YouTube personality Larry Smoove does backflips for Trump jumps on Kamala supporters

     Ahmed Abdul

      YouTube personality and interesting jumper Larry Smoove loves to troll the shit cities in america. Larry Smooth often goes to the most ghetto neighborhoods in large American Blue Democrat cities and find some of the shittiest convenience stores that in many cases are the only stores in these horrible neighborhoods. Larry Smooth then trolls the ghetto wretches by doing backflips as customers are talking to or berating usually the clerk and the utterly amazing and smooth agile ability of Larry is often

displayed in his amazing YouTube channel. Ther Smooth one recently went to Oakland in San Francisco, the home of Kamala Harris, and did several backflips talking of the horrible candidacy of this likely Democrat nominee for the upcoming 2024 election. Larry Smooth is a smooth dude and a half who has a small frame and quite literally can do triple black flips from the counter of a clerk at a shitty urban convenience store. 

       The ability of Larry Smooth to quite literally risk his neck and take a chance of breaking it is utterly amazing as this man is an amazing YouTube channel host. Larry Smooth has let the world be known that he was willing to do black backflips and to troll the urban black female population who is more than willing to vote for inferior candidates based on the race. There quite literally needs to be a Olympic event for ghetto convenience store jumping and

clearly, if there were such an event Larry smooth likely would sweep the gold events. The back flipping ability of this man is unchallenged in every corner around the globe and nobody can jump and troll like Mr Smooth.

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