Lionel Wagner
The hatred expressed for the Confederate flag and Southern pride by liberals in the media has been the disgusting story of 2015. The likes of a Rachel Maddow and a Chris Hayes among many mock this flag as a symbol and want to see full abolishment of this image and flag everywhere in society whether on old police chase television programs or on the cover of music albums.

Liberals like a David pakman and Sam Sedar say that this image represents slavery and oppression instead of the bravery of the Southern lower classes that unlike the slaves fought back hard to draw away from an oppressive form of government that always used violence to settle their disagreements and prior to the brave Vietnamese it was the Confederate banner that came the closest to defeating the Eagle empire of the red,white, and blue.
I am just wondering how long will it be before a Rachel Maddow comes on MSNBC and demand that Texas changes its state flag. This is a flag that fought against brutal

Comanche raiders and villianous Mexican banditos slaughtering many in order to bring this land under control from depredations from savages and villainous Vaqueros. the same reasoning an idiot like Chris Hayes will declare that the Confederate flag needs to be pulled down from a cemetery on the state grounds retards can use against the great flag of Texas and all that was achieved for civilization accomplishing much to clear the land from the evils of control from both Mexican dictatorial and brutal slaughtering Comanche murderers. The Comanches would slaughter all peoples for fun and the flag of Texas represents the brave rangers that took to the horses and flight after these cowardly killers of families and children yet liberals likely will push and claim the Texas flag is no different from the Confederate banner or Swastika
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