Ali Muhammed
Ali Muhammed
The planned female day of driving was attempted again in Saudi Arabia as some female activists again try to press to drive an automobile. Why women continue to try to defy local customs and laws in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia is utterly incomprehensible. A Western style feminist movement will never be tolerated by men in the gulf region and allowing it would utterly destroy the Islamic faith. Luckily a strong police presence ready to crack down on these protests made the protest small and ineffective. Saudi Arabia is the only country to bar women from driving. It also forbids them from travelling abroad, opening a bank account or working without permission from a male relative. these laws are necessary In Saudi Arabia to help keep the kingdom free of political protests and instability and if Americans want their cheap oil and gas guzzlers economical and affordable they need to hold their noses and keep quit. What amazes me is how the United States and people in media try to agitate problems in other countries when they see a part of that culture and a rule they cannot understand. Saudi Arabia and the gulf region are a car centric lands with cities built overnight however public transportation usually was not a part of the quick infrastructure. This is a non-issue and if women were strong enough in Saudi Arabia to work the crucial jobs to the economy such as pumping oil for exportation perhaps they would have more respect from men from Arab lands. Saudi women have no right to drive where ever they please and that expectation is obviously futile as oil will run out before they are allowed to have this freedom. Giving women driving freedoms in Saudi Arabia would ultimately destroy the family and close cohesiveness Saudis have and surly this is the ultimate goal of western activists.
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