Whitaker Marshall III
Neil Steinberg is a member of the mainstream media living in the ritzy North Shore burbs of Chicago and he was recently out with his wife in a bar and refused to eat the bar food. He recently write on his experience at the jingoistic and neurotic ice cream business in Chicago called La Michoacana which serves as a billboard for Mexicans who refuse to assimilate and only prefer to see and be around their own ethnicity. That is the sole purpose of the existence of this shitty ice cream place and Neil Stienberg doesn't seem to understand this and I have never seen a non-Mexican at a La Michocana. Neil shared his visit to a La Michocana and basically praised the place in Highwood,Illinois and th eethnicity of the Mexican immigrant, many of whom feel their culture is second to none in food and cream and explains why 90% of them resemble human hogs more than human primates.
The Jew Neil Steinberg praised diversity and the La Michocana of which there are many in the Chicagoland area and they are always in immigrant communities and shit holes. Steinberg says that president Trump thinking that English is the official language of this country needs to come to a La Michocana where Steinberg proudly noticed that English was not spoken by anyone in this ice cream parlor and he felt like he was in rural backwards Mexico. La Michocaca imported ice cream is allowed to be imported and sold to benefit Mexico and Mexican shippers who then use their profits to purchase politicians and help sanctuary city polices to expand and this needs to stop and come to an end. This ice cream business and other shit hole Mexican businesses or taquieria restaurants basically exist and force illegal migrants to spend their money as part of their plea deal and entry fee into America. One has to wonder if massive number of German immigrants were coming to America and settling their own exclusive business and refusing to learn English and assimilate into America if whether the Jew Neil Steinberg would have anger over it mucho more than the refusal of Mexicans in losing their culture and traditions supporting business primarily because it caters to the unassmailable and those wishing to colonize and reshape our country into their version. Steinberg claims some fake stats that show Republicans care more for language and assimilation than Democrats and this could be because the base of the democratic Party relies of foreigner much more than Republicans and the like sof neil see themselves as global citizens and member sof global stan than America and the American media and members like him are brain-washed into this left-wing type of anti-American thinking. The people of Mexico left their countries because their nations have long been one party shit hole of massive inequality not much unlike the blue cities and state sin this country
Finally Neil Tyson appears on Joe Rogan's podcast and is a eccentric and neurotic space cadet again
Arnold Armstrong
Space cadet and war mongering advocate Neil De Grasse Tyson spoke of the need of a space force on the popular Joe Rogan podcast in a three hour marathon of a discussion on space. Neil Tyson laid out the need for military tension and competition between nations as key to establishing human presence i space that a ultimate space cadet like Tyson wishes to see pronto. Neo Tyson use to watch the famed fifties television star starring Art Carney and Ed Norton called Captain Video and he told Rogan of his youth and love of interstellar space shaped and molded his thought.
Neil De Grass sounded like his usual drugged out grass smoking self speaking of t eventuality of corporations leading the forefront into space mining Gold and SDilver on asteroids and settling the moon and Mars for natural resources as Tyson De Grass believes in infinitive growth and eventually humanity will out grow the earth and is destined to settle the deep vacuums of stars and space dust.
Rogan questioned how much space junk is floating out in the stratosphere and what could be done as the entrepreneur Tyson said cleaning up this debris can be another reasoning for more humanity and space exploration, ahh although it will lead to the same clutter and mess and add more to the debris and so forth. Neil grass also said that space tourism and plans for the ultra wealthy to see live images that would be unaffordable for other swill also be available and more opportunities for the super wealthy to take snap shots on their phones and show others their financial superiority in being able to take these fuel wasting trips that Neil De Grass has no problema with as he speaks of climate change and dangers of it.
Space cadet and war mongering advocate Neil De Grasse Tyson spoke of the need of a space force on the popular Joe Rogan podcast in a three hour marathon of a discussion on space. Neil Tyson laid out the need for military tension and competition between nations as key to establishing human presence i space that a ultimate space cadet like Tyson wishes to see pronto. Neo Tyson use to watch the famed fifties television star starring Art Carney and Ed Norton called Captain Video and he told Rogan of his youth and love of interstellar space shaped and molded his thought.
Neil De Grass sounded like his usual drugged out grass smoking self speaking of t eventuality of corporations leading the forefront into space mining Gold and SDilver on asteroids and settling the moon and Mars for natural resources as Tyson De Grass believes in infinitive growth and eventually humanity will out grow the earth and is destined to settle the deep vacuums of stars and space dust.

Maple Inn burns down in Blue Island in another insurance scam
Baxter Lomax
The famed Maple Inn in Blue Island burned down last weekend and with this news many Blue Island and area residents were saddened as the mos likely scenario sees Panda Express and Potbellys moving into this reclusive and remote area of Southern suburbs in Chicago. The Southern suburbs are really shit area with chain few cool non-chain eateries as the South suburbs are full of shitty chains. The Maple Tree Inn was a great fresh food family run business in a building that had been there at the turn of the century.
The burning of the Maple Inn is highly suspicious given with the land grab of the corporate crappy chain elites that both want the space and do not want the competition form unique and beloved places like the Maple Inn. As bartender of the Itasca Inn in Itasca we are fully aware of the tactics and presure given by these corporate chains to sell off to these global brands and turn all communities into cookie cutter replications of each others and how people continue to support and eat at chains is sad but often the result of monopolies and monopoly of space and lack of cool unique neighborhood loving paces like this Maple Tree Inn. People would come from all over the area and even Wisconsin and stop at this unique eatery and the cool interior and layout and this cannot be said about White Castle. Hopefully the owners rebuild this food temple and retian much of the same old look and bar as possible as there really is not much more for folks in this gang banging town to look forward and enjoy a meal in a place they have never seen elsewhere.
The famed Maple Inn in Blue Island burned down last weekend and with this news many Blue Island and area residents were saddened as the mos likely scenario sees Panda Express and Potbellys moving into this reclusive and remote area of Southern suburbs in Chicago. The Southern suburbs are really shit area with chain few cool non-chain eateries as the South suburbs are full of shitty chains. The Maple Tree Inn was a great fresh food family run business in a building that had been there at the turn of the century.
The burning of the Maple Inn is highly suspicious given with the land grab of the corporate crappy chain elites that both want the space and do not want the competition form unique and beloved places like the Maple Inn. As bartender of the Itasca Inn in Itasca we are fully aware of the tactics and presure given by these corporate chains to sell off to these global brands and turn all communities into cookie cutter replications of each others and how people continue to support and eat at chains is sad but often the result of monopolies and monopoly of space and lack of cool unique neighborhood loving paces like this Maple Tree Inn. People would come from all over the area and even Wisconsin and stop at this unique eatery and the cool interior and layout and this cannot be said about White Castle. Hopefully the owners rebuild this food temple and retian much of the same old look and bar as possible as there really is not much more for folks in this gang banging town to look forward and enjoy a meal in a place they have never seen elsewhere.
Do the Dough boys ever not like what their reviewing?
Armando Arturo
The Doughboy podcast is aomg one of the msot popular and mentioned podcasts on-line by people reviewing comedy and food listenings. Nick Wiger and Michael Mitchell piodcasts are not that good and we are open to bash them and be a rare outlet to crtitisize these unfunny egomnaicial left-wing liberal coastal elites who never review n eatery or restaurant that they don't like or give positive ratings. Typically of the liberal cosatal elites thes emen rate by money and advertising and the fact that they are talking of a chain and restaurant is prooof that this form of advertising is a new outlet for thes efood companies and restaurants in getting recognition.
No wonder the Doughboys never criticize or don't like anything they are reviewing as basically they are on the internet airwaves through the subsidies and money from the companies they are reviewing and talking about at times. One of the problems of the Doughboys though is they don''t talk of food much on their hour long popular podcasts as typical self-ego pumping urban liberals they often speak of themselves,their friends, and the hipsters in urban areas they party with and know and there is absolutely no redeeming quality in listening to these two clowns. The Dough boys live Jack in the Box, Popeyes, India Palace,Jimmy Johns, Panda Express, Burger King, Taco Bell, Taco Johns. Burger World, etc etc because these franchises likely pay them to have the right on their podcast space as subliminal advertising.
