Whitaker Marshal III
The Hodge twins came on their award winning YouTube program and talked some teacher sex scandal. This is always a favorite topic for many and for the Hodge Twins talking about Alexandria Vera and this bitch getting pregnant by a thirteen year old student made for an amusing nine minute video. The brothers debated the merits of a student getting their cocked sucked by a grown adult woman and whether this is a bad or good thing for impressionable young minds.
The Twins ate some tacos form Taco John's and debates whether the shit was good all while stating that the thirteen year old must of been a studly rare student able to attract the attention and eyes of this fine large boned Latina bimbo. The Hodge's also argued about what would e an appropriate sentence for this woman who received forty years and instead dominant Hodge twin at the left said a six month sentence. Alexandria Vera is a slut and always will be who will be having her last baby form a student but chances are high she will get knocked up a few more times from teenagers of various ages in the upcoming decade or until the woman becomes old and ugly where no teenager would be willing to touch and hit it anymore. The Hodges went back to discussing whether Taco Bell or Taco John s has crispier taco dishes and why John's sells lame tater tots as a side .
Old man fights off Center Bear in North Woods of Minnesota to save his dog is likely fake news
Aaron Luther
Animal Stories
Bill Vagts is a bullshit artist like no other in his remote wilderness home in rural remote Minnesota, He claimed and the local dim-witted media reported oif fighting a five hundred bear who was eying and attempting to devour his little doggie named Darla and Wild Bill said he just reacted in order to save his dog and he basically bear hugged the Beast for a while before the Bear let the dog go from its jaws. Now if you believe this story then I have stock in the New York Yankees I want to sell art pennies to the dollar.
This guy is so full of brown shit and the lack of insight by the local news to see if this was real or not was a joke. It is more likely this guy wrestled a fox or coyote and is so old and brain dead going off like popcorn that he embellished this dog saving story because he can't tell his wildlife apart form one another. A Bear would of tore this luieing shit apart from limb to limb and probabely would not even bothered with the dog as Bill Bullshitter would make a better meal
Animal Stories
Bill Vagts is a bullshit artist like no other in his remote wilderness home in rural remote Minnesota, He claimed and the local dim-witted media reported oif fighting a five hundred bear who was eying and attempting to devour his little doggie named Darla and Wild Bill said he just reacted in order to save his dog and he basically bear hugged the Beast for a while before the Bear let the dog go from its jaws. Now if you believe this story then I have stock in the New York Yankees I want to sell art pennies to the dollar.

This old coot though got plenty of air time and press print coverage both on-line and in paper and he is the toast of the town of rural backwards Isebella,Minnesota and if ya believe the 68 year old clown can fight a five hundred pound brown Bear then you likely think there is still a chance of the Browns and Bears playing in the 2018 Super Bowl.
If Darla could talk she would say her owner is a great storyteller and snake oil con artist and she is ashamed to be held in captivity by this creep. Thanks to this guys story police went out into the North Woods and shot the first big bear they found to calm the populace as two other men had a supposed Bear encounter and it seems cabin fever is hitting these people hard in rural Minnesota and they are seeing and encountering things in their alternative universe.Norm Bour says there is no Vaporizing bubble and wants to inundate the landscape with smoke shops and plans on running against Donald Trump for president in 2020
Herbert Gilbert
Norm Bour is a host of a ever increasing popular podcast about smoking Vapor ingredient and flavor E Cigarettes and the entrepreneur often defends the industry and is a fighter against all regulations. Norm says there should be a vape shop on every corner and often argues with callers and people in the industry that a saturation point is coming for the Vaping industry.
The vaping industry we declare and have from day one is a scam of asset control and banking access as I see few people actually purchasing or vaporizing smoke and this bozo bum Norm Bour knows it. There eare more demands for cafe and coffee drinking and bookstores as I can see form lines at Starbucks, or Barns and Noble and for this shit head to think that America should have double of the number of empty and fake business and as top vaping lobbyist and pod caster for the industry Norm Bour is angered] and enraged there are not more.
He blames president Trump and new tax plans for going after the Vapor industry and his plan to expand hinges on his success in challenging president Trump and becoming the 46th president of the United States. Mr Bour will not be satisfied until there are some two hundred thousand vapor and E cigarette stores across both urban elite malls and rural backwater redneck loser fly by country.
Norm Bour wishes to see this fake business few purchase product but ever increasing retail building and space are devoted for the insiders pushing vapor smoke into thin air and hoping to create a ground cloud of illusion as they have done for the economy as a whole with their business plans and need for mnore access to the freebiue banking industry and local corrupt village government allowing this nonsense to spread and giving availability for money laundering to exist under guise.
Norm Bour is a host of a ever increasing popular podcast about smoking Vapor ingredient and flavor E Cigarettes and the entrepreneur often defends the industry and is a fighter against all regulations. Norm says there should be a vape shop on every corner and often argues with callers and people in the industry that a saturation point is coming for the Vaping industry.
The vaping industry we declare and have from day one is a scam of asset control and banking access as I see few people actually purchasing or vaporizing smoke and this bozo bum Norm Bour knows it. There eare more demands for cafe and coffee drinking and bookstores as I can see form lines at Starbucks, or Barns and Noble and for this shit head to think that America should have double of the number of empty and fake business and as top vaping lobbyist and pod caster for the industry Norm Bour is angered] and enraged there are not more.
He blames president Trump and new tax plans for going after the Vapor industry and his plan to expand hinges on his success in challenging president Trump and becoming the 46th president of the United States. Mr Bour will not be satisfied until there are some two hundred thousand vapor and E cigarette stores across both urban elite malls and rural backwater redneck loser fly by country.
Bernardo Romano signed the biggest contract to date to be a left wing socialist hack on the Adopt a Beast blog
Herbert Gilbert
After months of negotiation and anticipation for yet another writer here at this blog we are ppleased to announce a mega deal with the signing of famed internet blogger and porn vlogger Bernado Romano onto this blog. The Italian stallion will join the Left Shark writers as he has long been an advocate fighting Central banks and the European Union which wants to destroy good jobs in Europe and import cheap brown people form the Indian sub-continent. Bernado Romano though will be making some 80 million dollars a year in salary and already fellow writers are talking at this blog an dhow outrageous it is that he will be getting top pay over many of our long established writers that have been writing for this blog form day one. Bernardo is both proud and honored to be added to this staff and feels most deserving of the high income he has been rewarded and really doesn't give a shit what other writers may thing and grumble about.
Bernardo is a big backer of Bernie Sanders although Bernado doesn't want his taxes to go up and wants to save as much money as he can to buy villas both along the Mediterranean and Mexican coasts. He wishes only to see New York Wall Street and CEO executives taxed at an incredibly high rate and perhaps taxes lowered or not allowed for staff writers and philosophy important thinkers such as himself.
After months of negotiation and anticipation for yet another writer here at this blog we are ppleased to announce a mega deal with the signing of famed internet blogger and porn vlogger Bernado Romano onto this blog. The Italian stallion will join the Left Shark writers as he has long been an advocate fighting Central banks and the European Union which wants to destroy good jobs in Europe and import cheap brown people form the Indian sub-continent. Bernado Romano though will be making some 80 million dollars a year in salary and already fellow writers are talking at this blog an dhow outrageous it is that he will be getting top pay over many of our long established writers that have been writing for this blog form day one. Bernardo is both proud and honored to be added to this staff and feels most deserving of the high income he has been rewarded and really doesn't give a shit what other writers may thing and grumble about.

