YouTuber PillznarRy roughs up Tim Waltz's ugly and stupid wife Gwen Waltz in Epic video

Troy York

     PillznarRy has a small audience of 1,000 yet the man does incredible conservative and right-wing YouTube talker utterly unloaded on Tim Walz's  weird wife playing a video of this woman from last week where this psychotic eyes of this crazy when Waltz frightened half the nation. The clearly craziness of Gwen Waltz was mocked by YouTuber PillznarRy who mocked and stopped each of every stupid comment made by this lunatic woman. PillznarRy counted to the number of times this crazy woman Gwen Walz said the same goddamn thing over and over again and at one moment for five times she said "guess what" and just kept repeating herself in a deranged and delusional speech why the Democrats allow this obviously sick and mentally unfit woman to speak remains a mystery. Perhaps after her repulsive speech during a Democrat Party rally the Democrats will put a kibosh on this crazy-eyed evil woman from speaking again PillznarRy utterly and loaded how this woman talked to the American people in this rally like they were kindergarteners and quite literally the Democrat Party thinks of the average citizen as a first and second grader. 

    Gwen Waltz is clearly a deranged sociopath who kept talking about turning the page but as many people have already pointed out you can't turn a page when you're part of the page that stuck much like a sticky part of a book that gets stuck together when it gets wet the Democrats are the ones who we need to turn the page on This crazy women like Jill Biden and Gwen Waltz who marry into our political class are indeed a major  eco problem within our political system. Gwen Walz like her husband is a sick and crazy individual who has no business being in our political system or anywhere near the top and she represents a existential threat to this country. PillznarRy utterly humiliated this nutty woman and crazy way of speaking in front of a crowd and in no way could it be a net positive for the Democrats to have crazy eyes Gwen Waltz to speak as a way she did and the eve of our election. We need to turn the page open psychotic weirdos like Jill Biden and Gwen Walz in positions of power and just acting just silly scummy and ....weird. 

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