Andy Zaltman is host of the only British podcast we listen to her in Middle America and through the years we enjoyed the voices and observations of Andy and John Oliver on the other side of the lake. We try to be global and stick with English broadcasting here hearing the old empire and a couple of viewpoints of some English jags and amuse ourselves as they talk of American politics. These two men were host of one of the more popular British podcasts having an incredible 500,000 downloads a month if my alternative facts are correct. This podcast also has a big American following most likley from people like me trying to see and hear what is going on the other side of the bay.

perhaps John Oliver preferred to spend hours looking at her than the Larry Fine looking three stooge co-host of the Bugle. how the hell Oliver got a woman like that is testimony to a Bill Gates type fortune as the Bill gates loo alike must be so fortune. Actually this Oliver was an excellent writer and in past bugle episodes I was impressed with the written material I supposed John Oliver wrote for his bugle rants and it is solely missed in the new Bugle as Zaltzman confusedly slows the show into a dull british talk chat more boring and now indistinguishable ahhhh from Andrew Marr. Hopefully Andy Zaltzman becoes financially very fine instead of just a Larry Fine and gets some extra dinero to bring back his excellent co-host and bring the bugle back as one of the top podcasts in the world.
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