Jordon Morgan
Bud Cooper should of known better before answering Gretchen the whores ad on Rockford's back pages ads. there was ample evidence and previous posts from other Johns' who had been profusely burned by the terrible hit and run services of this nasty escort twat in rural/urban Rockford, Illinois fly by country city. Bud should of been more cautious when answering prostitute ads off the internet in a shithole like Rockford, Illinois.

Gretchen is a nasty blonde in the area so high as a fucking kite and the number of negative reviews tis skank has accumulated is astonishing if one looks at the reviews on the internet. Gretchen has numerous police mug shots as she is always getting arrested for selling quick bad sex and being on drugs at all times of the night. She works on a lingerie shop on 7th street in Rockford and had to get fired from that job as she was so high as a fucking kite and the customers complained she was sore and in pain all of the time.

Bud Cooper, our beloved but rare Right Bull writer, got swindled and bamboozled last weekend by this bitch and he was curing up a storm in the office all week refusing to answer any deadlines and write any stories anywhere on the various blogosphere he is contracted out work to the powers to be. He better be careful he doesn't become the first writer fired at the ever-growing Adopt a beast blog.

Bud needs to go through all ads and discover these warning ads form other disgruntled customers as somebody has posted numerous postings on backpage about this Blue-eyed terror druggie and warned potential Johns about avoiding this girl as ahh one would avoid consuming soup filled with flies at your errr... local taqueria.

I know her. She didn't rip me off. She didn't even ask for money. I must be special...
ReplyDelete...And she's cuter than hell and pretty tight too...