The Doughboy podcast is aomg one of the msot popular and mentioned podcasts on-line by people reviewing comedy and food listenings. Nick Wiger and Michael Mitchell piodcasts are not that good and we are open to bash them and be a rare outlet to crtitisize these unfunny egomnaicial left-wing liberal coastal elites who never review n eatery or restaurant that they don't like or give positive ratings. Typically of the liberal cosatal elites thes emen rate by money and advertising and the fact that they are talking of a chain and restaurant is prooof that this form of advertising is a new outlet for thes efood companies and restaurants in getting recognition.
No wonder the Doughboys never criticize or don't like anything they are reviewing as basically they are on the internet airwaves through the subsidies and money from the companies they are reviewing and talking about at times. One of the problems of the Doughboys though is they don''t talk of food much on their hour long popular podcasts as typical self-ego pumping urban liberals they often speak of themselves,their friends, and the hipsters in urban areas they party with and know and there is absolutely no redeeming quality in listening to these two clowns. The Dough boys live Jack in the Box, Popeyes, India Palace,Jimmy Johns, Panda Express, Burger King, Taco Bell, Taco Johns. Burger World, etc etc because these franchises likely pay them to have the right on their podcast space as subliminal advertising.
Former corrupt and- plutocratic Governor of Illinois Jim Edgar wishes for Chicago casino to continue horse torture racing tradition and considers a run against Trump in 2020
Jake Glass
Animal Stories
Jim Edgar was another rich man who bought his way into politics and spoke often of forcing Republicans to be moderate because he was a plutocrat and wish to remain so and the onbe time big opponent to casinos now supports casinos if they help his beloved horse racing industry to survive. Former Illinois Governor Jim Edgar serves to vile terms as Illinois Governor helping sell out this state to overseas "Immigrants" (investors) who bought their way into America tax sheltering small business scam and Jim Edgar got so loaded and even filthier rich that he now owns like fifty race horses. The problem Jim Edgar faces is where can he showcase his horse wealth and the animal torture tradition of racing these beasts for speed in Illinois.
Edgar now sees horse racing dead in the state and hates to go to neighboring Indiana to race and beat his horses to win and he fully supports major casino expansion if it helps him personally fund and create more horse torture race run tracks in the state of Illinois , which is just sick and hows how demented the wealthy and rich who need these asset ownership avenues of publicity for themselves in this horse racing industry that few care about These days. Former Illinois Governor Edgar wishes for the return to the days where thousands of horses received the crack of the whip and ore drugs induced into the animals to help build their muscles and lungs to withstand the brutality the little jockey delivers in order to get that extra length at the end. Edgar is just pissed he has to drive 250 miles to find a place that still accepts this barbaric ritual upon mans second best friend after the dog. Revenues dropped by a half in wagering on this silly spectacle to 500 million in Illinois and nobody wishes to spend time wagering and watching this boring event anymore and only old rich people lile Edgar wish to have tax payers and casino addicts to continually subsidize it
Horse racing also allowed tons of corruption to spread in and out of that disgusting track. Why would any society wish to prolong an industry such as this? people are no longer interested in horse racing because we are in a new era where realization of the burden and health and physical toll on horses in order to meet the rich peoples egos is just not as thankfully acceptable in today's society. Jim Edgar wants to see horse racing expansion and is considering a third party candidacy against president Trump to see this dream come true.Jim will run under the Horse Party which will have a horse as a logo and he will seek to rebound the industry as his sole and only purpose as a candidate for 2020 and I guess the few who care about horse racing may race to support him and join his campaign
Animal Stories
Jim Edgar was another rich man who bought his way into politics and spoke often of forcing Republicans to be moderate because he was a plutocrat and wish to remain so and the onbe time big opponent to casinos now supports casinos if they help his beloved horse racing industry to survive. Former Illinois Governor Jim Edgar serves to vile terms as Illinois Governor helping sell out this state to overseas "Immigrants" (investors) who bought their way into America tax sheltering small business scam and Jim Edgar got so loaded and even filthier rich that he now owns like fifty race horses. The problem Jim Edgar faces is where can he showcase his horse wealth and the animal torture tradition of racing these beasts for speed in Illinois.
Edgar now sees horse racing dead in the state and hates to go to neighboring Indiana to race and beat his horses to win and he fully supports major casino expansion if it helps him personally fund and create more horse torture race run tracks in the state of Illinois , which is just sick and hows how demented the wealthy and rich who need these asset ownership avenues of publicity for themselves in this horse racing industry that few care about These days. Former Illinois Governor Edgar wishes for the return to the days where thousands of horses received the crack of the whip and ore drugs induced into the animals to help build their muscles and lungs to withstand the brutality the little jockey delivers in order to get that extra length at the end. Edgar is just pissed he has to drive 250 miles to find a place that still accepts this barbaric ritual upon mans second best friend after the dog. Revenues dropped by a half in wagering on this silly spectacle to 500 million in Illinois and nobody wishes to spend time wagering and watching this boring event anymore and only old rich people lile Edgar wish to have tax payers and casino addicts to continually subsidize it
Horse racing also allowed tons of corruption to spread in and out of that disgusting track. Why would any society wish to prolong an industry such as this? people are no longer interested in horse racing because we are in a new era where realization of the burden and health and physical toll on horses in order to meet the rich peoples egos is just not as thankfully acceptable in today's society. Jim Edgar wants to see horse racing expansion and is considering a third party candidacy against president Trump to see this dream come true.Jim will run under the Horse Party which will have a horse as a logo and he will seek to rebound the industry as his sole and only purpose as a candidate for 2020 and I guess the few who care about horse racing may race to support him and join his campaign
Jason Lake worried about future tournaments for his cash cow money diversion of video games
Neil Knight
Jason Lake is CEO of Complexity and runs a E sports team filled with nuts,goofs,fucks, jags, and fags such as the young Mr Katz who shot up a recent Jacksonville tournament. Jason Lake and other shave helped to draw the idea and game plan of a fake interest in watching other people play video games which makes about as much sense as watching a professional miniature golf or watching people eat Cheetos or nachos at a gas station. Mr Lake said because of Mr Katz now he will have to consider hiring massive security in these future sports video game tournaments that nobody really cares about except young psychos deranged and unable to get out of their mothers basements glued to screens playing video games like a opioid addicted Captain Video man.
The fact is Mr Lake is worried about the fake business and agenda of drawing money into downtown convention centers or malls that basically these tournaments serve ,aside form the sons and daughters of global and wealthy elites being herald for being black sheep losers. Jason Lake likes his role as a professional team owner of talented video game addicts and he has a helicopter going to these tournaments and chasing down drones for fun from time to time. As executive and big wig at Complexity Me Lake doesn't wish to think about a new aspect to his growing business and just wishes to hire and put out the best God dam video game players an d to help his team to work hard and play Nuke Em good in order for him to gain profits and see his brand grow to be among the elites of the video game distractors and owners and he often whip tails his team with inspiring logic and confidence talk
Jason Lake is CEO of Complexity and runs a E sports team filled with nuts,goofs,fucks, jags, and fags such as the young Mr Katz who shot up a recent Jacksonville tournament. Jason Lake and other shave helped to draw the idea and game plan of a fake interest in watching other people play video games which makes about as much sense as watching a professional miniature golf or watching people eat Cheetos or nachos at a gas station. Mr Lake said because of Mr Katz now he will have to consider hiring massive security in these future sports video game tournaments that nobody really cares about except young psychos deranged and unable to get out of their mothers basements glued to screens playing video games like a opioid addicted Captain Video man.