George Clooney spreads money laundering to his closest friends and Randy Gerber in a tune of a crisp million dollars gift so he can keep trophy wife
Leroy Yates
George Clooney is a man used as a vehicle to distribute money around and according to friend Randy Gerber the Hollywood honcho owner of a billion dollars in hard liquor value has alot of money to redistribute to his friends. George gave fourteen confidants a million dollars that which was revealed by Mr Gerber on MSNBC and now we see why George Clooney's tequila brand would of been branded a net worth of a billion dollars. George needs this money to give back to the community and his million dollar Christmas gift is an example of how the corportacracy works hand in hand with the holy wood Establishment.
In a reality based economy and world in no way would a Tequila brand called Casimagos be valued that high but apparently these fourteen people Clooney re-gifted wanted money to get back to them and only a over-valued tequila seller like George Clooney and his established name form bad movies could provide the return of likely dark money back to the source. Gerber's assertions that Clooney would part away and be so generous is bullshit and likely Clooney gave this money away because he had to and in reality a Clooney should never even have this much income and wealth just to give away.
Gerber's tale of Clooney giving a briefcase to fourteen friends with a million dollars in cash clearly shows the nefarious nature of money in Hollywood most often used eventually as money in politics and money to help lame tequila companies to be declared a value of a billion dollars for no other reason to give more money out to individuals as Clooney evidently played Santa Clause for some insiders and "buddies" of him. Gerber is also married to Cindy Crawford and thus needs these gifts often form donars like Clooney and ownership of over-valued assets like Casamigo's liquor in order to retain the services, rights, and justification to the super model. Without the scam of banks and entertainment a Cindy Crawford would be serving coffee at Peet's,Starbucks, or Caribou's
George Clooney is a man used as a vehicle to distribute money around and according to friend Randy Gerber the Hollywood honcho owner of a billion dollars in hard liquor value has alot of money to redistribute to his friends. George gave fourteen confidants a million dollars that which was revealed by Mr Gerber on MSNBC and now we see why George Clooney's tequila brand would of been branded a net worth of a billion dollars. George needs this money to give back to the community and his million dollar Christmas gift is an example of how the corportacracy works hand in hand with the holy wood Establishment.
In a reality based economy and world in no way would a Tequila brand called Casimagos be valued that high but apparently these fourteen people Clooney re-gifted wanted money to get back to them and only a over-valued tequila seller like George Clooney and his established name form bad movies could provide the return of likely dark money back to the source. Gerber's assertions that Clooney would part away and be so generous is bullshit and likely Clooney gave this money away because he had to and in reality a Clooney should never even have this much income and wealth just to give away.
Gerber's tale of Clooney giving a briefcase to fourteen friends with a million dollars in cash clearly shows the nefarious nature of money in Hollywood most often used eventually as money in politics and money to help lame tequila companies to be declared a value of a billion dollars for no other reason to give more money out to individuals as Clooney evidently played Santa Clause for some insiders and "buddies" of him. Gerber is also married to Cindy Crawford and thus needs these gifts often form donars like Clooney and ownership of over-valued assets like Casamigo's liquor in order to retain the services, rights, and justification to the super model. Without the scam of banks and entertainment a Cindy Crawford would be serving coffee at Peet's,Starbucks, or Caribou's
New York Times writer Kevin Roose blasts Cody Wilson and Hateron shitting in his pants for the left wing and Silicon Valley dom ination.
Wally Jackson
The Alt-Right has been barred form many major platforms as the technocracy doesn't want free speech to be a part of the internet so man have crowd-sourced initiatives and organizations called Hatrean where they can fund and create their own networks to propagate and have a voice. The left-wing liberal progressive dominated media though doesn't like this and Kevin Roose took to the new York Times and wrote an article of Gun manufacture 3d printer founder Cody Wilson and other sof the Alt-Right.
The left doesn't know what to do and how to handle the extreme opposition to their domination and more and more people are joining hatreon to fulfill their voice and battle pushing back against the diversity domination of the media and college campus. Hatreaon and the Alt-Right are push back and a result of the extremism of leftists in recent years shoving and demanding a racial identity cultural awakening and warfare among others and whether Kevin Roose likes it or not the Alt-Right will create their own divergent internet valley free from the influence and domination of Silicon Valley race mixers. Cody Wilson's Hatreon move is a brilliant example of what the right-wing needs to do is fight fire with fire whether it be confronting leftists on the streets or opening declaring the technocracy has it undemocratic fascist anti-free speech platform as they exist now. Roose mocked the technical inferiority of these alt-right sites when compared to the Facebook and Twitter fake account bot dominated other social media sites and he said many of these right-wing attempts harken back to the days of the nineties and Geo-Cities and Myspace. The aesthetic value of these site snow is not the point and eventually programming will improve and Roose knows it and is why he is both obsessed and alarmed at it despite mocking its technical application and value. What Roose needs to fear more is a mainstream media outlet expanding and being available for conservatives and this is long over-due and likely coming along with the demise of cable monopolies long using their power to sway and influence public opinion on a variety of social issues.
Roose is a fucking nerd who often appears Comedy Central pushing a extrme snowflake left-wing agenda and he is shitting in his pants worried about the loosening of leftiest donination of the airwaves,internet, and media where right-wingers have as much as a voice and right to be on the boob tube as this fat shit Roose. The mainstream media is basically slanted bias media and more people are noticing this and is why subscription rates are plummeting as people abandon and see little value of news media organizations with the likes of Kevin Roose in its roost.
The Alt-Right has been barred form many major platforms as the technocracy doesn't want free speech to be a part of the internet so man have crowd-sourced initiatives and organizations called Hatrean where they can fund and create their own networks to propagate and have a voice. The left-wing liberal progressive dominated media though doesn't like this and Kevin Roose took to the new York Times and wrote an article of Gun manufacture 3d printer founder Cody Wilson and other sof the Alt-Right.
The left doesn't know what to do and how to handle the extreme opposition to their domination and more and more people are joining hatreon to fulfill their voice and battle pushing back against the diversity domination of the media and college campus. Hatreaon and the Alt-Right are push back and a result of the extremism of leftists in recent years shoving and demanding a racial identity cultural awakening and warfare among others and whether Kevin Roose likes it or not the Alt-Right will create their own divergent internet valley free from the influence and domination of Silicon Valley race mixers. Cody Wilson's Hatreon move is a brilliant example of what the right-wing needs to do is fight fire with fire whether it be confronting leftists on the streets or opening declaring the technocracy has it undemocratic fascist anti-free speech platform as they exist now. Roose mocked the technical inferiority of these alt-right sites when compared to the Facebook and Twitter fake account bot dominated other social media sites and he said many of these right-wing attempts harken back to the days of the nineties and Geo-Cities and Myspace. The aesthetic value of these site snow is not the point and eventually programming will improve and Roose knows it and is why he is both obsessed and alarmed at it despite mocking its technical application and value. What Roose needs to fear more is a mainstream media outlet expanding and being available for conservatives and this is long over-due and likely coming along with the demise of cable monopolies long using their power to sway and influence public opinion on a variety of social issues.
Roose is a fucking nerd who often appears Comedy Central pushing a extrme snowflake left-wing agenda and he is shitting in his pants worried about the loosening of leftiest donination of the airwaves,internet, and media where right-wingers have as much as a voice and right to be on the boob tube as this fat shit Roose. The mainstream media is basically slanted bias media and more people are noticing this and is why subscription rates are plummeting as people abandon and see little value of news media organizations with the likes of Kevin Roose in its roost.
