Bradly Austin
John Oliver is a nerd and a weak small bird always taking on issues he has no business in speaking on his Last Word Tonight broadcast program. John Oliver recently addressed the coming Mexican elections and sought ways to help influence the election for the Bernie Sanders candidate named Andres .John Oliver mocked the other two top candidates in this election in a lame businessman and a rough frontier type vaquero candidate that is a populist and not a mainstream candidate called El Bronco. John Oliver made his preference know and how important he feels these elections in Mexico are as he played several videos of the top three candidates all while ignoring the fourth whom Oliver deemed unworthy with no chance.

This English drip is not qualified and not an expert to speak on any country's elections except his own but as a globalist media member on HBO John Oliver has his orders and more often his orders require bias political opinion and swaying much like fellow shits as Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, and the late great Stephan Colbert. Tge violence seen in these upcoming elections are also indicative of the need for a wall and protection alongside the border as these liberals often lie often repeating the same fake news lie that migration has stopped or tricked form Mexico ignoring the many times it had done in thepast only to tick on up massively over time and the instability of Mexico as a nation is proof of the unstable of mucho of the population and undesirables we need to hold prevention coming in mass numbers as in the past.
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