The fact is Mr Lake is worried about the fake business and agenda of drawing money into downtown convention centers or malls that basically these tournaments serve ,aside form the sons and daughters of global and wealthy elites being herald for being black sheep losers. Jason Lake likes his role as a professional team owner of talented video game addicts and he has a helicopter going to these tournaments and chasing down drones for fun from time to time. As executive and big wig at Complexity Me Lake doesn't wish to think about a new aspect to his growing business and just wishes to hire and put out the best God dam video game players an d to help his team to work hard and play Nuke Em good in order for him to gain profits and see his brand grow to be among the elites of the video game distractors and owners and he often whip tails his team with inspiring logic and confidence talk
Arrogant Cody Wilson remains defiant willing to sell plans for plastic guns despite judge ruling
Jordan Morgan
Cody Wilson needs to be shipped to North Korea and imprisoned like Otto Warmbiuerer. The piece of shit owner of 3d gun printing manufacture Defense Distributions has cost this country million sin legal fights preventing the obvious and this would be allowing anyone to create a Frankenstein-type gun for easy possession and domestic terrorism or criminal activity . Many states and districts are putting legal rule to prevent this and recently a US judge in Seattle blocked an insane Trump allowance for Cody Wilson and his pointing company from being able to allow free access to his blueprints for his plastic guns.
Cody wishes for these plastic guns to make it tough metal detectors in court houses and I guess having criminals blast away at the judges and court systems and because of this it may be why we are seeing massive legal stances against this Texas Psychotic Cody Wilson and his ridiculous business plan and thought of creating plastic untraceable guns. Eventually this sack of shit will be in a prison as the defiant Wilson is ignoring these rulings and lawsuits and now selling his business blue print plans to anyone on-line for as little as a penny. Wilson is a danger to society and if he doesn't watch it many people will be lead to the same conclusion and decide he needs some lead into his body and he should of received a bullet-ridden response for his actions and for his hope, desire, and plan to cause more death and mayhem in the streets and working to give killers and criminals easy access to kill in this country because he is such a psychotic bastard. Preventing easy access to 3d guns and the manufacture of it is a no brainer .
Washington Attorney Genial Bob Ferguson was pleased with the ruling and promised to go after this sack of fuck shit Cody Wilson for his continually defiance , but he wondered why the Trump administration worked hard to allow untraceable and undetectable guns to be available with a recent ruling and didn't he understand that this would benefit domestic felons,terrorists, and street criminals and other types that a Cody Wilson seeks to empower?
Cody Wilson needs to be shipped to North Korea and imprisoned like Otto Warmbiuerer. The piece of shit owner of 3d gun printing manufacture Defense Distributions has cost this country million sin legal fights preventing the obvious and this would be allowing anyone to create a Frankenstein-type gun for easy possession and domestic terrorism or criminal activity . Many states and districts are putting legal rule to prevent this and recently a US judge in Seattle blocked an insane Trump allowance for Cody Wilson and his pointing company from being able to allow free access to his blueprints for his plastic guns.
Cody wishes for these plastic guns to make it tough metal detectors in court houses and I guess having criminals blast away at the judges and court systems and because of this it may be why we are seeing massive legal stances against this Texas Psychotic Cody Wilson and his ridiculous business plan and thought of creating plastic untraceable guns. Eventually this sack of shit will be in a prison as the defiant Wilson is ignoring these rulings and lawsuits and now selling his business blue print plans to anyone on-line for as little as a penny. Wilson is a danger to society and if he doesn't watch it many people will be lead to the same conclusion and decide he needs some lead into his body and he should of received a bullet-ridden response for his actions and for his hope, desire, and plan to cause more death and mayhem in the streets and working to give killers and criminals easy access to kill in this country because he is such a psychotic bastard. Preventing easy access to 3d guns and the manufacture of it is a no brainer .
Washington Attorney Genial Bob Ferguson was pleased with the ruling and promised to go after this sack of fuck shit Cody Wilson for his continually defiance , but he wondered why the Trump administration worked hard to allow untraceable and undetectable guns to be available with a recent ruling and didn't he understand that this would benefit domestic felons,terrorists, and street criminals and other types that a Cody Wilson seeks to empower?
The punk Scott Horton has Danny Sjursen to bash American military. ignore another Kabul bombing by terrorists, and prefer rule of terrorists from Muslimstan
Andy Cruz
Recently the Afghanistan bannanastan saw another massive bombing of a school boarding young students and females which the world observed as a terrorist targeted towards those of the Shiite religion and this continues to serve the civilized world as evidence of the insane nature of man y hillbilly Arabs and Afghan in remote tribal areas of this region and why we need to continue to fight against this evil preventing the virus form spreading. For our favorite punk and propaganda hick in America and famed podcaster of anti-war.com Scott Horton these bombings should be ignored and the United States and West should not be striving to help the generations of people having to live under the mad rule of these madman hiding behind religion to enforce terror on their neighbors.
Major Danny Sjursen is a juiced up moron member of the uS military that shouldn't be in it and is relentlessly campaigning to end Americas military adventures and enforcement of civil rule and law in this most egregious global lawlessness place and one must wonder if Scott Horton and Danny Sjursen prefer to see radical Muslims and their lifestyle spread more though ought the world like Starbucks and this is what would happen if we left the region unchecked and these two pieces of shit know this. Perhaps Horton and Danny don't want Afghan people to get an education and realize the bullshit of the speak at the local mosques and one must wonder if these Americans hate the idea and condone suicidal bombings of young Afghans in preparing for university exams to learn and better their life in a global world.
Recently the Afghanistan bannanastan saw another massive bombing of a school boarding young students and females which the world observed as a terrorist targeted towards those of the Shiite religion and this continues to serve the civilized world as evidence of the insane nature of man y hillbilly Arabs and Afghan in remote tribal areas of this region and why we need to continue to fight against this evil preventing the virus form spreading. For our favorite punk and propaganda hick in America and famed podcaster of anti-war.com Scott Horton these bombings should be ignored and the United States and West should not be striving to help the generations of people having to live under the mad rule of these madman hiding behind religion to enforce terror on their neighbors.
Major Danny Sjursen is a juiced up moron member of the uS military that shouldn't be in it and is relentlessly campaigning to end Americas military adventures and enforcement of civil rule and law in this most egregious global lawlessness place and one must wonder if Scott Horton and Danny Sjursen prefer to see radical Muslims and their lifestyle spread more though ought the world like Starbucks and this is what would happen if we left the region unchecked and these two pieces of shit know this. Perhaps Horton and Danny don't want Afghan people to get an education and realize the bullshit of the speak at the local mosques and one must wonder if these Americans hate the idea and condone suicidal bombings of young Afghans in preparing for university exams to learn and better their life in a global world.
Perhaps Danny Sjursen is a cucklod who wishes to sell and see his wife taken by the Islamic State or Taliban terro groups in bannastan who in recent weeks have killed scores of innocent people. Horton and this turncoat Major ass fuck though think America is the real problem for fighting fire with fire and killing those who would strap suicide bombs to their chest in order to take out fifty or more of their countrymen who want to improve and better their lives and not live under 8th century religious theocracy that forces women to be chattel slaves much like the camels and goats in Afghanistan. Islamic radical principles in this failed state we must rebuild have consistently proved they will kill and die to prevent a society where men and women learn together and obviously and totally unbelievable anti-American military an anti-war stance this is something a Scott Horton and this fuck face Major Sjursen believe is a world worth defending so vociferously
Curtin Harper walsk out of a boxing match an wants to be payed like video game players
Leo Yost
Curtis Harper wanted none of it as he stepped into the ring with and was preparing for another defeat as this boxer has a cruddy shitty record of like 13-8. Curtis Harper protested police action against black males and he simply walked off the ring just as a major fight on television was about to be aired and a packed crowd of freebie ticket holders were settled down in Vegas City. Curtis though was angered by both the treatment of blacks by police in being turned over many times a day in Amerikka and also angered by the fact that his salary was so low that even pre-teen video game players were making more of a salary than himself getting pummeled and beaten down for a living in a sport no one follows anymore.
