Bleach blonde bitch and both of Kyle klinski cries over the death of a Hamas Commander

     Carlton "Lazy ass" Olsen

      To say that Secular Talk's weirdo bleach blonde dumbass Kyle Kulinski is an idiot would be understated. The horrible propagandist and far left radical YouTuber says some of the most insane garbage material that one can imagine in the world of politics and this guy clearly is it walking definition of dumb drug and vape addiction. Kyle Kulinski dies his hair blonde like a woman and the amount of bleach chemicals that this pussy has used on his hair has clearly affected the brain waves underneath his skull. Kyle Kulinski is a dumb propagandist for leftist progressive causes and this man does nothing but smear Republicans and conservatives and perhaps only Venezuelan born scumbag David Pakman is worse on the internet than this jerk. Kyle Kulin ski cried and complained that Israel was ignoring international boundaries and taking the Gaza War on terrorism and Hamas into other countries and what Israel did by crossing Iranian borders and killing a top terrorist butcher named  bothered this antisemitic bleach blonde loser known as Kyle Kulinski. Kyle is this jag fag who came on his program and bitched and cried about the two recent

terminations that Israel did revenge killing two top Hamas commanders who planned the October massacre of 1900 Jewish Israeli citizens.  Israel deleted one terrorist in Lebanon and one inside the heartland of the Islamic evil Republic of Iran.  This was great to see as Israel is committed to destroying Hamas and those who plan and operated the October 7th butchery in which over 1600 Jews were brutally massacred much like the Sioux butchered American Colonial settlers in Western Minnesota in 1862. 

    These disgusting Hamas and Palestinian demonic monsters are indeed 8th Century barbarians in modernity and Israel is fighting quite literally a war against savages and doing a good job. Naturally Kulinski is a repulsive individual who is upset at the death of a madman Hamas Commander who has

probably killed numerous Jews with his planning prior to October 7th. Kyle considers this terrorist filled with hate that this man had for the Jews and Karma was a bitch as the Jews got him as this proud planner of the October 7th attack which started the latest war between Israel and its Muslim supremacist neighbors. This bothers the propagandists of the left such as bleach blonde Kyle Kulinsky who is such a anti-semitic bastard as he makes numerous videos three to four times a week attacking Israel and the operations within Gaza as Israel battles the Muslim Nazis within the region and around their borders. Kyle Kulinski is a scumbag and a half who is a man who utterly disgraces the internet with his presence and how exactly this silly

jackass gets funded remains to be seen and should be investigated. Kyle Kulinski better be careful because perhaps the IDF will put him on a hit list and come after him given the amount of hate and anti-semetism and horseshit propaganda that this bleach blond son of a bitch often does on behalf of Hamas and Hezbollah. Kyle Kulinski is a far-left lunatic, and his secular talk podcast is filled with his rants coming from his delusional mind and the twisted evil and hate lies this idiot has spread about Israel. Indeed this propaganda and hate could make the IDF come calling one day and he better be careful.

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