The many false flags of Alex Jones

 Troy York

 Alex Jones is so worried these days. The rights of anyone being able to buy a semi-automatic weapon is a right he cherishes no matter how mass shootings this nation suffers from. Any time there is a new mass shooting this numbskull goes on the air and declares it a false flag to confiscate your guns. It is these same guns that are free and available to get without much regulation that is killing people in the streets and people like Alex jo0nes want the government to step aside and allow these atrocities to continue. I really don't want mentally imbalanced people like Alex Jones being able to purchase as many guns as possible. Guns need to be taken away from mentally unstable folks like Mr Jones and a complete evaluation of all veterans with guns needs to be made. A background check of all new gun purchases needs to be implemented immediately. There will be more mass shootings and calls to finally evoke action to solving this problem but as long as people in medias like Alex Jones are out there spreading paranoia lies the process for change gets more difficult. These people who come up with these false notions of false flags with no creditability need to be taken off the air and called out for what the lobbyists for the gun industry they really are.

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