Robert Reich needs to stick to eocnomics and leave comic strips to Bill Waterson
Arnold Buckley
Famed left-wing economist little Robert Reich wishes to be a cartoonist. Robert's new book called " Economics In Wonderland is an example of an economist trying to draw and the cartoons this professor of Economics not having time to take cartooning classes. Reich comic book is a simple read for those without much info or knowledge of the economy and at times seems geared towards teenagers. The former Secretary of Labor gives his opinions on a variety of important economic matters of the day but his drawings and attempt to be Bill Waterson are totally atrocious. Robert Reich is no Charles Schulz or Bill Waterson and seeing this crap in bookstores makes it obvious the comic strip world is missing the former great Calvin and Hobbes comic artist should have shelve space instead of this crap and Robert Reich's little elf mug in bookstores near you.
Reich takes aim at taxes,healthcare costs,money in politics,minimum wage battles and other shit he knows as an award-winning president and insider to the corrupt Clinton administration. However this simple book is filled with perhaps the worse comic art form I have ever seen publishes in a book that cost more than ten bucks. One of the reasons Bill Waterson quit abruptly in 1995 from his incredible but short-lived career was because he was a private man and one wishes Robert Reich was private as well after reading some of his work and his busy attempts to play comic artist. Reich's book ends in segments of propaganda where he attacks all of Trump's plan and agenda because Robert Recih ha sand always has been a globalist in addition to a little weasel.
Famed left-wing economist little Robert Reich wishes to be a cartoonist. Robert's new book called " Economics In Wonderland is an example of an economist trying to draw and the cartoons this professor of Economics not having time to take cartooning classes. Reich comic book is a simple read for those without much info or knowledge of the economy and at times seems geared towards teenagers. The former Secretary of Labor gives his opinions on a variety of important economic matters of the day but his drawings and attempt to be Bill Waterson are totally atrocious. Robert Reich is no Charles Schulz or Bill Waterson and seeing this crap in bookstores makes it obvious the comic strip world is missing the former great Calvin and Hobbes comic artist should have shelve space instead of this crap and Robert Reich's little elf mug in bookstores near you.
Reich takes aim at taxes,healthcare costs,money in politics,minimum wage battles and other shit he knows as an award-winning president and insider to the corrupt Clinton administration. However this simple book is filled with perhaps the worse comic art form I have ever seen publishes in a book that cost more than ten bucks. One of the reasons Bill Waterson quit abruptly in 1995 from his incredible but short-lived career was because he was a private man and one wishes Robert Reich was private as well after reading some of his work and his busy attempts to play comic artist. Reich's book ends in segments of propaganda where he attacks all of Trump's plan and agenda because Robert Recih ha sand always has been a globalist in addition to a little weasel.
Coffee houses being protested by this vandalized all over America and why not liquor stores?
Jason Percy
Ink Coffee was vandalized shortly after it had put a sign proudly displaying its effort for pushing development and gentrification in a neighborhood. In Denver and elsewhere coffee houses seek to be a place where people can have something nice aside form the pathetic liquor store and stale chip business and form Los to Denver a new type of activism has taken root going after these businesses that often lead gentrification. It seems you can't win as for years ghettos residents complain of only the corner liquor store being around and existing yet when something else tries to develop and open up areas for new business the clash and accusation of these owners attempting to push out current residents.
I wouldn't be at all surprised if Ink Coffee's vandalism had nothing to do with the controversial and unwise sign it had and other liquor store business owners wishing to keep this part of Denver a ghetto only offering fucking liquor,cigars, and chips were the real culprit as they have most to fear of possible gentrification and corporation of this Denver neighborhood. In the summer in Boyle Heights neighborhood of Los Angles weird Wave Coffee was attacked as residents fear a Whitewash of a long predominantly Mexican neighborhood long a barrio and now on the eyes of redevelopment and free of the tainted jingoism cultural supremacy of Mexican nationals in California. As the Los Angeles Times asked why were Starbucks opening not protested by these vociferous Mexican activists fighting to persevere segregation? I beg to ask why were not Dunkin Donuts not protested? I would beg to ask why the hell are liquor stores not vandalized when it is obvious they bring about much more harm to a community with the product they push and cause a complex number of social problems with their targeting and prevalence in certain areas of a city. These business occupy space that others wish to push and market alcohol and bad product for the local populace whether it be hard liquor or smokes. This is what the vandalism is all about as those who transform and perpetuate ghettos in America fear the loss of their valuable bank access assets and rising rents that would readily displace their awful business and replace it with something better through gentrification.
Ink Coffee was vandalized shortly after it had put a sign proudly displaying its effort for pushing development and gentrification in a neighborhood. In Denver and elsewhere coffee houses seek to be a place where people can have something nice aside form the pathetic liquor store and stale chip business and form Los to Denver a new type of activism has taken root going after these businesses that often lead gentrification. It seems you can't win as for years ghettos residents complain of only the corner liquor store being around and existing yet when something else tries to develop and open up areas for new business the clash and accusation of these owners attempting to push out current residents.
I wouldn't be at all surprised if Ink Coffee's vandalism had nothing to do with the controversial and unwise sign it had and other liquor store business owners wishing to keep this part of Denver a ghetto only offering fucking liquor,cigars, and chips were the real culprit as they have most to fear of possible gentrification and corporation of this Denver neighborhood. In the summer in Boyle Heights neighborhood of Los Angles weird Wave Coffee was attacked as residents fear a Whitewash of a long predominantly Mexican neighborhood long a barrio and now on the eyes of redevelopment and free of the tainted jingoism cultural supremacy of Mexican nationals in California. As the Los Angeles Times asked why were Starbucks opening not protested by these vociferous Mexican activists fighting to persevere segregation? I beg to ask why were not Dunkin Donuts not protested? I would beg to ask why the hell are liquor stores not vandalized when it is obvious they bring about much more harm to a community with the product they push and cause a complex number of social problems with their targeting and prevalence in certain areas of a city. These business occupy space that others wish to push and market alcohol and bad product for the local populace whether it be hard liquor or smokes. This is what the vandalism is all about as those who transform and perpetuate ghettos in America fear the loss of their valuable bank access assets and rising rents that would readily displace their awful business and replace it with something better through gentrification.
Mark Steyn warns hiring executives and big wigs should not hire women in this age of sexual harassment and he prefers sex with Japaese robiots
Casey Kelso
Canadian right-wing host Mark Steyn fills in often for lazy pig host Rush Limbaugh and Mr Steyn took talk the other day of the sexual harassment phenomena that is taking place across America awith many political and media powerful men in powerful positions. Mark Steyn wonders and is flabberghasted as to why these accusatiosn are coming out now and he gave a warning to all men in powerful positions that think they at immune form these accusations.
Steyn warned people will go after others even if they look at a woman second longer than necessary and Mark Steyn says there is a simple solution for these men to avoid this and it is just do not hire women to be near them. Steyn then said something more audacious and told these executives listening to hus program that they should consider sex robots and particularly Japanese ones at that. mark Steyn is an award winning columnist writer who never gets near women and has practical advice on how best to avoid sexual harassment .
One will never see Mr Steyn get accuse dof this and it is obvious that Mark Steyn prefers sex with Japanese,Thai,Chinese,Tibetan, Korean, or Vietnamese sex robot. Mark Steyn recommends his obsession and desire for all the executives in getting and hiring these sexAsianbiots and says it will be another ten years before the artificial intelligence of these products produces thinking and resistance to all the perverted desires men like him and others may have acting out on ese objects. Steyn has a good point and I know in the two years I have had my Asa Akira sex doll I have fucked the silicon out of it a hundred times. Men will come to realize that as Steyn says ther \e will be no time to court women and it will be career crushing to do and the best thing to do is make alla appearances of having success and financial gians and then having women come to you and taping all encounters until the day you popp a nut and the question and commit holy matrimony.
