Troy York
Poor Anucha Tasako just wanted to be an average kid playing the Nintendo and Colecovision but instead in the land of Oz and Thaistan they have a sick kick boxer tradition as apparently the rural backwater areas feel they need to prove their manhood given how many transsexuals live in Bangkok. Thailand's national pastime is bot eccentric and neurotic and just plain sick as this countries rural hillbilly regions far away form cosmopolitan Bangkok push their kids to fight in snake pits and iron cages in a brutal spectacle that would even make Dana White and Joe Rogan shake their head.
Anucha had fought some 100 times so his family could eat rice and in his last match the thirteen year old took a foot to his throat that paralyzed his heart and the reason so many of these Thai kids fight to the death I reckon is few are born with silver spoons or foot sin their mouth. The government of Thai has failed to stop these disturbing fights in the Northeastern part of their countries that often draw 400 fans and perhaps they should ahhh invest in professional wrestling and fake outcomes much
liek hillbillies form Alaska to Florida seem to enjoy making Vince McMahon and Billy Corgan very wealthy men. Many are fighting back against this form of Thai barbarism including Dr Jiraporn Laothamatas who says these kids brains can go butter after a few fights and worried about their little balls and testicles being kicked hard and unable to produce sperm should these young fighters make it to the age of 18. However, the rural Thais loving this Muay Thai barb wire fighting to the death say this is part of being Thai and if some weaklings like Anucha die than it has top be and is evolution. Dr Jairiporn matasomething love porn and worries about the increasingly forced sport on the youth in the backwaters of Thailand and this country needs to do what is right and step in to stop this madness and protect kids.
A Thai government investigation into their 12th century barbarism found that some 200,000 youths in Thailand participate in this youth sport getting their groins smashed and brains whacked like ahhh an old batman television fight form the Americas sixties. The kids in Thailand need to be playing Sony PlayStation ,going to circus laughing at clowns, and watching old Batman episodes and not living in relaity and getting foots to their throats for the entertainment and wagering of psychotic adults.
Stupid associate professor Ryan Brewer of IUPUC makes claims of values of college basketball programs and gets left sharked
Runs with Cougar
Associate professor of finance at the prestigious University Purdue of Columbus Indiana came out with a list of what college teams would be worth if on the free market and this list by obviously a low-down college fan is full of shit. If College basketball was replaced with a minor league one would really see what these teams are worth and according to this idiot associate fake professor Kentucky University would top the list at 342 million dollars.

This professor can list and throw values as anything he wasn't and I highlight and make mention because this value claim by fake associate professor Ryan Brewer is not much different than the fake phony baloney values companies often make claim that are false as if there was such value in basketball in Kentucky the Kentucky Colonels and the ABA would be a serious franchise and league.
I could say the Bronx zoo if put on a market would be worth 400 million and the San Diego zoo ahh perhaps 230 millions dollars as it Lions and Bears are not as valuable and charming as what can be found in the New York borough and that has more of a population to put up advertising ahhh on the side oi animals and the camels.
Ryan Brewer is just some mope at a university with the radio call letters of IUPUC and he is IDUMB to have this list put out with what "HE" says the college teams are valued based on his bullshit calculations of cash-flow adjustments, risk assessments, etc etc. These colleges are mainly public supported and if any value be placed it should go back to the public and population that subsidizes the institutions that have seen private dirty interests profit and hijack the sports programs and a socialized version of college sports where players get paid is much more needed than what dummy Brewer says about the value of essentially a slave system still in existence. I would be willing to put the University of Purdue/Indiana in Columbus as a value of ten thousand with shit head professors and associates of money hacks of finance like this clown Mr Brewer.
Associate professor of finance at the prestigious University Purdue of Columbus Indiana came out with a list of what college teams would be worth if on the free market and this list by obviously a low-down college fan is full of shit. If College basketball was replaced with a minor league one would really see what these teams are worth and according to this idiot associate fake professor Kentucky University would top the list at 342 million dollars.

This professor can list and throw values as anything he wasn't and I highlight and make mention because this value claim by fake associate professor Ryan Brewer is not much different than the fake phony baloney values companies often make claim that are false as if there was such value in basketball in Kentucky the Kentucky Colonels and the ABA would be a serious franchise and league.
I could say the Bronx zoo if put on a market would be worth 400 million and the San Diego zoo ahh perhaps 230 millions dollars as it Lions and Bears are not as valuable and charming as what can be found in the New York borough and that has more of a population to put up advertising ahhh on the side oi animals and the camels.
