There was this story of some woman who bought a can of tuna and was shocked to see some squid like character with beady eyes staring at her after she took a fork and twirled this strange non-tuna thing in her in this company called princes and the cheap tuna in the can. She was startled and jumped back as the thing moved and was still alive as she proceeded to fork it to death. This English woman then took several pictures of the thing and went to her phone book to look for the cheapest attorney. Several Internet stories showed her Instagram photos and published this story about this odd tuna can story and why we always need to inspect the shut that is in these cans the global corporatists try to pass off as food. The tuna industry is one that has been under the radar of activists with all the other creatures the kill in their hunt for wild tuna of the seas and to smash them up and overly price them in little cans at super markets.
Several scientists have studied the object and have yet been unable to identify what this strange peculiar object and species of fish to be but one can clearly state that it does not belong in any tuna can even a worthless company as this prince. One must always be diligent when opening up one of these cans and inspecting every piece of meat that they claim came from a tuna instead of some unidentified sea clam.

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