Andy Cruz
Fidel Castro was a brutal tyrant who tortured, confiscated, and killed in a fifty year reign of terror in Cuba. Only access to Southern Florida prevented a mass genocide of Cuban successful people that Fidel and his evil henchmen wished to butcher or drown in the Caribbean. Fidel Castro finally died the other night bringing memories and new stories of the evil and injustices Cold war politics and Soviet threats to enable this man to control a miserable poverty-stricken island nation in the Western hemisphere. A leader of Fidel Castro was deserving not of a full life of rule but immediate invasion and execution in the sixties and basically this man was no different in evil intent and ideology as an Osama Bin laden--the only difference being radical Muslim ideology in place of repressive communism of a Castro.

Castro was a complete thug who deserved the same miserable end of a Saddam Hussein and a Osama Bin laden and the inability of the west to do anything about this man through the years was evidence of the fall of values and prestige of America and the west for allowing this dictator to last in its very own backyard. Fidel Castro was a man who wanted to see nuclear strikes in America and did everything in his ability to try to bring this about and a war between the Soviets and America. The radical communism Castro wished to export in Latin America and around the world was no less as brutal and insane than the teachings of Al Qaeda or the Islamic state and for leftists in America to be so enamored with this killer and repressive leader is unbelievable.

This man would of been right at home with the leftist protests hitting the streets of America and the western nations taking full advantage of the freedoms offered in a system they hate. perhaps a year or two living under the government of a Fidel castro would ship these naïve fuck anti-American protestors a new sense of reality and clue at how those striving for power will lie and say just tog ain power of repression which they are in a position to enjoy. fidel Castro is dead at ninety something and may he urn in hell and rot in Earth.
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