Canadian right-wing host Mark Steyn fills in often for lazy pig host Rush Limbaugh and Mr Steyn took talk the other day of the sexual harassment phenomena that is taking place across America awith many political and media powerful men in powerful positions. Mark Steyn wonders and is flabberghasted as to why these accusatiosn are coming out now and he gave a warning to all men in powerful positions that think they at immune form these accusations.
Steyn warned people will go after others even if they look at a woman second longer than necessary and Mark Steyn says there is a simple solution for these men to avoid this and it is just do not hire women to be near them. Steyn then said something more audacious and told these executives listening to hus program that they should consider sex robots and particularly Japanese ones at that. mark Steyn is an award winning columnist writer who never gets near women and has practical advice on how best to avoid sexual harassment .
One will never see Mr Steyn get accuse dof this and it is obvious that Mark Steyn prefers sex with Japanese,Thai,Chinese,Tibetan, Korean, or Vietnamese sex robot. Mark Steyn recommends his obsession and desire for all the executives in getting and hiring these sexAsianbiots and says it will be another ten years before the artificial intelligence of these products produces thinking and resistance to all the perverted desires men like him and others may have acting out on ese objects. Steyn has a good point and I know in the two years I have had my Asa Akira sex doll I have fucked the silicon out of it a hundred times. Men will come to realize that as Steyn says ther \e will be no time to court women and it will be career crushing to do and the best thing to do is make alla appearances of having success and financial gians and then having women come to you and taping all encounters until the day you popp a nut and the question and commit holy matrimony.
Kathmandu battles excessive horn honking and bad road behavior and should serve as a model for all nations
Terry Blue
One of the things I hate traveling to Asia as an urban planner and using government money to vacation and work studying Asian traffic patterns is the amount of car honking one hears all over. In remote backwaters of urban Nepal though a city has finally found a way around this major problem In Kathmandu though police are ticketing the shit out of drivers to the extent all excessive car horning and hooking has all but stopped. The idea of paying fines for an unnecessary driving habit proved to be to much for these jackasses and possibly fines like this should be produced in America as well to deal with more than car honking.
Loud music playing seems to occur often and many villages do have excessive sound ordinances although I have never seen police stop anyone for this and ticket. Police also need to ticket more speeders and excessive lane changers and it seems instead of having control of American streets that more and more our streets are becoming to resemble the worse parts of Indo-Pako traffic.
I have been to Kathmandu and remember vividly how these fucks needed to express their frustration with slow traffic and long idle time with unmovable objects in front of them. Kathmandu's traffic and civility seemed to be the worse on the planet so I was pleasantly surprised to see the state of Nepal and this cities government leaders who realize the perception people may have on Nepalese and their tackle one issue at a time. erratic behavior on the roads needed to be battled tenaciously and changed. then only way to change the rampant chaos on the streets of Asia is to ta
One of the things I hate traveling to Asia as an urban planner and using government money to vacation and work studying Asian traffic patterns is the amount of car honking one hears all over. In remote backwaters of urban Nepal though a city has finally found a way around this major problem In Kathmandu though police are ticketing the shit out of drivers to the extent all excessive car horning and hooking has all but stopped. The idea of paying fines for an unnecessary driving habit proved to be to much for these jackasses and possibly fines like this should be produced in America as well to deal with more than car honking.
Loud music playing seems to occur often and many villages do have excessive sound ordinances although I have never seen police stop anyone for this and ticket. Police also need to ticket more speeders and excessive lane changers and it seems instead of having control of American streets that more and more our streets are becoming to resemble the worse parts of Indo-Pako traffic.
I have been to Kathmandu and remember vividly how these fucks needed to express their frustration with slow traffic and long idle time with unmovable objects in front of them. Kathmandu's traffic and civility seemed to be the worse on the planet so I was pleasantly surprised to see the state of Nepal and this cities government leaders who realize the perception people may have on Nepalese and their tackle one issue at a time. erratic behavior on the roads needed to be battled tenaciously and changed. then only way to change the rampant chaos on the streets of Asia is to ta
Professor Jeff Madrick blasts the people responsible for economic ruin and decline of America
Neil Knight
Professor Jeff Madrick has written excellent collections of how the United States went form an economic fair country into this economic terrorist country waging class warfare on its own people in addition to many parts of the world. His book called "Age Of Greed" covers the many players and traces the turn towards plutocracy that our two-party urban-Rural division has allowed to be perpetuated across this nation and as usual the direction of this division goes back to Milton Friedman whose economic impacts have been disastrous to the financial ability and for gains of workers. Professor Madrick covers America post 1970 where the likes of Freidman and monopolistic winner takes all economic allowances and thinking prevailed by the corrupt business leaders and rulers of the American economy.
Madrick covers the election of Ronald Reagan as the president that was a huge advocate of rule and laws made for the super rich and how a few individuals tailored the economies and reliance on imports to grow their companies at the expense of other competitors and the workers ability to organize. Madrick covers Sam Walton to Ted Turner and covers in essence how big box retailing and real estate domination along with advertising and media giants like ted Turner basically conspired to altering economic development towards themselves in collusions with one another. The massive deregulation of many important industries is discussed and its role of soaking workers wealth and ability to increase their wages while providing more increased revenues for owners of capital and increased greed and redistribution among themselves in various allied industries conspiring to roll back the gains made under the Roosevelt administrations.
With help form the growing investment and finance fields and hedge fund managers many of these goals were met that fueled the wealth of those enabling this transfer of wealth into the hands of a few money managers and capital funds making money form increased mergers and sales of their over-valued properties and holdings. Professor Maddock names the names responsible for these crucial decisions that has helped weaken this nation and allowed kleptocrats form overseas to help meddle in the affair of our nation and politics long buying out city leaders for their projects and increased wealth holdings within our country as if we were their colony. A huge chunk and the middle of the book is devoted to the old jackass Alan Greenspan as everything he did was meant for increased inequality and lowering of the quality of life for people and why this man is not rotting and sitting in a prison for his actions is amazing to me. The maverick professor Madrick blames many for laying waste to the economy and he holds no punches and naming many names that most people and even avid economic followers like myself have never heard of and whose ugly influence put this country into total ruin in 2008 where this book unfortunately ends.
Professor Madrick wishes to see both Milton Friedman and Milt Rosenberg jailed for their beliefs in pushing for economic hardships for the masses so those in control can give themselves bigger paychecks and perhaps no more individual was more responsible for the tanking and new direction of an more unequal society than this piece of shit Milton Friendman. One can hope he is burning in an eternity hell-like setting by now.,
Johnny Manziel moving closer to playing in Canadian football league and he will not be going to the Super Bowl.
Martin Manziel
Dream Money
Johnny Manziel needs money. The former American Heisman trophy winner and big mouth brat athlete failed miserable in his short stint calling shots in the National Football league and Mr Manziel's dream money gig quickly came to an end. As predicted on this blog many times including right after he was drafted in the first round, Johnny Manziel's future belonged in playing American collision ball in Canada. The talents of the game this man processed belonged North of the border in our cousin country and inferior league of American football. Johnny Manziel will find more room to move about on the field and the intensity lowered through the game in a dramatic way, but even this play may be too much for him and perhaps arena football is his best bet. The dream money to play in Canada and Arena Leagues just is not available and in no way will this jerk be able to maintain the lifestyle and high living he expected to be living as an all-Pro hall of fame quarterback. Johnny Manziel needs to be inducted and an actual hall of sports shame needs to be created sometime real soon as a museum piece that may actually be popular somewhere to see the lousy unfulfilled expectations of saps like this guy.
