There are many space delusional and cognitive whack jobs always talking of not if but when man will colonize the fourth planet from our sun. These space sine fiction enthusiast dream of the day a million or so human beings are settling in all nice and cozy on the surface of mars as comfortable as a cardinal in a warm nest in Arkansas. A new book details the fifty year adventures and waste proving man cannot even traverse the skies on the planet earth let alone being able to survive and reach Mars and having the resources of a sustainable colony.

Neil De Grasse Tyson needs to friggen read this book and then call out Elon Musk and the dreamers that their ploy and spending wishes from a Santa Clause government is both dumb and irresponsible. Both Neil and Steve are dudes who read Popular Mechanics and perhaps this magazine should be included in the fake news controversy of Facebook and nothing ever predicted is feasible or comes out in this magazine. The jetpack like going to mars is a pipe dream of those just zsmoking pipes and plotting ways to get money form the government for these unrealistic visions and industries that a few will be employed.
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