Earl "Bam Bam" Cunningham
Les Grobstein is a Chicago area sports announcer whose only claim to fame is getting a former Chicago Cubs manager to go off on a jack off tirade in front of cameras. Lester Grobstein is typical of big city American sports fans and is a traditionalist as heart loving the seventh inning stretch and watching grown men snuff tobacco and swing bats at balls. I will call Les from time to time talking American collision ball and basebore from time to time an always try to ask about sports uniforms. It seems Les hates the idea of change in games and no where else does this come in the form of uniforms and logs as Les Grobstein gets touchy on the idea of the Chicago Cubs and bears changing logos. Both of Chicago's beloved teams are resistant to change in aesthetics and both have uniforms that are about as visually appealing as a Saddam Hussein poster. baseball todays serves as a sports nobility for rich white men with a heavy dose of upper class Latin players and the curve of the rosters coming from higher income backgrounds is a topic that will never be discussed by the corporate sports media.

This is because they want to keep the tradition of this sport always being a primarily white one. Sometimes I wonder when soccer, Aussie football, and rugby will make it America but as long as there are dimwits controlling the sports industry and old commentators having a voice like Grobstein America will be stuck with the "dumb" sports of baseball , football, and hockey getting more press and air time and old dudes like Grobstein are part of the proble

m. Les grobstein is no Dave Zirin and this is a guy who supposedly pooped in his pants one time on air according to colleges and other sports gossip sites. Les Grobstein would poop in his pants at the idea of the Chicago bears getting rid of that stupid C on their helmet or the Cubs changing their lame blue instrip uniforms with a red C and spelled out Cubs name logo that they have had fucking forever because old corporate jagoffs like Les want to continue all traditions. Bammmmm.

The Bears and cubs baseball uniforms are lame and change is needed at times to get more interest in these franchises whose only followership has to do with monopolies and lack of interest of Chicago sports fans in finding other team sports following. Baseball only survives thanks to sports marketing and the corporate dollars diverted towards advertising and sponsorship towards this traditional sport which is increasingly having issues and problems with its own players not wanting to be branded and reminded of baseballs bad duds or that helmets can't protect players brains. The idea that many of these teams are resistant to changes in fashion is also ore reason to ridicule these traditions.

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