Ed West
The Islamic kid who brought bomb looking clock into a suburban Dallas school district was rightfully arrested and some media outlets proclaimed the audacity of his family using him as an agenda. This clock story was a total set up as his rotten Muslim activist father went fishing for some discrimination activity in an area that had Islamic terrorist attempts in recent months. the Mohamed family has a history of making bizarre accusations including a bomb threat made by this punks sister and people with intellect with wires and connectivity need to be investigated such as this kid. Ahmed may of even done this to cry out about the shit going on in his religious extremist nut-ball family in texas constantly trying to find ways to play victim from the infidel.

Sam Sedar as host of the liberal scum show and pro-Islamic leftist majority report used this case for several days as his warped example of Islamaphobia because police wondered why he brought a suitcase clock to school. Sedar and his co-hart studio sidekicks were angry and upset as other educated liberals sided with authorities for questioning this kid and making the arrest. Sedar's disdain for Sam Harris is well-known but he also went on a tangent criticizing bill Maher for bringing up that this clock looked like a fucking bomb. That was the intention of the Mohamed family in seeking media attention and social media bullshit from liberals to bash the system. They do this so they can have some lawsuit case and highlight of perceived discrimination against this fucking group that does its own discrimination at will. Liberals from the web all over from daily beast to Daily Kos blasted Bill Maher through articles but I just want to focus on the shit named Sam Sedar.

They talk about the hard on that Maher has against Muslims but what is the fascination and hard on fucks like Sam Sedar have for fucking Muslims. who cares if the kid was fourteen years old there are terrorists all over the Middle East blowing up people in the name of their God and we have to be vigilant as hell against these people to ensure what happens on a daily occurrence does not happen on our soil with these nuts.

Sam Sedar and apologists for Muslim extremism seem to wish that we fall and have daily occurrences of bombed out schools and markets because they have such rage and hate for their own country and people. They hate the idea of Bill Maher and Sam Harris who are not usually thought of or aligned with the right expressing their opinions and views that do not correspond to the views of their extreme leftist opinions on the enemy of my enemy must be my friend view.
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