Coyotes are at your kitchen door dude

Jake Glass

Coyotes at the Kitchen door is a story about basically wildlife and suburbia mixing together. The author Stephan Destefano lives in a big lot in the animals habitat and has much experience of animals surrounding his home. This entertaining account talks about the spread of humanity across the vast wilderness of America and are extreme prejudices that eradicated many predators in areas around humans. This has helped some species spread more and into the ranges people have selfishly taken for their own at the expense of wildlife. This book gives some hope that wildlife and man can co-exist especially his part of the inquisitive nature of people when they saw a moose that had to be moved away from settlements in
Massachusetts. The fact that there were even moose in Massachusetts shows the success wildlife is having as government does a better job in management and hunting regulation. Education is the key to get people to realize that your suburban and rural living choices are the reasons for more interaction with wildlife and encounters need to be understanding that wildlife was here long before people decided to put up their three car garage house. This book often ends the chapters with a nature story involving Coyotes interacting and adjusting to the changes in the environment we have created and how this animal is able to adapt perhaps better than all species. Coyotes are like dogs but avoid them like the plague as they are often associated with humans and the dangers associated with people. However at extreme times and hunger Coyotes desperately will be at your kitchen door in need to feed. A great suburban sprawl/wildlife book.

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