Curtis Harper wanted none of Efe Jagaba and Harper proved what a jagoff chicken shit he was as likely he want do part of Efe's right hook and power attack that sent bigger men crying down hard on the mat. Curtis Harper deserves nada and after this fight any money earned North of a grand by Curtis Harper is highway robbery and would be foolish by any network or boxing promotion to pay. Harper is a joke as is the sorry state of boxing and only a cable and mass marketing scam and corporate scam could explain why television equipment is set up to view this spectacle that few people watch or have any interest to view in person or on TV.
Curtis Harper wanted none of it as he stepped into the ring with and was preparing for another defeat as this boxer has a cruddy shitty record of like 13-8. Curtis Harper protested police action against black males and he simply walked off the ring just as a major fight on television was about to be aired and a packed crowd of freebie ticket holders were settled down in Vegas City. Curtis though was angered by both the treatment of blacks by police in being turned over many times a day in Amerikka and also angered by the fact that his salary was so low that even pre-teen video game players were making more of a salary than himself getting pummeled and beaten down for a living in a sport no one follows anymore.

Vince James of Red Elephants bashes mainstream media and Trevor Noah ,Don Lemon, and Ass Al Sharton for lying on South Africa anti-white attacks
Eric Ericson
Vince James came on his award winning Red Elephants pro-Trump YouTube channel and totally ripped into the asshole of mainstream media and their lies and distortion of what is going on in South Africa racist campaign against whit eland owners. Mr James tore into the black homosexual Don Lemon for continuous lies on CNN about these farm attacks that the gaywad Lemon says are insignificant compared to the total carnage of the black rule in South Africa today and the violence seen by blacks in South Africa explains why resistance by Whites to end apartheid was so ingrained in their culture.
They knew what black take over of government and control could lead to in this backwards culture an people who can never leave their tribal legacies and inheritances of violence in their culture and lifestyle Al Sharpton was also a topic of Vince James as the MSNBC annalist is stupider than a brick and was rewarded by NBC for years of social activism and pressure put onto institutions to fund and sway his way into political television propaganda commentary and the charlatan often makes appearances to this day on MSNBC.
James also ruthlessly attacked Al Sharpton who he called an indiot and a lier for saying that the farmers were being killed but not because of their race and unquestionably if White South Africans were killing building squatters or pulling over black men by police cars and killing blacks as blacks are massacring white farmers Sharpton would have a different opinion. The sad fact is the left and liberals believe in retribution and is why they are complicate and quit through the years as thousands of white farmers are being systematically killed in planned attacks by dangerous animals in South Africa and the Ali Sharptons and Don Lemons are perplexed at the amount of coverage by FOX and other outlets at the plight of the South African farmer.
The 1994 election handing power to black savage in South Africa was most likely rigged as no one can believe White South Africans would be willing to give and trust a black government of their property and lives. Vince James saved his best for last attacking Trevor Noah, a actual South African shit himself and his placement on American television is perhaps the most egregious form of global domination of American airwaves and a threat to this nation as outside influences like this fuck ass Noah have to much influence and ability to speak and meddle in the affairs of our nation. Trevor Noah is a shit that fully accepts and loves what is going on in South Africa with land confiscation and ethnic cleansing and perhaps the best way for White South Africa to fight back is organizing and bringing awareness to their plight and carving a spot like Israel has done in the Mid east and fighting back against the ruthlessness many face on isolated farms through out South Africa. White Africans need to organize and carve their own state and reclaim the land fought and won for by their ancestors in dark continent that they built form ground up and produced a state African was never capable of or maintaining.
Vince James came on his award winning Red Elephants pro-Trump YouTube channel and totally ripped into the asshole of mainstream media and their lies and distortion of what is going on in South Africa racist campaign against whit eland owners. Mr James tore into the black homosexual Don Lemon for continuous lies on CNN about these farm attacks that the gaywad Lemon says are insignificant compared to the total carnage of the black rule in South Africa today and the violence seen by blacks in South Africa explains why resistance by Whites to end apartheid was so ingrained in their culture.
They knew what black take over of government and control could lead to in this backwards culture an people who can never leave their tribal legacies and inheritances of violence in their culture and lifestyle Al Sharpton was also a topic of Vince James as the MSNBC annalist is stupider than a brick and was rewarded by NBC for years of social activism and pressure put onto institutions to fund and sway his way into political television propaganda commentary and the charlatan often makes appearances to this day on MSNBC.
James also ruthlessly attacked Al Sharpton who he called an indiot and a lier for saying that the farmers were being killed but not because of their race and unquestionably if White South Africans were killing building squatters or pulling over black men by police cars and killing blacks as blacks are massacring white farmers Sharpton would have a different opinion. The sad fact is the left and liberals believe in retribution and is why they are complicate and quit through the years as thousands of white farmers are being systematically killed in planned attacks by dangerous animals in South Africa and the Ali Sharptons and Don Lemons are perplexed at the amount of coverage by FOX and other outlets at the plight of the South African farmer.
The 1994 election handing power to black savage in South Africa was most likely rigged as no one can believe White South Africans would be willing to give and trust a black government of their property and lives. Vince James saved his best for last attacking Trevor Noah, a actual South African shit himself and his placement on American television is perhaps the most egregious form of global domination of American airwaves and a threat to this nation as outside influences like this fuck ass Noah have to much influence and ability to speak and meddle in the affairs of our nation. Trevor Noah is a shit that fully accepts and loves what is going on in South Africa with land confiscation and ethnic cleansing and perhaps the best way for White South Africa to fight back is organizing and bringing awareness to their plight and carving a spot like Israel has done in the Mid east and fighting back against the ruthlessness many face on isolated farms through out South Africa. White Africans need to organize and carve their own state and reclaim the land fought and won for by their ancestors in dark continent that they built form ground up and produced a state African was never capable of or maintaining.
David Katz goes loco at video game tournament
Otto Jansen
Many young males are missing in society and the problem of incessant video game addiction is leading to a massive mental despair and loneliness. For Jew Davis Katz the problem exploded as he went loco in a local cow town Jacksonville tournament. King David was a past winner of this insane EA sports video game tournament of pro American football and one could really wonder if viewing the impacts and collisions on screen in video format is as dangerous to ones head as the actual physical tackles of the gridiron kings. Something set Katz off and he decided to shoot up the place and kill some fellow gamer in this Jacksonville tournament . Katz was a crazy cat and loaded a semiautomatic weapon and shit a bunch of people including two up and coming young gamers who had a bright future in the world of playing video games for a living.
and I wonder if he thought he wa splaying a shooting video game and had loss sense of reality given the number of games he had played din his short life and was so addicted into the video game virtual reality. The amount of money given out and the new game industry forming these zombies can only promise more mental into these sports as Katz is among other loners out there who get enjoyment out of playing fake NFL game instead of actually having talent and playing a game. These tournaments and money put out and exploiting these droids like David Katz are also part of the problem and in no way should any society ever accept these EA sports video game tournaments and encouraging more deranged youth to be video game nuts. Katz had issues and many police calls into his household through the years and obviously video games being taken away form this zombie was the culprit of many battle withen the Katz household and video game companies are clearly one hundred percent responsible for the decline of the male in the past three decades and this situation only promises to get worse with these stupid tournaments and encouragement form the video game technocrats. The tourney was held in the downtown Jacksonville landings and is another speculation of why real estate values rise as dark money flows into projects and spending for crap like this tournament that should really exist except be another vehicle to move dark dollars and laundered money around and into specific areas for the benefit of a few.
Many young males are missing in society and the problem of incessant video game addiction is leading to a massive mental despair and loneliness. For Jew Davis Katz the problem exploded as he went loco in a local cow town Jacksonville tournament. King David was a past winner of this insane EA sports video game tournament of pro American football and one could really wonder if viewing the impacts and collisions on screen in video format is as dangerous to ones head as the actual physical tackles of the gridiron kings. Something set Katz off and he decided to shoot up the place and kill some fellow gamer in this Jacksonville tournament . Katz was a crazy cat and loaded a semiautomatic weapon and shit a bunch of people including two up and coming young gamers who had a bright future in the world of playing video games for a living.

