Nick Johnson comes to Springfield, Ohio to cover the Haitian Invasion he tells Tyler Olieria to fuck off

      Ed Anger

   The incredible YouTube vlogger known as Nick Johnson is one of our favorites and we vastly defend him to the dying links of the universe Mr Johnson has finally gone out of Hawaii in Alaska and his obsession with being a credible spots of America and he has come back to fly by country and Little America to check out the crisis with the Haitian dog eaters in Springfield Ohio. In addition.. in addition Nick Johnson also gave his take on a recent lawsuit and feud that he has now going with fellow traveler and

interviewer Tyler Oliveira. Mr Johnson spoke to several people in Springfield, Ohio who say that the Haitians are given $10,000 monthly credit cards to spend at will and that they are pushing native born American blacks and whites out of Springfield. Many people that Mr Johnson spoke to say there is a conspiracy to push them out of this town

and turn it into a Haitian colony and indeed it appears through Nick Johnson's interviews that this is indeed the case. Kamala Harris and Joe Biden disdain Middle America and they want to replace it with loyal subjects from the third world and the importing of Haitians into this Midwest Ohio city is clearly another tactic of migrant attack that has been a favorite of the Democrat Party. 

     This occurred in Chicago in the sixties and seventies as fast amount of Puerto Ricans were planted in a various North side and Northwest side white neighborhood and the conflict I have studied for some two decades that occurred in Chicago and many other places and best defined by these movie West Side Story between the Jets and the Sharks based in Manhattan.  This same tactic is being used by the globalist Democrats always want to get people move and for profit and make political new territory gains for the Democrat Party. Nick Johnson spoke to several people who talked about the

preference the government has given the foreign-born Haitians over native born Americans and they put full blame on it on the Democratic party and Joe Biden. Mr Johnson tried to get the Haitian point aside but quite literally no Haitian would talk to him and when Johnson was in Springfield the Haitians were staying low none of the obscene and egregious mad car driving and tire burnouts were seen that the locals have been accusing them. 

    Nick Johnson also addressed the Tyler Oliveria video where he plans to sue Nick Johnson for giving him a strike on YouTube and Nick Johnson says that when he puts out a video it is not meant to be used by other people for their own YouTube channel. big Nick Johnson told Tyler Oliveria into fuck off and that he is not to use any of his content and if he does it again he'll get another fucking strike any call from the YouTube offices. Nick Johnson loves to come to the most tensioned filled areas for his videos at the  area at the modern current moment. In fact, there was rumors that Tyler Oliveria and Nick Johnson might actually bump heads and being this area the same week and whether this will occur remains to be seen. Tyler needs to chill out and understand that all because someone puts stuff on YouTube it doesn't give you free access to it as a creator to just take it without compensation no matter how short you may think it is. Meanwhile Nick Johnson talked to various Americans who explained the situation with a Haitians and how much money they are given with one guy pointing out a Haitian neighbor who had $100,000 Lexus car. I wonder if Tyler will try to use any of this video of Nick Johnson's recent inquiry in Springfield, Ohio for one of his videos.  In addition, cats and geese have been disappearing and Nick Johnson showed a disturbing video of 10 pigs and their heads sliced and skinned left in the hillside that clearly which had the Haitian trademark and could be traced to the 20,000 Haitians that Kamala Harris has helped throw in the middle of a town out of the blue for no reason. Kamala is following the Bozo Biden plan to harass Middle America and this could explain the preferential treatment for Haitians and this is the groundwork of kamala's Haitian directed attack again this town in Ohio. Nick Johnson cannot help to notice that he had no talk back from the Haitians to defend this obvious and global land grab and political point from the Democrat fascist party

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