Les Leopold's book marvelous peice of work

 this book is marvelous. This book is a long read and very important for a better understanding on how our friends on Wall Street and the hedge fund community fund their retirements and lifestyles while trying to take away pensions from the working class.This step by step guide by Mr Leopold shows the steps others in the financial industry have taken to assure their domination and bonuses continue in the American economy. Les shows what happens when a small portion of the nation is allowed to set the rules and siphon the wealth of the country towards their industries. They justify their rising incomes that the poorly regulated financial industry has been allowed for the financial beneficial of the few involved in this casino system backed up by the Fed's printing presses.
  Mr Leopold suggest rigging your bets,lieing,distraction,political buying, and tax dodging for those who want to join the million dollar an hour club, Les talks about the high speed trading and income these fuckheads make and manipulate the markets. he mentions how limits on speculation will limit jobs is often used by these private equity guys. Rumormongering and illegal inside trading are other options they use to make profits while government has to cut jobs and services for others outside these banking scammer systems. Les suggests a transaction tax is needed to put these funds and financial traders on a more evening playing ground and the tax would redistribute the wealth of nation for other important interests outside the banking world. Les points out another tactic how these million dollar an hour club members divert attention from Wall Street to government debt. This book is an awesome look at how the manipulators of the economy have earned their way to the top of America's income distribution curve and the shady bad ways they have accomplished this.

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