The dream money is gone and Johnny Manziel is looking at his bank account dropping massively and long gone are the days that he could twitch his fingers and bring about free easy money as an elite member of America's sinsane over-paid professional athlete and sports industrial complex. Johnny Manziel may do a reverse Kurt Warner, the hall of fame quarterback who went form stocking shelves into the Super Bowl. Johnny Manziel has been paved to play in the CFL but whether this clown can actually play in the Canadian version of American football remains in doubt as this man is about as sharp as a quarterback as Stephan Hawking would be if put under center.
Dream Money
Johnny Manziel needs money. The former American Heisman trophy winner and big mouth brat athlete failed miserable in his short stint calling shots in the National Football league and Mr Manziel's dream money gig quickly came to an end. As predicted on this blog many times including right after he was drafted in the first round, Johnny Manziel's future belonged in playing American collision ball in Canada. The talents of the game this man processed belonged North of the border in our cousin country and inferior league of American football. Johnny Manziel will find more room to move about on the field and the intensity lowered through the game in a dramatic way, but even this play may be too much for him and perhaps arena football is his best bet. The dream money to play in Canada and Arena Leagues just is not available and in no way will this jerk be able to maintain the lifestyle and high living he expected to be living as an all-Pro hall of fame quarterback. Johnny Manziel needs to be inducted and an actual hall of sports shame needs to be created sometime real soon as a museum piece that may actually be popular somewhere to see the lousy unfulfilled expectations of saps like this guy.
The dream money is gone and Johnny Manziel is looking at his bank account dropping massively and long gone are the days that he could twitch his fingers and bring about free easy money as an elite member of America's sinsane over-paid professional athlete and sports industrial complex. Johnny Manziel may do a reverse Kurt Warner, the hall of fame quarterback who went form stocking shelves into the Super Bowl. Johnny Manziel has been paved to play in the CFL but whether this clown can actually play in the Canadian version of American football remains in doubt as this man is about as sharp as a quarterback as Stephan Hawking would be if put under center.
Snowflake liberla proagandist Rex Huppke recalls 2017 hate troll messages and emails he has received in the thousands
Dominick D'Souza
Poor Rex Huppke. The famed and ignorant Chicago Tribune columnist wrote a compelling piece of the trills that target him on a daily basis as he listed a variety of common insults he receives through his email and Facebook accunts.
Huppke is one of the worse bias political columnists in the nation and his writing and styles has encouraged the wrath the baby complained about being so sad so mad at all the Internet trOlla that decided to use their free speech right as a Mr Huppke has to come on and be a hack journalist for big corporate newsprint that people are leaving by the thousands. Rex Huppke is all that is wrong with newspapers and this poor miserable snowflake should be handed an award for most hate mail and emails of any member of the American media. Rex wrote a recent column pretty much summing up all the things he has been called in 2017 and half of the remarks may have come form us. We have sent this son of a bitch hundreds of hate messages indicating that he is dumber than a tailless old world monkey. Perhaps Rex Hupkke should read his column and how bullshit political propaganda and bias it is with its message before he starts crying about all of the bullies making his life difficult and miserable to open up his Facebook account.
Poor Rex Huppke. The famed and ignorant Chicago Tribune columnist wrote a compelling piece of the trills that target him on a daily basis as he listed a variety of common insults he receives through his email and Facebook accunts.
Huppke is one of the worse bias political columnists in the nation and his writing and styles has encouraged the wrath the baby complained about being so sad so mad at all the Internet trOlla that decided to use their free speech right as a Mr Huppke has to come on and be a hack journalist for big corporate newsprint that people are leaving by the thousands. Rex Huppke is all that is wrong with newspapers and this poor miserable snowflake should be handed an award for most hate mail and emails of any member of the American media. Rex wrote a recent column pretty much summing up all the things he has been called in 2017 and half of the remarks may have come form us. We have sent this son of a bitch hundreds of hate messages indicating that he is dumber than a tailless old world monkey. Perhaps Rex Hupkke should read his column and how bullshit political propaganda and bias it is with its message before he starts crying about all of the bullies making his life difficult and miserable to open up his Facebook account.
How Catalonia's drive for Indpendence can be emulated by Native Americans
Runs Like Cougar
Catalonians are demanding independence and separation and as an American Native activist the drive for independence for Native Americans should copy the plan of this Spanish region and others demanding social justice and independence. All Native Americans need to support the Catalonia drive and put forth attempts for independence for indigenous people and for control of resources and demand for greater autonomy for the tribal lands as this is the only way Native Americans can finally achieve some outsiders seem to enjoy form casinos dotting tribal lands. Catalonia is a region that is feeling it is being exploited form corrupt rotten central authority control and Native Americans are starting to feel the same way as the leadership and control form Washington is not having Indian reservations land and future potential for economic sustainability and growth in its best interest. independent rule for Native Americans means independent deals can be struck with sovereign nations and this inability best describes the stagnation Native Americans see and despair for their plot and in many ways seeing other peoples fight and demand autonomy in places around the world
should aspire Native Americans to follow and the sudden rise of the pro indepdencia movement in Catalonia inspires many people in North America as the only ultimate solution for indigenous peoples increased awareness and role in the world. Trade deals could be established for Americas independent Native republics and countries like China that would help Native Americans and foreign countries develop together and increase opportunities that have long been held back for Native Americas in the current status quo. Like the old Spanish empire and the decaying pathetic surviving country called Spain today and eventually American empire will fold and fall opening opportunities for eventual Native nations to strive and make its mark on this continent. Sooner or later the indigenous people will make their voices cry out and end this reservation enforced enbvironment many find themselves stuick in and without a nation or voice of their own in the international community and jow many eventual Native Nations can arise form the ashes of empire and the neo-liberalistic domination form Washington,Wall Street, and California will be unfolded someday and answered.
Catalonians are demanding independence and separation and as an American Native activist the drive for independence for Native Americans should copy the plan of this Spanish region and others demanding social justice and independence. All Native Americans need to support the Catalonia drive and put forth attempts for independence for indigenous people and for control of resources and demand for greater autonomy for the tribal lands as this is the only way Native Americans can finally achieve some outsiders seem to enjoy form casinos dotting tribal lands. Catalonia is a region that is feeling it is being exploited form corrupt rotten central authority control and Native Americans are starting to feel the same way as the leadership and control form Washington is not having Indian reservations land and future potential for economic sustainability and growth in its best interest. independent rule for Native Americans means independent deals can be struck with sovereign nations and this inability best describes the stagnation Native Americans see and despair for their plot and in many ways seeing other peoples fight and demand autonomy in places around the world
should aspire Native Americans to follow and the sudden rise of the pro indepdencia movement in Catalonia inspires many people in North America as the only ultimate solution for indigenous peoples increased awareness and role in the world. Trade deals could be established for Americas independent Native republics and countries like China that would help Native Americans and foreign countries develop together and increase opportunities that have long been held back for Native Americas in the current status quo. Like the old Spanish empire and the decaying pathetic surviving country called Spain today and eventually American empire will fold and fall opening opportunities for eventual Native nations to strive and make its mark on this continent. Sooner or later the indigenous people will make their voices cry out and end this reservation enforced enbvironment many find themselves stuick in and without a nation or voice of their own in the international community and jow many eventual Native Nations can arise form the ashes of empire and the neo-liberalistic domination form Washington,Wall Street, and California will be unfolded someday and answered.
