Chicago white Sox set record pace quickest 100 losses in baseball history new calls for nasty owner Jerry Reinsdorf to sell the team

     Leo Yost

      The baseball Chicago White Sox have accumulated 100 losses in one of the quickest record loss season and we are not even September yet,  and this pathetic baseball team has lost 100 games this disastrous season has been a nightmare for the last few remaining Chicago White Sox fans as greedy and nefarious stupid owner Jerry Reinstorff refuses to sell the team and to give another owner an opportunity to recreate and redirect this organization Jerry Reinsdorf is a greedy geriatric 90 year old owner who to care less about this baseball organization and he wants to just only for other business opportunities and

use it for clout. Chicago White Sox are a disgrace to professional sports world and the city of Chicago and this owner has absolutely given up on ever trying to improve the team and make it respectable. The Chicago White Sox are likely to lose 120 games and they may break the record for the most losses ever in the baseball season. This disgusting Sports organization has utterly failed and it appears that in his last few years remaining in life Jerry Reinsdork is determined to humiliate this Spaceball organization in the city of Chicago. 

     This madman not only owns a baseball professional sports team in the city of Chicago, but this greedy Jewish individual also owns the Chicago Bulls. How this silly billionaire is allowed to own a monopolize professional teams in a city still remains a mystery. Jerry Reinsorff needs to sell the team and many fans have throughout the season been making demands for the Chicago White Sox change ownership once and for all as the current ownership of Jerry Reinsorff is committed to making this team

a 90-loss annual occurrence. Very few people are going to Chicago White Sox games and the attendance this season has been disastrous and one has to wonder how much longer is Jerry Reinsdorf going to be allowed to disgrace Major League Baseball with his ownership. Geriatric Jerry is a very greedy and narcissist nasty old man who doesn't care about winning and he is more concerned about making money, but this system is so corrupt and so much money is devoted from this economy into fucking sports. 

    Somehow this fuck head Jerry Reinsdorff is still able to make a profit for his various business ventures and does he keeps a failed and very boring team from a very boring sport and Major League Baseball. How these idiots continue to go and attend baseball events every summer is astonishing to me and it's astonishing that this boring sport made up of arrogant ball players has survived into 2024 and is driving in many parts through global sports corruption. when will the Chicago Cubs and white sox play in London? Jerry Reinsdorff is this nasty, stupid, old man who needs to do what is right and sell this baseball team and lost some owner to make Chicago a one Club sporting town and he needs to move this organization somewhere out of the city perhaps Nashville or Jacksonville or some other Cowtown can have this bad baseball team named after a sock. If I were a fish and a multi–Billionaire I would force MLB top make this clown sell the team I would take it over rebrand the organization and uniforms call it the Chicago White Snakes and I would build a winner and help this team overtake the Chicago Cubs and be the top team in the windy city and it would not be very difficult. Hopefully some patriotic and regional billionaire is able to convince and get this scumbag Jerry Reisdorff out.

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