Ryan Brewer is just some mope at a university with the radio call letters of IUPUC and he is IDUMB to have this list put out with what "HE" says the college teams are valued based on his bullshit calculations of cash-flow adjustments, risk assessments, etc etc. These colleges are mainly public supported and if any value be placed it should go back to the public and population that subsidizes the institutions that have seen private dirty interests profit and hijack the sports programs and a socialized version of college sports where players get paid is much more needed than what dummy Brewer says about the value of essentially a slave system still in existence. I would be willing to put the University of Purdue/Indiana in Columbus as a value of ten thousand with shit head professors and associates of money hacks of finance like this clown Mr Brewer.
Simon Whistler gets bashed by his viewers and then blasts border wall as he considers running for president and challenging Trump in 2020
Jordan Morgan
Visual Politik is some what of a popular YouTube channel where the bald Simon Whistler gives his pro business pro-globalist view on certain topics and countries . May of his long devoted viewers are leaving him by the throngs as they can no longer tolerate his liar music blasting back and forth as he seeks new revenue streams to gain for his Visual Politik YouTube channel and on-line legacy. Simon Whistler and his videos suck ass and he is a leftist SOB likely funded by internationalist socialists as he does have a Spanish background and Spanish-language to his visual propaganda. Most of what Simon says is Simon says and bullshit and his continuing meddling into the affairs of the United Sates and other countries is disgraceful and worth two pies directed at him one aimed at his face and the other at his chrome dome.
Whistler and the music he plays in and out irritating his viewers one can read under the comments section is typical and after watching a few videos it is obvious that he is promoting and selling his space for promotion of bad new music. Simon Whistler also made a video of lies and propaganda looking at Trump's proposed
wall and he speak with fork tongue as a globalist nationalist wishing to add all the Earths territories to people who can move about easily and the rich like him avoid taxes and crimes. Silly Simon is exploring a committee group to look into whether he can run for president and take out Donald Trump in 2020 as many would consider him an outsider who just makes bad videos often getting himself voted as one of the worse YouTube channels on the internet. Simon bashed the wall an d received a good bonus for this video and he is funded for some time as an outlet for both bad political observations and a place to promote bad Mexican modern rock.
Visual Politik is some what of a popular YouTube channel where the bald Simon Whistler gives his pro business pro-globalist view on certain topics and countries . May of his long devoted viewers are leaving him by the throngs as they can no longer tolerate his liar music blasting back and forth as he seeks new revenue streams to gain for his Visual Politik YouTube channel and on-line legacy. Simon Whistler and his videos suck ass and he is a leftist SOB likely funded by internationalist socialists as he does have a Spanish background and Spanish-language to his visual propaganda. Most of what Simon says is Simon says and bullshit and his continuing meddling into the affairs of the United Sates and other countries is disgraceful and worth two pies directed at him one aimed at his face and the other at his chrome dome.

Lakewood,Colorado truck accident and why wee need to push back against trucking industry (Part One)
Clifford Gifford
A truck accident to or potential terrorist attack occurred Lakewood, Colorado and a runaway truck driven by a Mexican national plowed into a caused fiery crash with twenty four cars and this is more evidence of need to eventually phase out truckers and the industry that only promises to bring more meth and drugged out foreigners into this land and occupation of truck driving. The industry is desperate for drivers and no actual self-driving trucking industry is feesable or a reality and the nations interstate sand highways are filled with these potential powder kegs with drivers alarming and
increasingly made of of Mexicans and other foreign nationals and no one is talking about this problema, The fact that heavy fueled 19 ton rigs are manned by these people who are undocumented and unknown should send a chill to everyone and out corrupt political and business class is responsible for filling up our streets with these diesel bombs and it is unbelievable nothing was learned form 9/11.Rotten Rogel Lazaro Aguilera-Mederos is no Juan Lin Miranda and he will not be playing in any redemption of Hamilton and this guy caused such a mess with a 28 car pile up killing four people and eventually trucks need to be taken off the road as the business community doesn't care that the importing of drug pot smoker sis the future of this workforce.
