Black genocidal killer Marcellus Williams finally executed in Missouri for brutal lynching of journalist Felicia Gayle in another sensless hate genocide murder on whote womenin 1998

       Wally Jackson

     A black sadistic evil monster has finally been executing for a brutal murder in University City Missouri a block black monster named Marcellus Williams brutally butchered a white woman named whose house he broken into and he grabbed a butcher knife and brutally stabbed over 80 times now there were many people on Tick Tock and other extreme leftist anti-white sick individuals in our society who are trying to prevent this execution and trying to lie and make claim that Marcellus Williams was innocent despite the overwhelming evidence  in their fucking face. The number of white women for only murdered in lynched by black men since 1960's as well to the 200,000 and these women should be having memorial wall like a Vietnam War in remembrance to racial hatred and injustice in this country. The injustice sof so many women being targeted because of their gender and race through anti-white rage.... the rage hate that liberals have taught the black man to commit often. 

     The murder of Marcella Williams committed against Felicia Gayle was just one of many black on white murders that have occurred in this in our country since the late fifties and these Emmett Till murders as I call them are revenge racially hate murders committed by black men with extreme obsession and hatred for white women. This extreme hatred often leads to murder of which this occurred in 1998 and inexplicably the man was still alive until last week. Thankfully, this monster Marcella

Williams has been executed and he is at the gates of hell for his brutal crime, but the fact very evil black man can live 26 years after heinous murder such as this and you have black supremacists many of whom are white holding this man's name is precious and speaking on behalf of this animal is utterly reprehensible. The fact woke Black power and supremacists prosecutors in St Louis country would attempt to save tis a obvious criminal and savage killer mans life despite the overwhelming guilt because of the color of skin is further evidence many prosecutors are racist and wish for these race murders against white people to go unprosecuted and unpunished.

      Black supremacist St Louis prosecutor Wesley bell fought hard to get Marcellus conviction overturned and released from jail as he had been done many times for Marcellus as a lifelong violent felon who should of been locked up and not in Lisha Gayle's house butchering and stabbing her to death. The fact so many people and media presented a false narrative trying to lie about this animals innocence was shocking and appalling and further evidence of the depravity of the people who defend and try to release these sick killers and animals like Marcellus Williams.  We don't hear much about the white victim with this weird media blitz of support and drive to save and give freedom to this black monster Marcellus Williams by the psychopaths who lie about him being innocent. Felecia Gayle was a 42 year old white woman who was showering when this savage broke into her house and pounced on her like the

animal that he is and he and as a true crime writer I am incredulous to how many black and white lynchings have occurred. The real victim is not the killer psychopath Marcellus but Ms. Gayle and her name and other white women brutally murdered and raped pout of hate is not more as known as Emmett Till. These Emmett Till murders need to be called out and the women brutally murdered by black racism hate and rage often induced by liberals wanting to make black martyrs and victims a daily talk topic, however the real victims of racial violence in this country are  white women like Felicia Gayle who have been brutally murdered by black men much more often and done so brutally in the same example breaking into their house a grabbing a knife. Justice and execution has finally been delivered for scum Marcellus Williams and his family should be forced to pay the family of Felecia reparations when brutal rape race murder crimes like these occur this brutal murder have finally been redeemed with this evil individuals execution. Marcella Williams you can go to hell

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