Weird space creep Mark Kelly continues to insist there's no illegal alien border problem as he gets drunk at the Star Wars Cantina again

      Wally Jackson

       The disgusting alien looking Mark Kelly is this space man horrible US senator and duymb looking mother fucker form Arrizon. The horrific monsterisque looking Us senator was blasted like a ray gun last week when the bald head of Mr Kelly lied out of his ugly old astro ass. Mr Kelly tried to deny the truth that there is border crisis and massive money funneling and invasion is taking place as the for-profiteering of human illegal migration is a fact that democrats like Kelly are allowing. mark Kelly is a drunk like a skunk bum often traveling to Tatooine and going to the local loco Cantianat ...the truck space shop often getting kicked out and random aliens killed and how this freak fucker Uncle Fester looking jackass got himself elected in the US senate to begin with. 

      This scumbag Mark Kelly in other Democrat politicians have allowed an open border invasion from latino America and this geeky motherfucker who was elected because he was an astronaut quite literally doesn't believe in borders and has often stated that when he's in space he doesn't see borders. Mark Kelly is a bald ugly motherfucker who would quit who would fit right in with the Star Wars scene of the bar cantina scene of aliens. Make no mistake, Kelly Mark represents the existential threat to this country.

Arizona senator Mark Kelly 😒crying to Jack Tapper at CNN fake new 

The ability of Mark Kelly to lie to the media and the American people about the crisis at the border is utterly reprehensible and this silly jackass needs to be removed from the US Senate given his dishonesty ability and willingness to allow foreigners to get privileges and access to all of our resources. Whether it be welfare or other R Kelly lies of his bald ass when he says that the Republicans backed off on a comprehensive immigration deal which is a lie. 

     Mark Kelly is lying as this fucker misleads the American people that talk was being done but no finalized actual deal was prepared before Trump called the Republican Senators and told them to kill it. Mark Kelly has no evidence, and he lies and this space alien jackass Star Wars alien looking scumbag is just one of another typical lying Democrat. There was strong disagreement among the border deal and

attempts for a bipartisan deal was indeed attempted and some agreements were made but the final deal was not done why Mark Kelly thinks the American people are so stupid that the Republicans would stop a border comprehensive deal for the election is just plain stupid. It is as stupid as Mark

Kelly looks. Mark Kelly is a geek from Mars who loves to go tattooing and get drunk in the Star Wars Cantina scene that we love and the Republicans need to do everything to get this space cadet out of office when his term is up. Make no mistake scum like Hakiim Jefferies and Mark Kelly are responsible for the dangerous situation with Venezuelan gangs taking over the city of Aurora, Colorado.

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