Homo Hal Sparks now goes after right-wing talk show host Dan Bongino

      Ed West

    Attacking Dan Bongino from the safety of his far away radio studio the homosexual one known as Hal Sparks continues to bait and be one of the more reprehensible agitators and political trolls online Hal Sparks is problem self as he's gone over 70,000 subscribers likely purchasing bots in recent months tired of getting his balls busted by his critics the homo and former "Queer Eye For The Straight Guy" actor as regressed into this radical far left internet troll and podcaster. Lazy Hal has a once-a-week radio syndicated show that's primarily on your communist radio stations throughout this country. Hal Sparks decided to attack Dan Bongino for his take on Kamala Harris as a failed prosecutor and border czar which Hal Sparks did the same democratic fascist talking points and lies

that Kamala Harris was never the border czar.  Halvin Spark also upset that Bongino blasted this cackling bitch and the un-democratic principle ways the party put this stupid person failed Kamala Harris into the nomination and the ticket without one vote from a Democratic voter. of this loser in the media cheerleading and prompting up this puppet and horrible politician. Hal Sparks laughed and made fun of Dan Bongino and his accent and

other stuff which naturally he would never do face-to-face with Dan Bongino as he quite literally would get his ass kicked and be on the ground within 20 seconds. This is a state of media though as these far left internet trolls such as this homo Sparks decide and want to attack bigger names in order to get more clout followers and subscribers for

themselves. Al Sparks says some of the most egregious smears against other right-wing podcasters and essentially this is what Hal Sparks does with his small growing podcasts. All  this fuck face Sparks does is review talk clips of other programs and then he stops and talk shit about the person and the individual he is critiquing a video. 

      Again the gutless coward Hal Sparks likely would never debate or challenge these people as this idiot does nothing but lie and lying is an essential part of the Hal Sparks internet radio program in his propaganda YouTube channel. Hal Parks is a fucking

idiot typical democrat sycophant and race fascist as all he does is try to slander those on the other political spectrum of being a racist and this is what this piece of shit did through his smear attack video against Dan Bongino.  once again, we cannot

comprehend how someone who is an obvious spreader and misinformation and smear that Hal Sparks is  allowed to monetize on YouTube, yet InfoWars founder and hero Alex Jones isn't. This disgusting homosexual who's likely had 1,000 partners in his ass as of right now it's one of the more radical far-left lunatics one can come across on the internet. We always highly recommend this clown for a few good laughs in ability to do a blog post and troll back at the stupidity that is the internet program a former Queer as Folk actor bad comedian and dipshit YouTube talk show Alvin Sparks Jr

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