Polly Cracker
Indonesia is the hotbed of bird smuggling and movement as greedy rural backwater idiots from Indonesia are all over the internet trying to sell exotic birds and trade the rare endangered ones as the yellow-crested cockatoo. Twenty of the birds were rescued form smugglers as they were shoved in plastic bottles and their images have rejuvenated the cause and fight against bird smuggling that is an epidemic in Asia and threatens many species of birds as greedy Asians seeks to sell and make a quick buck of the birds and have them all put in cages like parakeets.

Only five of the twenty or so birds stuffed and rescued survived their brutal ordeal and Indonesia government officials promise to crack down on bird smuggling as these vicious profiteers have no qualms of diluting all the wildlife in this massive Asian country. The bird napping of East Asia threatens to deplete and totally annihilate incredible bird species and these government need to further crack down and give lengthy sentences to smugglers of these creatures as the methods of transport and smuggling get more and n more desperate as these states have doen a better job making this global trade of birds harder. More data analytical spending and research needs ot be done so predictions of future bird captures and captivity can be done and used and prevented form repeating itself in the nature and if one wishes to donate to this need email all money to the left shark blog.com in name and care of Polly cracker foundations and we will see to it something gets done to end ahh exotic bird trade and sale

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