John McCain is finally finally dead and out of the senate
Ali Muhammed
Warmongering mass bomber terrorist and economic sell out of America John McCain is dead. The great news hit America like a brick even though many new it was coming and a new dawn and era to the American political scene will take place as this long-time corrupt shit to the industrial war and migrant profit complex will no longer be serving those money masters. John McCain received praise form the mainstream media not to complex knowing full well this six term senator form Arizona served the global interests much more than the American people and for this he is a hero second to none of any current politician.
The maverick though was a shitty politician and if anything should serve as a reminder why we need term limits it is the utter incompetent run and domination and role in the senate of this geriatric son of a bitch John McCain, whom we will spare no praise and press with full hatred in our tribute. McCain gets happy praise for his commitment to bombing the shit out of the Vietnamese people as he could of avoided war and battle in the war but as a true psychopath drawn to politics he volunteered to fly dangerous missions and burn villages with the mass genocidal bombing campaigns against farmer fighting for their country form foreign and American dollar domination John McCain was a ruthless mass killer on par with the 9/11 terrorists and in Vietnam he caused ten times the number of killing son his run and fortunately his personal campaign of mass terror ended when the vietkong shot his evil ass form the sky.
Much like a serial killer John McCain got a thrill flying a US jet bomber and eventually he was caught and somehow unfortunately for America he was released and allowed to return home and enter the political arena. McCain was a politician that the highest dollar could buy and this also explains his vocal support for gay marriage and mucho denireo form the global gay rights movement found its way to John McCain's political coffers through the years and only this an his need for cash funded his beliefs on homo rights . This jackass was so bad that he even allowed a Indonesian to be elected president as the country would rather have this rule than McCain anywhere near the White house and his jealously against Trump to the day he died could be explained form this desire and anger at having lost many national elections for the White House. We are really really lucky as a country that leadership never got as low to allow someone like John McCain to be president and thankfully with his death the death wish of America by the global class having a jerk like him as president will never be achieved. A John McCain did untold damage to the Americna scene form his stubbornness and major campaign reform neds to be initiated so a fuck like him cannot stay in power and have such votes and voice for as long as this maverick fuck had in politics.There should be no tribute for the mass terrorist and sellout corrupt individual for America that a John McCain served with greed.
Warmongering mass bomber terrorist and economic sell out of America John McCain is dead. The great news hit America like a brick even though many new it was coming and a new dawn and era to the American political scene will take place as this long-time corrupt shit to the industrial war and migrant profit complex will no longer be serving those money masters. John McCain received praise form the mainstream media not to complex knowing full well this six term senator form Arizona served the global interests much more than the American people and for this he is a hero second to none of any current politician.
The maverick though was a shitty politician and if anything should serve as a reminder why we need term limits it is the utter incompetent run and domination and role in the senate of this geriatric son of a bitch John McCain, whom we will spare no praise and press with full hatred in our tribute. McCain gets happy praise for his commitment to bombing the shit out of the Vietnamese people as he could of avoided war and battle in the war but as a true psychopath drawn to politics he volunteered to fly dangerous missions and burn villages with the mass genocidal bombing campaigns against farmer fighting for their country form foreign and American dollar domination John McCain was a ruthless mass killer on par with the 9/11 terrorists and in Vietnam he caused ten times the number of killing son his run and fortunately his personal campaign of mass terror ended when the vietkong shot his evil ass form the sky.
Much like a serial killer John McCain got a thrill flying a US jet bomber and eventually he was caught and somehow unfortunately for America he was released and allowed to return home and enter the political arena. McCain was a politician that the highest dollar could buy and this also explains his vocal support for gay marriage and mucho denireo form the global gay rights movement found its way to John McCain's political coffers through the years and only this an his need for cash funded his beliefs on homo rights . This jackass was so bad that he even allowed a Indonesian to be elected president as the country would rather have this rule than McCain anywhere near the White house and his jealously against Trump to the day he died could be explained form this desire and anger at having lost many national elections for the White House. We are really really lucky as a country that leadership never got as low to allow someone like John McCain to be president and thankfully with his death the death wish of America by the global class having a jerk like him as president will never be achieved. A John McCain did untold damage to the Americna scene form his stubbornness and major campaign reform neds to be initiated so a fuck like him cannot stay in power and have such votes and voice for as long as this maverick fuck had in politics.There should be no tribute for the mass terrorist and sellout corrupt individual for America that a John McCain served with greed.
Meng Wang bamboozles the idea that we can give human longevity through gut bacteria by studying and researching roundworms
Gus Perkowski
Meng Wang is s scientist and knows how to find money into research and as another award winning contestant of the Howard Hughes institute she found a bonanza of wealthy plutocratic money given for her research on gut bacteria. Meng claims that eventually one day human longevity can be accomplished because she gets alot of money in her laboratory studying roundworms and Meng Wang makes ridiculous dissertations on gut bacteria just by ability of prolonging a fucking worms life by one or two days rich people diverting economic gains to worker days and thus is the scam of the science research and funding of it by government and other plutocrats diverting money into other avenues to support the likes of worm holes like Meng Wang. As a bug exterminator I can gladly attest that I alone cause a shortened life span for millions of insects and critters on an annual basis so what exactly this Chinese woman thinks is being accomplished for humanity by these silly studies at Baylor University is not known as nothing will ever be achieved for humanity through this wasteful spending and research that just are used to enriches a few people and make some headlines for a day or two. I really think these researchers come form foreign lands like India and China because in no way would wealthy Chinese or Indians and their governments throw money into the study of worms guts.
Gut Bacteria researchers and Meng Wang received some two hundred million dollar sin funding through the eccentric late Howard Hughes and his institute so decades later some Chinese foreign scientists can get a gig of looking at works and get highly paid for bullshit studies of possible human longevity and claims of human gut microbes being the key to getting humans to live to a hundred and fifty years of age. Wang claims she loaded all the worms with the same bacterium E Coli but that shutting off a single gene she can work her magic and make the poor roundworm live a few days longer and the implications to humans through these claims is zilch. The last I fucking checked we are not Earth worms and the idea that we can just shut and turn on genes in humans as ahhh easily as taking on and off a pair of jeans is just milk juice and bullshit. Meng Wang though wants to make a good living and having a science degree and ability to speak and make these assertions though are key to fining money deniro for researching.
Meng Wang always made a buck studying the molecular genetics of aging and now she is studying bacteria role in this but the fact is no matter how much we spend and research people and living tissue is not meant to live fucking forever. Some in intestinal bacteria may indeed shorten life and some will be helpful and prolong life killing off the harmful relatives in a human gut. Other bullshit researchers study Killifish and this same phenomena such as Dario Valenzano's study that some Killfiish that eat the shit and poop of younger Killifish prolong the life of these short-termed living fish by a few hours or so. These studies and funding form the Howard Hughes Institute and subsidies for Meng Wang are full of poop.
Meng Wang is s scientist and knows how to find money into research and as another award winning contestant of the Howard Hughes institute she found a bonanza of wealthy plutocratic money given for her research on gut bacteria. Meng claims that eventually one day human longevity can be accomplished because she gets alot of money in her laboratory studying roundworms and Meng Wang makes ridiculous dissertations on gut bacteria just by ability of prolonging a fucking worms life by one or two days rich people diverting economic gains to worker days and thus is the scam of the science research and funding of it by government and other plutocrats diverting money into other avenues to support the likes of worm holes like Meng Wang. As a bug exterminator I can gladly attest that I alone cause a shortened life span for millions of insects and critters on an annual basis so what exactly this Chinese woman thinks is being accomplished for humanity by these silly studies at Baylor University is not known as nothing will ever be achieved for humanity through this wasteful spending and research that just are used to enriches a few people and make some headlines for a day or two. I really think these researchers come form foreign lands like India and China because in no way would wealthy Chinese or Indians and their governments throw money into the study of worms guts.
