Journalist prick Peter Prengaman gets left sharked goes full out to meddle in Brazil's election calling Jair Bolsonaro a Nazi

Andy Cruz
  Prick face news editor of the Associate Press Peter Prengaman wrote a seething piece against the fascist tendencies of Brazil's populist front-runner and likely next president Jair Bolsonaro. The news editor Peter looks Jewish and anyone that speaks with right-wing beliefs must be a threat to this fake news writer and continuing attack form the international press like we see here with Peter Prengaman is typical of how the fourth estate tries often in vain to promote the candidates of the new world order global class of open borders and open business to sue and exploit labor on all fronts.
Peter Prengaman is typical of the nonsense of news editors trying to use their power and role in th media to set an agenda of resistance and attack on candidates they deem not deserving of public office because they threaten the establishment that in all affects owns the press and things like the Associated Press. What squirrel journalists do is fill their columns with attacks for the opposition as Prengaman did in his recent column on the Brazil election and Prengaman is worried of this new Brazil president
Mr Bolsonaro going after the criminals and corruption business classes that threaten to cause such turmoil and have the potential of turning people in Brazil much like in Venezuela. the international left is extremely worried of this candidate because he is another world leader that would put his nation first and not sell out to the global class of debt enforcers who use debt to extract ownership and holdings in various countries form the corrupt governments willing to give outsiders major economic power through purchase and ownership.BTW this guy really really looks Jewish as well.

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