Serpentza defends MMA fighter defeating Tai Chi and Kung Fu Masters brings him vast amounts of death threats as the Jinping Xi YouTube critic is used to this hate coming from China

      Troy York

    YouTubers Serpentza is no stranger to the hate mail and death threats that have come with Chinese lettering. The former resident of China for over a decade turned YouTuber and Chinese expert Serpentza recently did a video praising a Chinese MMA fighter ahhh Koi Dao who has been humiliating Kung Fu and Tai Chi Masters as Serpentza says that these Chinese martial arts are not real

fighters and can't stand up longer than 10 seconds to these MMA masters and fighters. A recent video of the Chinese MMA fighter humiliating and beating Kung Fu Masters has made this round Serpentza praised these MMA fighters after blasting the Chinese martial arts for the failure that it is and not being the superpower that long has been

given by the Chinese sycophants out there in the West.  Lord Serpentza has received so many death threats from far-left Pro Chinese lunatics in AmeriCCPa and angered Chinese Tai Chi and Kung Fu practitioners in China made a video mocking the Kung Fu Fighters losing to professional boxers and MMA

fighters. The serpent Serpentza  had another Chinese expert guest and the frequent critic of Chinese Orange face dictator Jinping Xi Mr Serpentza now is facing a new round of hate mail and death threats coming his way from these Chinese nationalists and cult members for Jinping Xi. Serpenter and his guest also talked about a crazed Kung Fu Master who has challenged Mike Tyson to a fight and these two left and find it absurd that this Kung Fu Master thinks he can take on a professional boxer even one well past his prime

     Serpentza also did a video where he says Jinping Xi may one day see an uprising and himself put behind bars and this so angered supposedly the Chinese dictator that he has put a hit in a reward against Serpentza and the man could never return to the home country of his wife where he used to reside for the past 10 to 15 years. The number of

death threats is Serpentza has received is ever lasting the Chinese government and their Orange dictator Jinping Xi have been insurmountable and now a new round of American martial arts activists and

supporters are sending the Chinese expert vlogger  even more death threats. Sir Serpentza says that despite this mail order death threats he will continue to mock the Chinese dictator and the authoritarian rule and law of this king like figure in Chiona who rules with a iron fist and like a king. In addition, the supporters of martial arts Serpentza says can kiss his arse as he doubled down on the shit talk of Chinese martial arts and says as the videos suggest any MMA trained fighter could send a Kung Fu mother fucker to his knees within 20

seconds and Jinping Xi knows this and this is why the Orange thin-skinned Chinese dictator outlawed this sport . Kung Fu and its role in propping up a one-party evil state and ever octopus type expansive government that is the Chinese Empire is a disgrace.  Serpentza will not be silenced by the death threats coming from the

Chinesephiles and the Red communists and Orange dictators in China and he will continue to hammer and sickle these hammer and sickle commie bastards that have worked with the American and big business to expanded slave networks within its country and to repress the average Chinese citizen by a craze oligarchy that works hand in hand together in both countries.

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