Left Nurse Shark attacks newlewed and nealry tears her arm apart
Lonnie Yeager
In rural coastal South Carolina people think it is OK to swim in a resort with Nurse sharks and for poor Sarah Carrol it almost cost her an arm and a leg. As her pussy husband was watching and filming a brutal Nurse Shark made a lunge and took a huge bite out of this young woman's are and for this resort to lie to its guests and say a nurse shark is not dangerous should open this resorts to lawsuits. A Left Nurse shark is not a fish to play with and how this sea beast was thrown in some sort of swimming tourist attraction is amazingly dumb as either the resort or Sarah and Evan Carrol are dumb a s a brick not realizing any shark snaggle-tooth left shark can be dangerous to be around. Swimming resorts need to be put in the same category with Ringling Brothers and Barnum circus and in no way should this woman or anyone ever be in a tank filed with any razor-toothed hungry sharks that usually bite for an existence and use their teeth often to feel something it finds curious.
This young woman heard a swoosh and felt a tangling of her arm thinking at first it was a practical joke but instead it was a joke on her form a left shark species of Nurse shark, which should not be confused as some harmless benevolent creature of the deep blue. Why are any left sharks held captive for the amusement of swimmers wasting corporate spending to so much time in resorts is not known and for poor Sarah not really funny leaving her with tremendous medical bills as medical staff worked profusely to save this dingbats arm because she wanted to swim with wild creatures. The Nurse shark is no mermaid and has Sarah's husbands video proved the shark can take a nibble if it is curious. This young lady is lucky the resort didn't tell her Tiger or Lemon Sharks are safe as well and if this was one of the bigger baddest sharks this young woman would not have been around to tell this fishy tale and recount her and her husbands stupidity believing in the security of underwater swimming in this resort.
In rural coastal South Carolina people think it is OK to swim in a resort with Nurse sharks and for poor Sarah Carrol it almost cost her an arm and a leg. As her pussy husband was watching and filming a brutal Nurse Shark made a lunge and took a huge bite out of this young woman's are and for this resort to lie to its guests and say a nurse shark is not dangerous should open this resorts to lawsuits. A Left Nurse shark is not a fish to play with and how this sea beast was thrown in some sort of swimming tourist attraction is amazingly dumb as either the resort or Sarah and Evan Carrol are dumb a s a brick not realizing any shark snaggle-tooth left shark can be dangerous to be around. Swimming resorts need to be put in the same category with Ringling Brothers and Barnum circus and in no way should this woman or anyone ever be in a tank filed with any razor-toothed hungry sharks that usually bite for an existence and use their teeth often to feel something it finds curious.
This young woman heard a swoosh and felt a tangling of her arm thinking at first it was a practical joke but instead it was a joke on her form a left shark species of Nurse shark, which should not be confused as some harmless benevolent creature of the deep blue. Why are any left sharks held captive for the amusement of swimmers wasting corporate spending to so much time in resorts is not known and for poor Sarah not really funny leaving her with tremendous medical bills as medical staff worked profusely to save this dingbats arm because she wanted to swim with wild creatures. The Nurse shark is no mermaid and has Sarah's husbands video proved the shark can take a nibble if it is curious. This young lady is lucky the resort didn't tell her Tiger or Lemon Sharks are safe as well and if this was one of the bigger baddest sharks this young woman would not have been around to tell this fishy tale and recount her and her husbands stupidity believing in the security of underwater swimming in this resort.
Ruben Sole and Cassidy harass men on escalators in Vegas City
Clifford Gifford
Ruben Sole and some bozo named Cassidy were in Vegas recently and Rueben did his usual escalator hand touching joke with help form this blonde prankster gangster as they touched a variety of black and white-haired men sexual harassing them to their hearts desire. The amazing prank complication can be found on YouTube and is perhaps Rueben Sole's best work to date matching wits and gags with the amazing Cassidy, who is also a famous prankster on YouTube and we have little tie or tolerance of examining his videos.
Ruben and Cassidy know they are safe in these touch videos because as the person realizes they have been humiliated the escalator is up and there is little they can do to confront and capture the hand-touching freaks on a leash.
This video is so dam funny and the blue suited moronic Cassidy touching men adds an unusual funny touch to Rueben's escalator jokes and allowed Mr Sole to avoid some of the touchy dangerous situations he didn't want to put himself in feeling up black men in Vegas City. Expect more of Cassidy and Mr Sole riding each other and escalators looking for easy gags and quick YouTube videos to post and the overwhelming support and desire for more of these videos form these two clowns are sought and if you vacation and ride the escalators in Vegas City do not be surprised if these two jokers touch you in a heart warming gay move.
Ruben Sole and some bozo named Cassidy were in Vegas recently and Rueben did his usual escalator hand touching joke with help form this blonde prankster gangster as they touched a variety of black and white-haired men sexual harassing them to their hearts desire. The amazing prank complication can be found on YouTube and is perhaps Rueben Sole's best work to date matching wits and gags with the amazing Cassidy, who is also a famous prankster on YouTube and we have little tie or tolerance of examining his videos.
Ruben and Cassidy know they are safe in these touch videos because as the person realizes they have been humiliated the escalator is up and there is little they can do to confront and capture the hand-touching freaks on a leash.
This video is so dam funny and the blue suited moronic Cassidy touching men adds an unusual funny touch to Rueben's escalator jokes and allowed Mr Sole to avoid some of the touchy dangerous situations he didn't want to put himself in feeling up black men in Vegas City. Expect more of Cassidy and Mr Sole riding each other and escalators looking for easy gags and quick YouTube videos to post and the overwhelming support and desire for more of these videos form these two clowns are sought and if you vacation and ride the escalators in Vegas City do not be surprised if these two jokers touch you in a heart warming gay move.
China's' shameful repression and attacks on Uighur culture and traditions
Lee Park Kong
China's oppressive and repressive police state is making mince meat of the far-West minorities long struggling of this nation and those willing to do business with China have long ignored the human rights abuses of China The treatment of ethnic Uighur's in Western China is one of the worlds most over-looked problems as China's treatment of non-Hans in their lands should serve as a warning to Africans and others willing to open their doors to benevolent Chinese investments.
The Chinese police and military have enforced a state of terror against the ethnic Uighur's, mainly Muslim people with a long history in the region, with mass internment and disappearance policies reminiscent of Argentina in the seventies where people disappeared out of the blue. It is amazing and quite fucking scary of Western corporations dealing business with a nation who basically ethnically snarls up groups and places people like the Uighur's into indoctrination camps and estimates in recent months that tens of thousand of Uighur's have been simply scooped up and put into gulags aka like Stalinist Russia did with dissenters and those they deemed enemy of the state sending them to die in Siberia. China is using North Korean tactics into subverting their Uighur population and imposing a state of permanent detention of these people using the latest technologies provided in depth with Facebook, Google , and other Western operatives and business helping the Chinese take and kill many people of this region long deserving of their independence and freedom form Chinese brutality. The Chinese are using surveillance tactics and data-driven efforts to blanket society in the state of Xinjiang which has a heavy Turkic and Muslim speaking population the Chinese are seeking to quickly displace and take over fully.