The brakes going bad is an excuse likely lie as the powerful drug legalization industry and pro-open borders migratory for-profiteers don;t wish for the Americana people to know the truth and that is a bunch of high Mexicans nationals are behind huge rigs and can easily repeat this truck disaster in Lakewood, Colorado
A truck accident to or potential terrorist attack occurred Lakewood, Colorado and a runaway truck driven by a Mexican national plowed into a caused fiery crash with twenty four cars and this is more evidence of need to eventually phase out truckers and the industry that only promises to bring more meth and drugged out foreigners into this land and occupation of truck driving. The industry is desperate for drivers and no actual self-driving trucking industry is feesable or a reality and the nations interstate sand highways are filled with these potential powder kegs with drivers alarming and
increasingly made of of Mexicans and other foreign nationals and no one is talking about this problema, The fact that heavy fueled 19 ton rigs are manned by these people who are undocumented and unknown should send a chill to everyone and out corrupt political and business class is responsible for filling up our streets with these diesel bombs and it is unbelievable nothing was learned form 9/11.Rotten Rogel Lazaro Aguilera-Mederos is no Juan Lin Miranda and he will not be playing in any redemption of Hamilton and this guy caused such a mess with a 28 car pile up killing four people and eventually trucks need to be taken off the road as the business community doesn't care that the importing of drug pot smoker sis the future of this workforce.
The brakes going bad is an excuse likely lie as the powerful drug legalization industry and pro-open borders migratory for-profiteers don;t wish for the Americana people to know the truth and that is a bunch of high Mexicans nationals are behind huge rigs and can easily repeat this truck disaster in Lakewood, Colorado
Juan Guadido and Leopold Lopez take to the streets in a massive coup against bus driver communist Nicolas Maduro
Andy Cruz
Rotten Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro, who use to be a bus driver before crazed left-wing socialist dictator Hugo Chavez appointed this worthless illiterate driver to be his replacement, is facing another coup as the US backed protestants are armed and dangerous shooting at Maduro's supporters. Venezuela is on the brink and the regime of Nicolas Maduro must eventually fall as the people are demanding change fighting against the rigged elections of some time ago.
The arrogance of Nicolas Maduro shows no bounds and his refusal to step down indicative of the deranged mentality of this shit leader who has lead Venezuela down the toilet. Nicolas Maduro is unhinged and totally incompetent to lead a nation and the armed clashes occurring right now in real time may be Maduro's final moment as opposition is not going to end until this ma resigns and goes back to
riding a bus between Acupaluco and Caracas. Depite the confiscation and mayhem by Chavez/Maduro dictatorship there is alot of wealth and smart thinking individuals in Venezuela than need to join the global community and the past two decades of Hugo Chavez's and Maduro's radical racialist campaigns need to be ousted and eventually many volunteers will need to be headed to help bring about a stability this country needs as well as a US invasion. Hopefully this coup is the beginning of the end of this scumbag and the evil legacy of Hugo Chavez who should of been killed in 2002 and has lead a genocidal economic attack and destruction upon his own people and culture with crazed policies and failures to serve his international socialism masters.
Rotten Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro, who use to be a bus driver before crazed left-wing socialist dictator Hugo Chavez appointed this worthless illiterate driver to be his replacement, is facing another coup as the US backed protestants are armed and dangerous shooting at Maduro's supporters. Venezuela is on the brink and the regime of Nicolas Maduro must eventually fall as the people are demanding change fighting against the rigged elections of some time ago.
The arrogance of Nicolas Maduro shows no bounds and his refusal to step down indicative of the deranged mentality of this shit leader who has lead Venezuela down the toilet. Nicolas Maduro is unhinged and totally incompetent to lead a nation and the armed clashes occurring right now in real time may be Maduro's final moment as opposition is not going to end until this ma resigns and goes back to
riding a bus between Acupaluco and Caracas. Depite the confiscation and mayhem by Chavez/Maduro dictatorship there is alot of wealth and smart thinking individuals in Venezuela than need to join the global community and the past two decades of Hugo Chavez's and Maduro's radical racialist campaigns need to be ousted and eventually many volunteers will need to be headed to help bring about a stability this country needs as well as a US invasion. Hopefully this coup is the beginning of the end of this scumbag and the evil legacy of Hugo Chavez who should of been killed in 2002 and has lead a genocidal economic attack and destruction upon his own people and culture with crazed policies and failures to serve his international socialism masters.
