Introducing the Body language guy Jesus Enrique Rosas utterly dog bites Joe Biden and his last deranged failed Democratic Convention speech

 Brian Brain

     A outstanding new YouTuber introducing the Body Language guy who is this middle-aged man named Jesus Enrique Rosas who does a YouTube channel where he plays a video and identifies the body language that is being conducted in the video he is watching. The body language guy is an interesting YouTuber who has an outstanding show and recently he did a video where he critiqued Joe Biden psychotic speech at the Democratic convention.  Joe

Biden rancid and rabid speech perhaps for the last time on the national stage we will see this disgusting nothing but trouble nasty mother fucker. The body language guy looked at Joe Biden's eyes and movements and said clearly this man has lost motor skills and mental acuity and he often stops and forgets when he is speaking. he says Biden's brain is butter and has difficulty formulating the words that he's temporary forgetting. The body language guy also

seems to be a Republican bashing many of these Democrats in these videos who say he says are borderline socialist and as Joe Biden said that we have to save democracy in 2024 like that we did in 2020. 

     The body language guy pointed out the hypocrisy of Old Joe's comments. Camel Harris was not elected and there was no Democrat process to make this arrogant pompous ugly woman the Democrat nominee. One can clearly see through Joe Biden's body language then he is an undemocratic person the body language guy also went through Joe Biden's facial expressions as he repeated one hoax after another that he has repeated about Donald Trump for the past 3 years. Jesus says Joe Biden's speech was filled with him repeating all of these hoaxes one can hear the bullshit in his voice often getting stuck to his back throat making Joe cough often during these extreme hoax repeats. Body language guy also knows that in much of Joe Biden

speeches the correlation with former fascist like him such as Francisco Franco, Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini holding the fist as they speak as a sign of judgeship and gavel. Joe Biden clearly is a neoclassical narcissist who admires in acts like past fascists in the past and the resemblance of Joe Biden to the Latin American dictators in the Cold War era cannot be lost in comparison. Body language guy Jesus Rosas said that Joe Biden's brain is popcorn all

popped up and unable to move anymore and essentially this inability to speak and comprehend messages is why even the Democratic party top members declared decided that Joe Biden was unfit to serve anymore. Body language sky will not miss this habitual liar and sick narcissistic individual harass the country with his speeches and Biden will rank the worst

president in the nation's history. Joe Biden is dropping out because for the past 3 to 4 months he has been ruthlessly mocked and ridiculed effectively by bloggers social media influencers and the Fox News Network along with Newsmax. The utter humiliation was too much for the Democrats to continue and they started getting scared thus they change candidates during election cycle which is unheard of in the history of this country and given the Democrat party's tend to see the fascism might be a common occurrence whenever they are behind during an elections going forward

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