close to death or he is once again grifting and trying to give publicity for new sets of vaccines they might have to do with mosquitoes and the West Nile Virus. Who knows. One thing is known is that Anthony Fauci is a dishonest individual and one cannot trust anything that is claimed by this old mother fucker, but we will go and run

with it that this man is on the brink and close to death. With this in mind, as Anthony Fauci one the most wicked men and human modern human history we will contact Latisha and Monique to do a death band Death Wish

for this former head of the CDC and puppet for The Who. AnthonyFauci  can go to hell and quite frankly if this is indeed the end for Mr Fauci then it should be looked in with a positive mindset and mosquitoes may now get a more positive feedback and outlook. Hopefully the deathbed wish list Death Wish dance of Monique and Leticia finally does

put Anthony Fauci over on the other side is this nasty old man needs to pay a price for what he committed Circa 2020 to 2022 as this old idiot was all over the media line and spreading this information about Covid attacking those like Rand Paul and other political operatives who stood in his way for the total medical tyranny that this old piece of shit desired for all. 

What the fuck is Mina putting on her face when she could have a natural from her boyfriend

    Gino Frobel

    The number of women and social media influencers grifting and trying to brainwash other young women that they need to constantly put shit on their face and cream for the cream industrial complex is utterly disgusting. I cannot believe in and write often think that half of Tik Tik is made up of these female makeup and cream face grifters who are paid heavily by these companies to push and promote the idea that women have to put fucking cream on their face every hour on the hour. There is this woman on

Tik Tok named Mina and she is constantly putting makeup acting like she's a princess and indeed this quote 'princess narcissism" called is something that these make up and fuck cream companies are making huge offerings and money from sucker women. 

     Perhaps one of the reasons that women are put in so many top jobs these days is to keep this Ponzi scheme going in the amount of money that women spend on makeup and fuck face cream is utterly reprehensible and disgusting. Mina would get the same effect having her boyfriend shoots him on her face and perhaps even more natural benefits then the shit and chemicals she's putting on her face in her grifting Tick Tock videos and these videos are quite literally a fucking joke and more of a reason that the the female

gender is often further fucked up in the head. Mina put so much fucking cream on her face and pushes his idea in her videos as a princess Italian that women must purchase these unnecessary and expensive items. Make no mistake globalism and the large makeup and face cream companies are indeed using social media to their best ability meaning is just another grifter

pushing face cream which is a scam and does absolutely nothing despite their claims. Again this woman should just get a husband or a boyfriend and have him pop on her face and she would get the same effect than wasteful spending money on this face cream

Big AK typical of the black female drill rap industry promoting narcissism cocky shit head attitudes in addition in addition violence violence.

      Ed West

 From Naperville

    The number of deplorable and crazy black female rappers that have been produced and funded has been utterly reprehensible another up-and-coming black female rapper who just uses the N word and calls other women bitches and that she's coming after their men is a crazy woman named big AK or this is not yet another ratchet and degenerate black rapper and the increasingly use of the music Mafia of black females to push a bitch and bratty type character and performer wishing to spread this plague into society. This has been one of the more deplorable facets of this corrupt music industry. Big AK is another degenerate cultural terrorist who is promoting the most degenerate performance and character for others to attach. This Woman released a

music video called cocky shit and basically throughout this video all this rapper did was this other woman and use the N word over 50 times. Big Aks music volume is filled with debauchery foul filthy words and this is the shit and role models the music industry pushes forward in nasty degenerate music directed towards your kids. 

     The cultural regression is no accident and is a concentrate effort by International Marxist to divide cultures and to promote degenerate lifestyles and to glorify them through their monopoly of music musical styles. Big AK is another big royal pain in the ass in the black female rap industry and the number of black female rappers that are giving gold jewelry and then given their orders and lyrics to

spread degeneracy is increasing and growing by the minute. Big AK is another bitch producing performer who wishes other women to act and lower themselves through character and act as portrayed in the rap black female music videos. This quite literally is a disgusting and horrible tank on culture

Chris Cappy and Alexandra Robert impressed with the Ukraine offensive into Russia and both advice let him reporting to end the war

 David Berkson

   YouTube war correspondents Task and Purpose hosts Chris Crappy and YouTuber Alexandre Robert of History Channel praise the recent Ukrainian incursions into Russia. We have long hoped for the Ukrainians to invade and take the war into Russia itself and it appears this past couple weeks Russia has done this engaging and crossing the border into Mother Russia and battling the Russian heartland of Vladimir Putin. The Russians have been waging war since Putin's regime against its neighbors and the audacity and idea of a country actually invading Russia was unheard but thanks to the massive Western response and funding of the Ukrainian Army it is now possible.  Vladimir Putin and the Russians are in

Army on the run as Ukrainians are pushing deeper and deeper on the outskirts and the open possibility of Uzbekistanis joining the war and attacking the Russians from the rear with the Greeks is a strong possibility.  Quite frankly the Ukrainians need to push deeper into Russia and to force Vladimir Putin to come into an agreement and to end the war.
The incredible war correspondent and Youtuber Chris Cappy

   Chris Cappy and Alexandra Robert covered the successful invasion of Russia as the first full scale of invasion of this country since World War II. However, Alexander Robert is indeed concerned that Ukrainians may be invaded into a tramp much like the American Army in the West by Native Americans the Russians are indeed pressing forward more soldiers towards the Russian front and the wars will be difficult, but it looks like the Ukrainians can start a war of attrition into hunker down eventually break down the Russian spirit and force a

calculation and the negotiating to end this war the Russians have been getting hammered and quite literally they have been losing this war for years and now that they've actually lost territory of their own country to the Ukrainians perhaps more pressure it's Chris can't be said is to going to be mounted against Mother Russia and the insane lunatic dictator known as Vladimir Putin. This war should not have even started and indeed this could be described as Putin's War. Chris

The incredible war Youtbe correspondent Amandre Robert of History Legends

Cappy and Alexander Robert are shocked that the Ukrainians are making a mockery of the Russians diving deep into Russia and taking the war into this authoritarian mafia state that unfortunately, so many Democrat Party politicians seek to imitate while they aggravate this war situation and tried it intimidate the Russians overspending for the Ukrainians and helping this offensive. This may indeed be a modern

day 30 Years War and the United States in the taxpayers are helping make it this long as this is a border conflict that should have been resolved within a month. Thanks to the West however, the grifting for our weapons and industrial sellers they have prolonged and caused much more death and suffering than need be. Chris Cappy and Alexander Robert need to be on this and make these claims and each and every video they do while covering the Ukrainian-Russian war as they can on YouTube