Gut Bacteria researchers and Meng Wang received some two hundred million dollar sin funding through the eccentric late Howard Hughes and his institute so decades later some Chinese foreign scientists can get a gig of looking at works and get highly paid for bullshit studies of possible human longevity and claims of human gut microbes being the key to getting humans to live to a hundred and fifty years of age. Wang claims she loaded all the worms with the same bacterium E Coli but that shutting off a single gene she can work her magic and make the poor roundworm live a few days longer and the implications to humans through these claims is zilch. The last I fucking checked we are not Earth worms and the idea that we can just shut and turn on genes in humans as ahhh easily as taking on and off a pair of jeans is just milk juice and bullshit. Meng Wang though wants to make a good living and having a science degree and ability to speak and make these assertions though are key to fining money deniro for researching.
Meng Wang always made a buck studying the molecular genetics of aging and now she is studying bacteria role in this but the fact is no matter how much we spend and research people and living tissue is not meant to live fucking forever. Some in intestinal bacteria may indeed shorten life and some will be helpful and prolong life killing off the harmful relatives in a human gut. Other bullshit researchers study Killifish and this same phenomena such as Dario Valenzano's study that some Killfiish that eat the shit and poop of younger Killifish prolong the life of these short-termed living fish by a few hours or so. These studies and funding form the Howard Hughes Institute and subsidies for Meng Wang are full of poop.
Crazy Cougars being spotted all over Chicago's NorthWest suburbs
Dwight Dwyer
Animal Stories
Thje continuing expansion of the Crazy Cooter Cougar in the Midwest reached a platue this past week as Streamwood, Ilinois resident Bob Fleisher insisted he saw a cougar in the woods and told the local and city press. He insisted he was not drinking and assured reporters that is was not a large hose cat but in fact an actual and real live Puma that was stalking the Chicago region. Mountain Lion sightings are up everywhere and the large cat is eventually going to be as ubiquitous on the roadways as wild Coyotes are seen at night often driving on lonely roadways. Many times Coyotes can be seen in near rush hour traffic and the idea that these mini-beasts would be joined by panthers throughout Illinois and Wisconsin should really surprise nobody. The beasts form the West are coming n back east where they once held home on the range of Americas prairies,swamps,river streams,ridges,dense forests, and yes mountain ranges.
Mr Fleisher said on July 29 he saw a pair of glowing eyes and took a snapshot and the beast climbed up a tree in his backyard and disappeared for now and he is worried about his three pets that he believes the Lion was stalking in addition to his children of which he is less concerned about. Police in Yorkville also are investigating multiple reports of large cats wandering about the Central woods of Yorkville and if there are any doubts that the Mountain beast is back full time in Illinois I am sure Mr Fleisher's scary ey glowing pictures will put to rest and once again I have to look over my back when biking th elonely paths of the Great Western and Prairie Path in late night rides in the summer and early Fall in preparation with the eventual destiny and confrontation.
Animal Stories
Thje continuing expansion of the Crazy Cooter Cougar in the Midwest reached a platue this past week as Streamwood, Ilinois resident Bob Fleisher insisted he saw a cougar in the woods and told the local and city press. He insisted he was not drinking and assured reporters that is was not a large hose cat but in fact an actual and real live Puma that was stalking the Chicago region. Mountain Lion sightings are up everywhere and the large cat is eventually going to be as ubiquitous on the roadways as wild Coyotes are seen at night often driving on lonely roadways. Many times Coyotes can be seen in near rush hour traffic and the idea that these mini-beasts would be joined by panthers throughout Illinois and Wisconsin should really surprise nobody. The beasts form the West are coming n back east where they once held home on the range of Americas prairies,swamps,river streams,ridges,dense forests, and yes mountain ranges.

Full court press against Trump Part (43 ) Bill Maher has Obama era CIA chief to bash Trump as third biggest threat to the nation
Larry Frost
Bill Maher is a fuck face like no other and worthless human being and another late night shill for global Canadian and Chinese capital Bil Maher is old and a troll and should really be attending a garden club than being allowed on late night television and he had been ruthlessly smearing and attacking president Trump because Trump is a republican and doesn't share the extreme left-wing views of a Bill Maher. William had former CIA John Brennon on his program and the two shit proceeded to call trump every name in the book and Maher and others have been doing this from day one as Trump destroyed trusted political operatives for the international investing classes. Bill fuckface o the biggest threat to America behind the revolutionary war and the civil war. The crisis they were talking about is the profits of the connected upper elites that benefited from international trader and sell out of American assets and resources to foreign corrupt one party authoritarian states like China and bordering neighboring states that always see America as their biggest threats regardless of who is the president.
Maher and this former CIA shit wish to see the selling off and sell out of America continue unabated and their thrashing and bashing on Trump is because they are receiving payback and financial support for continuing to try to lie to the American peopole on all things Trump and the media is the enemy of the American people being bought off and held as an asset by these foreign global business interests out for themselves and continuing the Bush,Clinton, and Obama legacy of selling out America. Maher and CIA sellout intelligence officer John Brennon are true and have a clue that we are in the third biggest crisis oin Americas history but this crisis is having an inept dishonest media out for the interests of the global elite class wishing to continue to milk this nation and drag it down for their own financial interests and growth.
Bill Maher also called out for the liberal cheap Hollywood shits to put more money into the propaganda battle against Trump and particularly to donate to late night television programs like himself, Jimmy Fallon Jimmy Kimmel, Trevor Noah, Seth Rogin, John Oliver , and ahhh asshole Stephan Colbert so they can keep up the pressure and prevent the likes of Hannitty .Limbaugh, O'Reilly and Mark Levin form gaining traction and holding these prized and valuable political television slots
Bill Maher is a fuck face like no other and worthless human being and another late night shill for global Canadian and Chinese capital Bil Maher is old and a troll and should really be attending a garden club than being allowed on late night television and he had been ruthlessly smearing and attacking president Trump because Trump is a republican and doesn't share the extreme left-wing views of a Bill Maher. William had former CIA John Brennon on his program and the two shit proceeded to call trump every name in the book and Maher and others have been doing this from day one as Trump destroyed trusted political operatives for the international investing classes. Bill fuckface o the biggest threat to America behind the revolutionary war and the civil war. The crisis they were talking about is the profits of the connected upper elites that benefited from international trader and sell out of American assets and resources to foreign corrupt one party authoritarian states like China and bordering neighboring states that always see America as their biggest threats regardless of who is the president.
Maher and this former CIA shit wish to see the selling off and sell out of America continue unabated and their thrashing and bashing on Trump is because they are receiving payback and financial support for continuing to try to lie to the American peopole on all things Trump and the media is the enemy of the American people being bought off and held as an asset by these foreign global business interests out for themselves and continuing the Bush,Clinton, and Obama legacy of selling out America. Maher and CIA sellout intelligence officer John Brennon are true and have a clue that we are in the third biggest crisis oin Americas history but this crisis is having an inept dishonest media out for the interests of the global elite class wishing to continue to milk this nation and drag it down for their own financial interests and growth.
