The insanity of Esports competitions and real money laudering role of it

Peter Patel recently had  a story about the growing popularity and following of ESports leagues where competition and arenas are filled of people watching teams of kids compete in video game competition with one another. Investors threw in a picture of a packed arene a that may or not be real as it was hard to tell if this was not some cropped created photo much like unveiling of plan s for a new building and what it may look like.

The idea that Esports is popular according to a research mentioned in this article form something called Newzoo ghat global audiences of 385 million people will tune in to watch teens play and illustrate their talented hand and eye coordination and quick thinking into entertainment is the story and ideas of a fantasy world. will always use numbers and push for stupidity such as Eleagues mainly as a goal to distribute money towards certain projects. Hickey is a shit head obsessed with numbers and will manipulate the data as the techies will see fit to continue the game and increase the stock price of Activision and their boring bad games. Hickey and can bring up all the bullshit Newzoo and so forth they can but the chances of Esports being an actual billion dollar industry and not a fantasy oen is slim and none.
This craziness is likely being pushed by the creators and the industrial complex of zombie video games that actually do nothing for the individual and makes teens (mainly young men) distracted form learning and falling behind in learning and education. Benchmark annalist and likely Activision Blizzard stock holder Mike Hickey was quoted as saying that advertisers will spend big bucks towards the idea that reaching youthful demographics is important  and that ESports will be the next big thing especially of a Michael Jordan special athlete is discovered. If they can't discover this mega-star perhaps the video game industry can create one. Newzoo is estimating that the audience will reach 589 million in 2020 and whether they just pulled number out of their ass or have actual data clarifying that that many people would tune in and spend anything more than  half a minute watching this is total bogus and fake news.
I could say that Moon watching will be the next big thing and people will skip television and the radio with a global audice of 1.2 billion people will be watching the moon for signs of cheese and intelligent life. The technocrats and data annalitical obsessive colmpulsive shits. The idea that people will watch a sports league of others poissible playing sports related games when one cna watch real people is absurd and only capable of the twisted logic of the brian of fraudsters and compulsive data numbers observers.

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