Narely Opto comes to O block in Chicago nearly gets killed

 Ramon Ramos

       Answering our challenge from a year ago to come to O block in Chicago and do these silly ass pranks Opto of Top Notch Idiots answer the call in a yet shocking and appalling video. Opto and his gang went to the most dangerous neighborhood perhaps in the whole country. O block is this area of 100% Black Gang segregation and pretty

much all the streets are named with an O for a 5x6 block area with extreme gang violence, thuggery, and skull fuckery as James Kuntsdler Howard would say. Optovious  ofTop Notch Videos nearly got his ass killed as he,  AJ and the Mexican dog looking Aldo, and a kenya wes tlooking black pranker

came to the Chicago area and one of the most epic and egregious Top Notch videos of all time. The arrogance of Opto thinking he can watch around O block must have been pre-planned and in no way to this guy just have an organic video of going through O block and doing these pranks in our opinion. 

     Opto and his highly skilled and very wealthy young autocrats paid a bunch of thugs to appear in their videos and to chase them around as if Opto really did these prank thug videos he'd be 6 ft under pushing daisies and being snacked on by maggots. Opto's crazed old Block Chicago prank is

being challenged online and many people are getting tired of this nonsense and dumbass skull fuckery as James Howard Kuntsler would say after a touched up Top Notch Videos doing these pre-arranged pranks with gang members and paying them fast amount of money. Opto is not really is still fucking around to find find out as yet

these gang members could turn on him and just kill him or take him hostage and demand that Optovious very wealthy Armenian relatives pay up to get his silly ass back out. Optovious and the homosexual looking AJ are hilarious and where the Alpo Aldo dog has been no one knows and many people are hoping that he returns. There are rumors that Aldo even died in did some bad

Fentanyl and if this is true and Top Notch Videos makes no mention of this young man's death and this is a disgrace. What is also a disgrace though is fucking around and finding out and one of these days much like Classified Goon's Tanner Cook optimally find a bullet in his chest for one of these pranks and we highly recommend that Abdul stop

these Thug inner city prank videos for his own safety. Opto also has to remember that in the ghetto there is a tremendous amount of hate brewing against Venezuelans and for all these O block dudes could have thought is Opto is and indeed he looks like a Venezuelan. We worry for Opto and AJ safety here at this blog

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