Piece of shit elite surfer dude Kelly Slater and others call for extermination of left sharks

Jake Glass
   Kelly Slater considers sharks in the fish's elements to be fair game and recently called for the extermination for this species which this shit bag considers vermin. Kelly Slater was virtually destroyed from millions on Instant gram and facebook where he made these claims as he was so sad too bad from the number of surfers killed in shark element since 2011 and the entitlement elite attitude of a guy like Kelly Slater and other famous surfers (oxymoron)  such as Michel Bourez who came to his defense.
Now exactly how someone becomes a professional surfer and who if anyone actually follows this stupid sport is another topic but the more surfers killed by left sharks the e better I say as these pansies likely are all members of the one percent having so much time and money to spend to give an illusion these guys are celebrity athletes ot something when in fact they are not. Jeremy Flores is another surfer dude who came to the defense of Kelly Slater's shark cull wishes off RĂ©union Island and if these poor surfers don't want to be bitten by left sharks let them surf in a kiddies pool. Image result for shark attacks reunion island mapSlater says at the rate ull sharks are bullying his fellow surfers nobody would be alive and use the oceans for watersports that the shit feels is more golden and important than other species being allowed to live in habitats man should not even be in part. Ass fuck surfers like slater insist on going to these shark infested waters in this Reunion Island because they have the raddest waves on Earth. Image result for shark kill surfer This shit surfer was on the Dan Patrick show and called for the culling or mass killing of sharks in waters that he and his fellow plutocrat surfers like to hang ten. First they came for the sharks and then after them they would go for the jellyfish and Orcas?  Kelly Slater and dumb dum Michel Bourez just need to become fat land whales and enjoy the sunset and scenery instead of desperately seeking Susan's attention and being a part of the scenery with your stupidity. These stupid bastards are in the Bull and Tiger sharks elements and the egotistical rage they have because a few of their buddies were eaten by these sea beasts is outrageous.Image result for shark attacks reunion island map No one is forcing these fuckers to hit the waves and they can be investing their money and time into better projects perhaps into environmental projects or companies instead of trying to get attention and show off because you can control a wooden platform on a wave. Kelly Slater is an arrogant punk who calls for shark culls because of all the corporate money thrown into these stupid extreme fake sports that are vehicles for the worlds rich people to launder and move dark  money around and we here at the left Shark offices hope this lad joins the list of eleven and to see a growth in this list of surfers culled naturally as mother nature intendedImage result for kelly slater shark cull

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