Otto jansen

Fidel Castro is not happy with the robust sales of the latest video game of Call of Duty. This black ops addition targets him for assassination in this latest reincarnation of a violent video game. I have ranted on these stupid violent video games and want to see the courts do something about these companies like Activision hiding behind freedom of speech things to sell their bad products. In this case however I am glad that it has irritate a man in Cuba that has irritated this country for fifty years. This is man who knows nothing of term limits and it is because he is a dictator why he fears assassinations so much as he does. If the Cuban people actually got freedom and games like this it would make them think more about their own situations and why they have no elected political process at work in Cuba. He knows that this is the only method of getting him out of office. Why should we care about some dictators feelings who has refused to give the people in his little banana island no freedom. It is just to bad that real special operation forces could not have taken this man out in 1975 and the only way we will be able to get to him is in the cyber world. This game was a few years back and Fiedel is still going strong and puffing away despite his various war crimes over the years in Cuba.
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