The Hodge twins slam Tyreek Hill and his actions after being stopped by Miami police

      Troy York 

    The incredible Hodge Twins of YouTube Earl and Buck Hodge utterly destroyed in body slammed Miami Dolphin scumbag wide receiver to Tyreek Hill. Mr Hill was going 101 miles per hour when stopped by the police near the Miami Stadium and the video of his arrest has gone viral with many people making false claims that racism had to do with it.  The Hodge Twins utterly ridiculed Tyreek Hill's comments and racial skull fuckery that he went on to accuse the Miami Police and The Hodge Twins say that black men like Tarek Hill with their slang are an embarrassment to black people and put them in bad look. The Hodge Twins gave their opinion of this arrest and situation put full blame and Tyreek Hill who refused to pull down his window and then started

talking lip to the cop for knocking on his tinted window when he had the window closed. Tareek Hill is indeed the problem of the professional athlete today are pure scum the vast majority and Mr Hill is just lucky to be being paid what he does in this corrupt economy that pays so many illiterate dumbasses huge amounts of millions to catch ball and wear silly costumes as Shaun Thompson of WIND  radio in Chicago would say. 

    The Hodge Twins mocked Tariq Hill and his actions and talk throughout this video as they replayed totally saying the police were justified in that if he's lucky he wasn't thrown on the ground. Earl Hodge said that if he was a police officer he would have grabbed his baton and broke the

motherfuckers window and elite and privilege athlete and his ego has been out of control through the massive millions that are given to these fools. Tyreek Hill quite literally thinks he is of more importance being much more inflated and this explains to each and every NFL athlete and his teammates all have expensive Ferrari type cars. The only reason they spend so much on cars is to feel entitled, advantaged, and superiority to other people as we as stated before without football Tyreek Hill would be in a prison cell block and a state penitentiary. 

     The Hodge Twin said is these entitled ballers feel their importance is greater than public safety and need and explains why so many of these athletes are often stop for speeding drugs and other Reckless Behavior and actions especially on the road. The Hodge Twins utterly devastated this silly fuck known as Tyreek Hill and the lame

excuses and crying that he did about the police and how they acted when he refused to comply at all. Make no mistake, Tyreek Hill is an egregious asshole who thinks he's above the law and he can do anything he wants and this explains his talking smack immediately when the police came to him after stopping him for going over a hundred miles per hour in a 55 Zone. To say that Tarek Hill the Miami Dolphins is a stupid dumb motherfucker undeserving of his income would be an understatement

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