Bill Maher also called out for the liberal cheap Hollywood shits to put more money into the propaganda battle against Trump and particularly to donate to late night television programs like himself, Jimmy Fallon Jimmy Kimmel, Trevor Noah, Seth Rogin, John Oliver , and ahhh asshole Stephan Colbert so they can keep up the pressure and prevent the likes of Hannitty .Limbaugh, O'Reilly and Mark Levin form gaining traction and holding these prized and valuable political television slots
Lisa Madigan and Chicago sue president Trump as she considers a presidential run in 2020
Troy York
Illinois Attorney General sued president Trump and trump tower in Chicago claiming it was the only high-rise that has failed to disclose documentation in protecting fish and aquatic life in the near by Chicago river. The Illinois EPA says the Trump organization hasn't studied (spent money) on research to indicate that the tower was not polluting laundry detergent and other stuff into the ecosystem and Madigan's suit smacks of politics as Lisa is a proud member of the sanctuary city avocation club. Lisa Madigan ia not concerned about the fish in the nearby streams and rivers of Chicago but just wishes to stick it to Trump and his tower because of his hard-line stance on trade with Canada that a shit hole Chicago relies so much economy. Madigan says the Trump organization failed to get some permit for a cooler-water intake system and this lawsuit is bullshit as other buildings also failed to reach a timed survey and study of how their use may or may not affect local fish populations form swimming
Lisa Madigan and other Chicago officials have continually harassed the Trump Tower and managers that brought more ritz to the downtown area just based on politics they disagree with and Lisa Madigan may be another Democratic nepotistic individual that may decide to challenge president Trump in 2020 and the only states she would win are the ones like Illinois that rely on the votes of illegel Mexicans and those who over-stay their visa form other parts around the world. Lisa Madigan is a joke only in power because of her daddy Mr Madigan being a powerful big wig helping make Chicago a one party foreign state withen a state more loyal to the corporatist internationalists than the Red,White, and Blue.
Illinois Attorney General sued president Trump and trump tower in Chicago claiming it was the only high-rise that has failed to disclose documentation in protecting fish and aquatic life in the near by Chicago river. The Illinois EPA says the Trump organization hasn't studied (spent money) on research to indicate that the tower was not polluting laundry detergent and other stuff into the ecosystem and Madigan's suit smacks of politics as Lisa is a proud member of the sanctuary city avocation club. Lisa Madigan ia not concerned about the fish in the nearby streams and rivers of Chicago but just wishes to stick it to Trump and his tower because of his hard-line stance on trade with Canada that a shit hole Chicago relies so much economy. Madigan says the Trump organization failed to get some permit for a cooler-water intake system and this lawsuit is bullshit as other buildings also failed to reach a timed survey and study of how their use may or may not affect local fish populations form swimming
Lisa Madigan and other Chicago officials have continually harassed the Trump Tower and managers that brought more ritz to the downtown area just based on politics they disagree with and Lisa Madigan may be another Democratic nepotistic individual that may decide to challenge president Trump in 2020 and the only states she would win are the ones like Illinois that rely on the votes of illegel Mexicans and those who over-stay their visa form other parts around the world. Lisa Madigan is a joke only in power because of her daddy Mr Madigan being a powerful big wig helping make Chicago a one party foreign state withen a state more loyal to the corporatist internationalists than the Red,White, and Blue.
Space cadet Neil De Grasse Tyson fully supports a space star wars military fighter force
Jamie Logan
Astrophysicist and Astro jackass Neil De Grass Tyson is excited these days and the glorious news he heard recently of a space force being dreamed and thought up of by the military industrial complex to find new sources of spending on rocketry Neil De Grasse long maintained that in order for mankind to explore the emptiness of dark space and dark mater that eventually dark dollars and fake military hardware needs to be developed and competed among nations. Neil Tyson says a space force isn't as crazy as it sounds and someone should tell this asshole that it is crazier than it sounds and only a space cadet like himself would fully get excited and think this is a practical way to spend a country resources time and development.
The only people who would financially gain and benefit from a space force are fucking astrophysicists shits like himself and other scientists and this can explain why Neil Grass is so excited about this space force. make no mistake Neil Tyson is a space cadet always has been one and always will and he would of clearly be one of those fulls watching and talking lift off in the American classic space program based on captain video called the Honeymooners.
Neil Tyson is a globalist and wishes to see economic global domination of the science research highly educated crowd that he gives fake news that we need to mine gold,silver, and diamonds one day on an asteroid because we are running out making cell phones and large SUVs. Neil Tyson seeks more profit and domination form multi-national corporations through the development of a space "fake' force where earthlings can battle it among each other until they went for the Martians, Venusian, Uranasians, and Gorkonians invade form outer space.
Astrophysicist and Astro jackass Neil De Grass Tyson is excited these days and the glorious news he heard recently of a space force being dreamed and thought up of by the military industrial complex to find new sources of spending on rocketry Neil De Grasse long maintained that in order for mankind to explore the emptiness of dark space and dark mater that eventually dark dollars and fake military hardware needs to be developed and competed among nations. Neil Tyson says a space force isn't as crazy as it sounds and someone should tell this asshole that it is crazier than it sounds and only a space cadet like himself would fully get excited and think this is a practical way to spend a country resources time and development.
The only people who would financially gain and benefit from a space force are fucking astrophysicists shits like himself and other scientists and this can explain why Neil Grass is so excited about this space force. make no mistake Neil Tyson is a space cadet always has been one and always will and he would of clearly be one of those fulls watching and talking lift off in the American classic space program based on captain video called the Honeymooners.
Neil Tyson is a globalist and wishes to see economic global domination of the science research highly educated crowd that he gives fake news that we need to mine gold,silver, and diamonds one day on an asteroid because we are running out making cell phones and large SUVs. Neil Tyson seeks more profit and domination form multi-national corporations through the development of a space "fake' force where earthlings can battle it among each other until they went for the Martians, Venusian, Uranasians, and Gorkonians invade form outer space.
Professor Peter Phillpis comes on Gary Null's radio show to talk about cortopcracy
Bernardo Romano
The corporate global class wishes for every government to be complicity in its wealth extraction form lands and prevention of government expenditures for the people. Professor Peter Phillips came on in Mid-August to Gary Null's amazing podcast and they talked about the corrupt media and how the global corporate class has used the media to get is objective and more and more people are realizing the nefarious plans of this small class in taking countries to bankruptcies so they can privatize countries assets and make money for themselves.
professor Phillips and Null proclaimed these corporatism as war mongers and profiteers and once again Null wen t on a rant about his love for Muammar Gaddafi and how he was killed because he was a great socialist progressive and not a dictator. The man crush Gary Null has for Colonel Ghadaffi and his ignorance and wish to erase the atrocities of the former Libyan mas killer is both neurotic and eccentric. According to Null and Phillips Ghaddai was a humanitarian and treated women with love,kindness, and generosity specifically his female trained at birth bodyguards
Gary says governments have put billionaires and corporations above people and that the media is complicity in this capitalism terror of the trans nationalists putting boots on the ground and causing war where they see fit. Asian Gary Null's love and obsession with Colonel Ghadaffi is weird. it is sick and if one thinks priests can get away with raping kids clearly one with the power of the Libyan dictator who had chambers where torture rape and killings of kids was documented and obvious.
If was obvious that Ghaddafi was a crazed dictator that didn't respect human dignity or democratic principles and the people turned on him after years of abuse and for some reason the thought and ass rape of Ghaddafi has traumatized Gary Null. Null and Phillips though are correct about the cortopcracy business global class and they both remarked on Americas decline primarily being caused that America is no longer the center of the international business interests and in the quest for more resource extraction and end of European colonialism working with other elites globally too precedence for capital.
The corporate global class wishes for every government to be complicity in its wealth extraction form lands and prevention of government expenditures for the people. Professor Peter Phillips came on in Mid-August to Gary Null's amazing podcast and they talked about the corrupt media and how the global corporate class has used the media to get is objective and more and more people are realizing the nefarious plans of this small class in taking countries to bankruptcies so they can privatize countries assets and make money for themselves.

If was obvious that Ghaddafi was a crazed dictator that didn't respect human dignity or democratic principles and the people turned on him after years of abuse and for some reason the thought and ass rape of Ghaddafi has traumatized Gary Null. Null and Phillips though are correct about the cortopcracy business global class and they both remarked on Americas decline primarily being caused that America is no longer the center of the international business interests and in the quest for more resource extraction and end of European colonialism working with other elites globally too precedence for capital.
