Wild willies Don't Drop The Soap and by Creatably the most repulsive advertising ever

 A disgusting gay prison rape themed commercial  by creatably  is perhaps the most repulsive advertising ever. Wild Willies is some soap brand that had an ad  created by the advertising agency named Creatably .This disgusting soap and its commercial that is being seen on YouTube perhaps is the most repulsive advertising ever seen with its "Don't Drop The Soap" portrays prisoners and the myth that if you drop the soap men would only rape you and indeed according to the people who made this commercial

male prison anal rape is a funny thing. This disgusting commercial made so many references to anal sex as it appeared to be more of a troll and a parady of them singing and pushing the actual product, which is some bizarre natural soap product that most people will not spend for high prices. Don't Drop The Soap by Wild Willies is the most

reprehensible ad commercial I've ever seen and might have been one of the few times I actually watched an entire commercial on YouTube. Wild Willie's portrays some guy who's having to fight off dancing prisoners as he dropped the soap and in it they are more interested in his soap than his actual anus hole. The stupidity of advertising it's beyond any comprehension and the amazes me that it is not called out more by the media as commercials nowadays utterly help and lead to the cultural and mental decline of many of the populations addicted to television. Wild Willies is indeed one of the more disgusting ad agency concocted ideas ever to sell a product and we are supposed to laugh at the idea of male

prisoners having ass rape with one another.                   The disgusting aspect should be off YouTube, and I have contacted YouTube  several times to get this disgusting ad off my fucking phone as I don't want to see these stupid commercials that were created by Creatably.  There's no creativity in this stupid ad campaign where a guy wants to take his soapy shower and clean himself, but has to dodge male rapists in Orange uniforms who are ready to pounce and clean his butthole for him. This is really one of the more reprehensible advertising campaigns I've ever seen and Wild Willie should be banned and taking off just for the stupidity alone of these commercials and how

unfunny they are waste of time. Do not buy Wild Willy's sick soap and their Don't Drop The Soap product until they put out a more reputable and normal type of commercial instead of the garbage that they are currently running right now primarily on the internet websites and the Youboob.

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