The actions of China in this region are reminiscent of imperial Japan following the quick takeover and invasion during World War II. In addition to constant on-line monitoring of these people the police have pretty much filled the streets with an oppressive policy and tactics against Uighurs with a scrutiny and security process monitoring every move of Uighurs and basically these people are a colonized people in traditional lands that were never part or belong to Red, imperial, or nationalistic China
The Chinese police and military have enforced a state of terror against the ethnic Uighur's, mainly Muslim people with a long history in the region, with mass internment and disappearance policies reminiscent of Argentina in the seventies where people disappeared out of the blue. It is amazing and quite fucking scary of Western corporations dealing business with a nation who basically ethnically snarls up groups and places people like the Uighur's into indoctrination camps and estimates in recent months that tens of thousand of Uighur's have been simply scooped up and put into gulags aka like Stalinist Russia did with dissenters and those they deemed enemy of the state sending them to die in Siberia. China is using North Korean tactics into subverting their Uighur population and imposing a state of permanent detention of these people using the latest technologies provided in depth with Facebook, Google , and other Western operatives and business helping the Chinese take and kill many people of this region long deserving of their independence and freedom form Chinese brutality. The Chinese are using surveillance tactics and data-driven efforts to blanket society in the state of Xinjiang which has a heavy Turkic and Muslim speaking population the Chinese are seeking to quickly displace and take over fully.
The actions of China in this region are reminiscent of imperial Japan following the quick takeover and invasion during World War II. In addition to constant on-line monitoring of these people the police have pretty much filled the streets with an oppressive policy and tactics against Uighurs with a scrutiny and security process monitoring every move of Uighurs and basically these people are a colonized people in traditional lands that were never part or belong to Red, imperial, or nationalistic China
Kyle Kulinski dismayed at accusations agianst his friend Cenk Uyger
Lionel Wagner
Kyle Kulinski cam eon his never award nominating lame Secular Talk program on-line and pout out a long boring video of his intake of the latest accusations of sexual harassment against Cenk Uyger of the Young Turks. Cenk Uyger had some long posts discovered where he basically blasts women for not going home with him back in his younger days when the fat Turk was a svelte 230 pounds. Cenk Uyger use to go to all the top clubs using dark dollars to party and drink rum like a pirate of the Mediterranean.
Apparently Cenk was so cheap he never bought these women stopped talking to him not wishing to waste their mouths and tongue speaking to this fat fool more than a few minutes of dialogue that outraged a young Turk like Cenk to take to the blogosphere and expose his misogyny for the world to see and be reported fourteen years later. Kyle Kulinski was torn and distressed when first hearing the news but later decided that Cenk's current role of promoting and pushing liberalism excused his sexual misconduct and harassment of women in these clubs and later on-line postings of extreme anger. Kyle Kulinski's apologist for his fellow liberal shouldn't be surprising and if this was Ben Shaprio who posted these disgusting on-line rants Kulinski would be so outraged and blasting his ass until it turned from pink to blue. Cenk Uyger is a fat Kurd misogynist pig whose thinking of women likely hasn't been changed by his difficulty of getting dates but only repressed by has bigger more visible role in media and importance has founder of the Young Turks brutal propagandist channel working hard for Democratic candidates and agenda and raking in both foreign and domestic dollars supporting the global trade imbalances and attack on American energy independence.
Hasan Minhaj bombs at White House correspondent dinner and considers a run for White House in 2020 to challenge Donald Trump
Andy Cruz
Hasan thought he would blow the roof with a set of jokes he was hoping would humiliate president Donald Trump. The Indian propagandist writer for globalist Trevor Noah's program on comedy channel is part of a new wave of comedians and entertainers attempting to use their power to bring about politicians demise and public opinion of one. Hasan Minhaj's brutal attempt at comedy and use of it to attack president Trump despite being told not to make his speaking into another series of attacks on Donald Trump as the White House correspondent's dinner has been hijacked by these provocateur form other countries and the media. There was nothing funny about Hasan's stupid lines and attacks on Trump and what is obvious is that many of these apolitical late night hosts is playing before a liberal audience provokes laughter for the likes of Trevor Noah, Stephan Colbert, Jimmy Fallon, and others and when they are not playing before a solid liberal audience told and programmed when to laugh these pieces of shit like Hasan Minhaj are likely to bomb as the brown turd did at this correspondent dinner.
The Muslim propagandist Hasan Minhaj couldn't believe it when no one laughed at his jokes and clearly he didn't realize that perhaps the world is not a progressive bubble ready and paid to laugh at jokes told in a political manner and used to sway public opinion through ridicule that these leftist shits like Daily Show correspondent Hasan Minhaj use and attack president Trump because they are so fucking scared of the president straightening out unequal] trade deals away form the globalists and corporatists. Hasan can only get laughs mocking those individuals despised by the elite urban audiences and when he is out of that league we see how unfunny and stupid this piece of shit is actually and just a shameless political talking point memo for the left-wing socialist agenda. Minhaj's bombing was the highlight of 2017 and the hope of globalists using American tax payer money to fund and grow health care industry and costs to the benefit of mainly foreigners is primarily the reason there is such resistance to president Trump form the likes of Indians like Hasan Minhaj who in all reality are about as funny as a sixteenth century genocide religious war in Europe. Hasan was so bad and hates president Trump so much he is thinking about running for president in 2020 but the guy is a jackass and needs to concentrate on his country and the immoral actions of president Nerander Modi and the awful conditions installed by the crony Hindu class upon the masses in this land of his heritage.
Hasan thought he would blow the roof with a set of jokes he was hoping would humiliate president Donald Trump. The Indian propagandist writer for globalist Trevor Noah's program on comedy channel is part of a new wave of comedians and entertainers attempting to use their power to bring about politicians demise and public opinion of one. Hasan Minhaj's brutal attempt at comedy and use of it to attack president Trump despite being told not to make his speaking into another series of attacks on Donald Trump as the White House correspondent's dinner has been hijacked by these provocateur form other countries and the media. There was nothing funny about Hasan's stupid lines and attacks on Trump and what is obvious is that many of these apolitical late night hosts is playing before a liberal audience provokes laughter for the likes of Trevor Noah, Stephan Colbert, Jimmy Fallon, and others and when they are not playing before a solid liberal audience told and programmed when to laugh these pieces of shit like Hasan Minhaj are likely to bomb as the brown turd did at this correspondent dinner.
The Muslim propagandist Hasan Minhaj couldn't believe it when no one laughed at his jokes and clearly he didn't realize that perhaps the world is not a progressive bubble ready and paid to laugh at jokes told in a political manner and used to sway public opinion through ridicule that these leftist shits like Daily Show correspondent Hasan Minhaj use and attack president Trump because they are so fucking scared of the president straightening out unequal] trade deals away form the globalists and corporatists. Hasan can only get laughs mocking those individuals despised by the elite urban audiences and when he is out of that league we see how unfunny and stupid this piece of shit is actually and just a shameless political talking point memo for the left-wing socialist agenda. Minhaj's bombing was the highlight of 2017 and the hope of globalists using American tax payer money to fund and grow health care industry and costs to the benefit of mainly foreigners is primarily the reason there is such resistance to president Trump form the likes of Indians like Hasan Minhaj who in all reality are about as funny as a sixteenth century genocide religious war in Europe. Hasan was so bad and hates president Trump so much he is thinking about running for president in 2020 but the guy is a jackass and needs to concentrate on his country and the immoral actions of president Nerander Modi and the awful conditions installed by the crony Hindu class upon the masses in this land of his heritage.