The wine scam of Bill Foley and all his money couldn't save his son
Clifford Gifford
Patrick Foley is dead. The son and expected heir to master Bill Foley's asset and wine empire that included the Lass Vegas Knights hockey team shocked the world yesterday and the family is informing natural caused are the reason for the sons early demise at the age of 31. Patrick Foley ad a bad fucking wine and as the monopolist wine vineyard operation monopolist Mr Foley kept buy up wine companies and holding more and more money one must wonder what is really going on with this eccentric Foley family. The family dog Rufus misses Patrick already and it has only been one day and the fucking retriever can't stop yelping
Bill Foley made his money from "saving ' the government millions and millions of dollars in defense contracts negotiations with Boeing and what that really entails is beyond anyone guess. The benevolent dictator Bill Foley (who was proud of this self -tern) also was a fucking monopolist financial swindling Insurance and hedge fund business of Fidelity and the monopoly game board man collected some eighty fund companies along with the 30 or so wineries he bought and Bill Foley was definitive playing monopoly with federal exchange central bank massive money printing operations.
I bet his son died of drugs or meth or opioids and the natural news of Patrick Foley is about as real as the Vegas City Golden Knights honestly not winning a rigged hockey championship.Bill Foley was an old shit who only made his money through the scam of merger and acquisition and more and more people need to realize this ponzi scheme and how it allows fuckheads like Mark Cuban and Bill Foley purchase sports teams as they really don't understand or have knowledge in sports. The Vegas Knights basically bought their way into the NHL and bought it fan base as William Foley organized 75 of the top business people in this scumbag city and they pretty much served as ticket brokers diverting money form other outlets and resources away form the working class in wages and instead to supplement the inaugural season of ice hockey in shit Vegas.
This was the only way the league and Vegas plutocrats knew that any sport venture could survive and basically the Vegas Knights re the sporting worlds first "fake"franchise. Sports are expensive because these plutocratic monopolists are allowed ownership and they mold the ventures into expensive enterprises thanks to corporate subsidies.Wine is also as well a disgusting industry on par with cigarettes and should be treated as such given the diabetic health crisis this country faces and wines role in this epidemic cannot be over-estimated. I think I have six Aunts with diabetics and all of them are or were heavy wine drinkers. Poor Patrick Foley and he may have like many ancient Romans drank himself to death in a drunken stupor. Patrick Foley should of stuck or been a brew master away from the benevolent domineering of his daddy and one wonders if Junior couldn't take living and being part of Bill Foley's monopoly man empire.
Patrick Foley is dead. The son and expected heir to master Bill Foley's asset and wine empire that included the Lass Vegas Knights hockey team shocked the world yesterday and the family is informing natural caused are the reason for the sons early demise at the age of 31. Patrick Foley ad a bad fucking wine and as the monopolist wine vineyard operation monopolist Mr Foley kept buy up wine companies and holding more and more money one must wonder what is really going on with this eccentric Foley family. The family dog Rufus misses Patrick already and it has only been one day and the fucking retriever can't stop yelping
Bill Foley made his money from "saving ' the government millions and millions of dollars in defense contracts negotiations with Boeing and what that really entails is beyond anyone guess. The benevolent dictator Bill Foley (who was proud of this self -tern) also was a fucking monopolist financial swindling Insurance and hedge fund business of Fidelity and the monopoly game board man collected some eighty fund companies along with the 30 or so wineries he bought and Bill Foley was definitive playing monopoly with federal exchange central bank massive money printing operations.
I bet his son died of drugs or meth or opioids and the natural news of Patrick Foley is about as real as the Vegas City Golden Knights honestly not winning a rigged hockey championship.Bill Foley was an old shit who only made his money through the scam of merger and acquisition and more and more people need to realize this ponzi scheme and how it allows fuckheads like Mark Cuban and Bill Foley purchase sports teams as they really don't understand or have knowledge in sports. The Vegas Knights basically bought their way into the NHL and bought it fan base as William Foley organized 75 of the top business people in this scumbag city and they pretty much served as ticket brokers diverting money form other outlets and resources away form the working class in wages and instead to supplement the inaugural season of ice hockey in shit Vegas.
This was the only way the league and Vegas plutocrats knew that any sport venture could survive and basically the Vegas Knights re the sporting worlds first "fake"franchise. Sports are expensive because these plutocratic monopolists are allowed ownership and they mold the ventures into expensive enterprises thanks to corporate subsidies.Wine is also as well a disgusting industry on par with cigarettes and should be treated as such given the diabetic health crisis this country faces and wines role in this epidemic cannot be over-estimated. I think I have six Aunts with diabetics and all of them are or were heavy wine drinkers. Poor Patrick Foley and he may have like many ancient Romans drank himself to death in a drunken stupor. Patrick Foley should of stuck or been a brew master away from the benevolent domineering of his daddy and one wonders if Junior couldn't take living and being part of Bill Foley's monopoly man empire.
Raymone Renike harasses a Right Bull Buffalo and now faces six months of jail and daily poundcake meals
Runs Like Cougar
Animal Stories
Raymone Reinke thought he was special and as one of million of owners of gas guzzling SUVSs he was not about to let nature slow him or his big machine down. Earlier this month this joker was at the Yellow Stone National Park and many cars were left indeling for a single tough right Bull Buffalo that was laying claim to a spot on the road. Ratmond Reinke . like many arrogant car and truck enthusiasts, was having none of it and decided to matter into his own hands and got out of the SUV and challenged the beast. In the old days a White asshole like this man would of just shot the buffalo or Indian that got in the way of his wagon and the arrogance of this man went viral as other people filmed this bastard harassing a beautiful creature in the American buffalo that was ranging in its own protective habitat.
Reinke is a lucky bastard because he should of been trampled and gored for his stupidity but instead now faces that same potential in county lock up for four months and he will be a target when work gets out this turkey s in jail for harassing one of the iconic images and icons of this country which is the right bull Buffalo Beast from the East. Either Reinke was drunk like a skunk or insane in the membrane when he made this decision to attack the Buffalo and perhaps he wanted to comment suicide by Buffalo. I would say upon his release that this man should go into the North Woods and try another challenge on either a Puma,Cougar, panther , or ahhh Mountain Lion
Animal Stories
Raymone Reinke thought he was special and as one of million of owners of gas guzzling SUVSs he was not about to let nature slow him or his big machine down. Earlier this month this joker was at the Yellow Stone National Park and many cars were left indeling for a single tough right Bull Buffalo that was laying claim to a spot on the road. Ratmond Reinke . like many arrogant car and truck enthusiasts, was having none of it and decided to matter into his own hands and got out of the SUV and challenged the beast. In the old days a White asshole like this man would of just shot the buffalo or Indian that got in the way of his wagon and the arrogance of this man went viral as other people filmed this bastard harassing a beautiful creature in the American buffalo that was ranging in its own protective habitat.

Marcus Harris and other international inverstors looking and praying for a downturn to gobble up stocks on the cheap
Andy Cruz
Marcus Harris and thinkers like him are scumbags and a recent associated press syndicated news story featured this clown and he admitted how he was hoping for a major downturn in the economy and misery and job replacement for so many others. The problem with capitalism is that investors often can make or break a countries economy and they do this in a orgy of greed that Marcus Harris is looking and hoping to catch real soon so he can purchased fail stocks at cheap prices and he looks forward to job loss and pension elimination because he is a investor sumbag. The stock market is a scam and always has been and as long as you have an economic system reliant on a system of greed and enforced crashes every seven or so years there will still be a perilous unstable system for so many people displaced and put into a road of perpetual serfdom. Economic crashes are often cause by this speculation that has no part of a modern industrial country and is just ways for the Internationale dark money to be used and destroy companies that they can thus acquire and use marketing techniques to spend more on preferred clients and be used to lower the living standard for the worker. Marcus Harris and other rich people shouldn't have the power to purchase stock sin a downturn and this continuing abuse of the stock market and the assets of jobs and companies that provide it are more reasons why socialism is gaining traction and may eventually replace this brutal system against the worker.

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