Cody Maloney
The Wall street Journal is back up toilet paper in the offices of the Right Bull and another writer wrote on March 23 to what the Republicans must do to derail the Donald rump candidacy because it doesn't jive with the free-trade and money migration agenda of the elites. Moronic writer named William Galston says a third-party Republican candidate needs to run independently and would actually have a great shot of winning the presidency from a public horrified about the prospects of a Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton race.

He says that previous court rulings have allowed easy access for a well-organized campaign to quickly get on the ballot of all fifty states and a systematic effort to deny a Donald Trump the presidency needs to be attempted ASAP according to this needledick writer of the Wall Street Journal who is clearly scared at the prospect of a populist movement getting us out of all these trade deals that have only benefitted the already extremely rich owners of industry such as the Wall street Journal print media empire.

The ideas presented by tis jerk William Galston to deny the democratic rights of people who have put Donald Trump way into the lead is nefarious and another example of the wealthy trying to control everything in society and keep the status quo in which their tiny class has accomplished so much having an opportunity to live a life debt-free and away from the debt slaves that are propelling the likes of Bernie sanders and Donald Trump.

William Galston is just another nutty think tank clown given access to producing articles because he is a old clown and not open up to new ideas of change that a onald Trump proposes that would improve things for those not able to survive through the charity of think tanks.

This is a guy head of the Brookings conservative institute and think thank who try to set their agenda and values to the rest of society and often blame poverty on the fact people don't have wholesome families and traditional patriarchal family structures these days as the cause of their poverty. It is more likely that the social demands and goals of conservatives favors those from traditional families and religion background where they get the preferred jobs and help as against those females wishing to have children without the father or a father not wanting to stay in a relationship with the mother of his child. it is thinking like this that prefers to promote the likes of traditional family structure folks in corporate world and one can only look at college football coach hiring where 99 of all college coaches are married men with two or ore children as indicative of the stats that a William Galston claim about marriage and wealth.The likes of William Galston want total control for conservatives and see the state as the enemy ad thus a Donald Trump not worthy ofr right-wing conservative enough to be the president. William Galston is just another right-wing think tank and Wall street Journal contributor jagoff trying to mislead business class people against Donald trump

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