Helanie Olen upset at tax cuts for everyone
Ali Muhammed
Mark Helanie Olen as another pubndit against the trump tax cuts as liberals at constantly jumping on the fact that Trump's plans will only encourage more "tax avoidance' that had already been encouraged and existed under Democratic Party leadership. Helanie Olen refers to one tax group for reverence claiming president Trump's would encourage more tax shelters under his new plan to encourage corporate run around although Helanie Olen's doesn't answer the fact that at least we have al least a president willing to address these issues and has tried to change a tax system complicated in nature that hasn't had reform for some thirty years and is responsible for the massive offshoring of both money and jobs overseas thanks to the plutocrats already established in their economic monopolies.
Helanie Olen wrote a national piece bashing the tax plan making accusations that are not base din fact and just her opinion and the opinion of a bias report made by something called the liberal Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. Trump's new tax plans are meant to stop the gaming of the tax system that is done form traditionally egregiously high taxes and Helanie Olen just says it will encourage more gaming of the system because she is trying hard along with others to discredit these new tax rules that actually will get tougher on those wishing and attempting to avoid taxes.
Olen's other assertions make no sense as she is upset some can use processing properties to lower their taxes such as brewery pubs and coffee houses who help gentrify areas while Helane wishes to see doctors, lawyers, accountants, and performing artists have the same right to use properties to expand their networks and professions ignoring the fact many ofn these people are already loaded shit rich and mainly hiore friends and relatives for positions in nheir offices. helanie is a small women given a large voice but needs to be more clear and not speculate allowing policy and progress to move about and change and this woman is nothing but eye candy barely able to be seen above a podium.
Mark Helanie Olen as another pubndit against the trump tax cuts as liberals at constantly jumping on the fact that Trump's plans will only encourage more "tax avoidance' that had already been encouraged and existed under Democratic Party leadership. Helanie Olen refers to one tax group for reverence claiming president Trump's would encourage more tax shelters under his new plan to encourage corporate run around although Helanie Olen's doesn't answer the fact that at least we have al least a president willing to address these issues and has tried to change a tax system complicated in nature that hasn't had reform for some thirty years and is responsible for the massive offshoring of both money and jobs overseas thanks to the plutocrats already established in their economic monopolies.
Helanie Olen wrote a national piece bashing the tax plan making accusations that are not base din fact and just her opinion and the opinion of a bias report made by something called the liberal Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. Trump's new tax plans are meant to stop the gaming of the tax system that is done form traditionally egregiously high taxes and Helanie Olen just says it will encourage more gaming of the system because she is trying hard along with others to discredit these new tax rules that actually will get tougher on those wishing and attempting to avoid taxes.
Olen's other assertions make no sense as she is upset some can use processing properties to lower their taxes such as brewery pubs and coffee houses who help gentrify areas while Helane wishes to see doctors, lawyers, accountants, and performing artists have the same right to use properties to expand their networks and professions ignoring the fact many ofn these people are already loaded shit rich and mainly hiore friends and relatives for positions in nheir offices. helanie is a small women given a large voice but needs to be more clear and not speculate allowing policy and progress to move about and change and this woman is nothing but eye candy barely able to be seen above a podium.
Dr Jamal Nassar furious at president Trump's decision of placing US Embassy in Jerusalem
David Berkson
Dr Jamal Nassar came into his Mid-East politics class and went off ferociously attacking America And the Current administration of A move he feared for some time. Dr Nassau knows that when a move such as this is done it fully recognized the state of Israel declaration of its long agreed capital between Israel and the United States. There is little the Palestinian's and Dr Jamal Nassar can do about the recent decision long overdo as the Us fully recognizes the city of Jerusalem as being owned by the state of Israel and there is no need for a two state solution when there are twenty something Arab Muslim states for Jamal Nassar's people to move.
Whenever people have brought this up to him throughout his year sin his classes Dr Jamal becomes enraged not wanting to hear it or admit defeat many times the Palestinians and Arabs have faced in their ques to annihilate the Jews once and for all form this region. Dr Nassar can pretty much promulgate all he wants in his classes and having the power to be a department chairperson but the fact its Israel is bulldozing and building new after years and years of destruction brought forth by pointless intafada resistance form a population not able to control their own animosity,hostilities, and insanity only making their positions more capricious and demand for a police state response more justified.
Dr Jamal Nassar came into his Mid-East politics class and went off ferociously attacking America And the Current administration of A move he feared for some time. Dr Nassau knows that when a move such as this is done it fully recognized the state of Israel declaration of its long agreed capital between Israel and the United States. There is little the Palestinian's and Dr Jamal Nassar can do about the recent decision long overdo as the Us fully recognizes the city of Jerusalem as being owned by the state of Israel and there is no need for a two state solution when there are twenty something Arab Muslim states for Jamal Nassar's people to move.
Whenever people have brought this up to him throughout his year sin his classes Dr Jamal becomes enraged not wanting to hear it or admit defeat many times the Palestinians and Arabs have faced in their ques to annihilate the Jews once and for all form this region. Dr Nassar can pretty much promulgate all he wants in his classes and having the power to be a department chairperson but the fact its Israel is bulldozing and building new after years and years of destruction brought forth by pointless intafada resistance form a population not able to control their own animosity,hostilities, and insanity only making their positions more capricious and demand for a police state response more justified.
The Ghettofication of Indianapolis continues as huge brawl take s place in a Chuck E Cheese
Ramon Ramos
The slide of the once great town of Indianapolis into a meth and crack head city continues as a massive brawl took place in a Chuck E Cheese establishment and its video went viral for the country and all to see in imagery think for Indianapolis, The capital of Indian was once the cleanest and safest big city in America but in a fee decades the transition of it into becoming Detroit is unbelievable. Some fat sweat hogs battled one another rat a kids party.
Even the mascot seemed shocked and appalled at the actions of the adults many times worse that can be imaginable from the kids. The brutal fight at the Indianapolis Chiuck E Chesse is just one of many through the years at this chain by drug-addicted parents not being able to control their emotions and tempers and often these places are becoming the hang out of the insane,sick, and depraved people that are somehow allowed to procreate in this nation thanks to welfare ease and dependencies. Indianapolis has encouraged poor blacks to move form Chicago and Gary,Indiana through the years so they can soak government resources and aids and a few governmental workers can benefit form the need for this state aid and grants and the result now is that you have so many crime-ridden shit communities in Indianapolis no different than the crap deviant areas now in existence and no man go zones in St Luis,Chicago, and Detroit. Chuck E Cheese as a business concept will eventually be destroyed by these people around the country who bring their back alley brawls to this business instead of the back yards hidden form view where these altercations should be taken place.
The slide of the once great town of Indianapolis into a meth and crack head city continues as a massive brawl took place in a Chuck E Cheese establishment and its video went viral for the country and all to see in imagery think for Indianapolis, The capital of Indian was once the cleanest and safest big city in America but in a fee decades the transition of it into becoming Detroit is unbelievable. Some fat sweat hogs battled one another rat a kids party.
Even the mascot seemed shocked and appalled at the actions of the adults many times worse that can be imaginable from the kids. The brutal fight at the Indianapolis Chiuck E Chesse is just one of many through the years at this chain by drug-addicted parents not being able to control their emotions and tempers and often these places are becoming the hang out of the insane,sick, and depraved people that are somehow allowed to procreate in this nation thanks to welfare ease and dependencies. Indianapolis has encouraged poor blacks to move form Chicago and Gary,Indiana through the years so they can soak government resources and aids and a few governmental workers can benefit form the need for this state aid and grants and the result now is that you have so many crime-ridden shit communities in Indianapolis no different than the crap deviant areas now in existence and no man go zones in St Luis,Chicago, and Detroit. Chuck E Cheese as a business concept will eventually be destroyed by these people around the country who bring their back alley brawls to this business instead of the back yards hidden form view where these altercations should be taken place.
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