Matt Taibbi cant beleive this republican field for president

Clifford Gifford
   Matt Taibbi has been following the Ben Carson campaign and other Republicans this election cycle thus far and cannot believe the absurdity of all the candidates. He has been making the rounds of liberal podcasts and programs talking about the insaneness that he has visualized thus far in the republican debates. Taibbi says tis is one of the most historical elections and may be the election cycle that the populace finally sees the republicans lose all control and appearance of an actual functioning political party. The Republican party is actually been a party for and by the rich and their elected officials have done their best to keep this status quo for the very few at the top of the economic food chain. The Republicans and their fractious in-fighting we are seeing has been the culmination of years of political insiders and contributors driving moderates out of the political party and is why we see this party as the extreme rightwing crazy trolls as they are. Taibbi is very concerned with the populist image of a Donald Trump and his candidacy and we can fully expect another great book from the writings of this great writer. We can catch a glimpse of what I expect to be a book of his about this election for the soul of the republican arty as he has a Rolling Stones magazine piece about these idiots running for the republican nomination and has usual it is entertaining as hell. Taibbi will be on more and more video programs and maybe some network to talk about the clown show the Republican candidates are and the bizaro world of reality we see that these knuckleheads are able to achieve as serious candidates only because of the money funneled towards them by the one percent. Matt Taibbi kicks ass.

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