Mandy of West Allies Brass Monkey voted best bartender ass in America
Baxter Lomax
Mandy has an ass people would kill for and when the owner saw this chika apply for an open bartender job he didn't even bother looking at her resume. Mandy's ass was enough for the owners of Brass Monkey pub and grub in this Milwaukee suburb to hire this wench and Mandy's bartending skill
was besides the point. It seems though the gamble in Mandy has paid off as I have never seen a bar as crowded with beery belly drinking jokers when she is on shift and people form across the region come to this suburban bar to get a look at Mandy. Even downtown car less high-income urban beer snobs make a pilgrimage taking an Uber from downtown Milwaukee . This woman's ass is so big and she wears these low-rise jeans out of the nineties that she can barely keep her pant sin place and chunk in the trunk. Mandy was just awarded Bartender ass of the year by Bartending Magazine and this prestigious award for this bartender as Brass Monkey will be celebrated by locals and all Wisconsinites alike proud that one of their own was victorious in this prestigious award contest. As manager of the famed Itasca Inn and bar and beer blogger of my own I try to avoid hiring female ass bartenders ahhh such as Mandy as they and their derriere are very distracting to worker and client alike. Mandy's as sis amazing as Jesse Lee would say and her numerous past boyfriends spent most of the time in the bedrooms devoted to this body part no doubt and why this woman is not a big star way more famous than a assless Gwen Stefani I will never know.
Mandy has an ass people would kill for and when the owner saw this chika apply for an open bartender job he didn't even bother looking at her resume. Mandy's ass was enough for the owners of Brass Monkey pub and grub in this Milwaukee suburb to hire this wench and Mandy's bartending skill

Are pictures of a Left Shark sufforcating on a Sea turtle fake?
Aaron Luther
Animal stories
A massive Great White Shark was killed by a Sea Turtle if one is left to believe a left shark would allow itself to suffocate its jaws while patrolling the Seas like Jaws. Pictures of news was delivered of a massive 20 ton Great White Shark that had a turtle Pie stuffed into its Jaws and according to these artists the Left shark died at the hands of the Turtle as the Turtle became stuck in the massive jaws of this most feared and biggest predator of the ocean. The Left Shark with a turtle in its ass all the way to its ars are obviously fake and in no way would a hard shell Turtle taco ever be devoured or even have aLeft sharks Jaws open up to swallow and this is some media made prop fish tale.
This large sharlk likley died form having garbage float into its mouth and was unable to smell and see what it was than actually trying to eat a Sea Turtle as Left sharks do not eat these reptiles. This likely was some prop and fishermen killing a shark and then making the claim it picked up a dead shark to skip over investigation of their illegal hunting of the oceans biggest predator and they likely shoved a fucking dead turtle to cover up their hunt and took a snap.
Animal stories
A massive Great White Shark was killed by a Sea Turtle if one is left to believe a left shark would allow itself to suffocate its jaws while patrolling the Seas like Jaws. Pictures of news was delivered of a massive 20 ton Great White Shark that had a turtle Pie stuffed into its Jaws and according to these artists the Left shark died at the hands of the Turtle as the Turtle became stuck in the massive jaws of this most feared and biggest predator of the ocean. The Left Shark with a turtle in its ass all the way to its ars are obviously fake and in no way would a hard shell Turtle taco ever be devoured or even have aLeft sharks Jaws open up to swallow and this is some media made prop fish tale.

Jason Goff and Daniel Bernstein say pay Russel Wilson and Russel WIlson is not going to the Super Bowl
Jacoby Genevese
Sports announcers and broadcasters of all types are the biggest hacks for the status quo and continuing of the global inequality of the monopolist business world because it pays those involved a bogus inflated lifestyle and incomes that they lie in making claims it is well deserving. Chicago awful sports tlak radio hacks Dan Berntein and Jason Goff are Dave Zirin type leftists on race but libertarians on income and they recently were projecting that Russel Wilson deserved to be paid like a Chief Executive of a fortune 500 company. The Seattle SeaHawks eventually did give in and are
paying one man so many millions in guarenteed money and this ever increasing costs and burden of th e economy geared towards sports players is a continuing abuse of our economy as lords and monopolists of other industries empower themselves with over-valuation of owning organizations that they can pay athletes as such.
Goff and Bernstein are typical sports hero worshiping jag fags and for them and others to have no problem with the insane amount of money Russel Wilson and other entitles sports athletes get as income in this extreme age of inequality just shows the cognitive dissonance and persona mind greed these two jackasses share . Their delusional thoughts and talk of greed and support is exactly why they are on the air money devoted to pushing sports worship cults through the media radio talk of sports and not important matters. Russel Wilson is over-hyped not going to another Super Bowl and is not deserving of the 85 million dollar contract he just signed but it doesn't really matter as he is not going to be receiving all of this money matter. The whole point is for this millions to flow to others and is exactly why these shits just get money printed and use it primarily on themselves with these bogus contracts.
Sports announcers and broadcasters of all types are the biggest hacks for the status quo and continuing of the global inequality of the monopolist business world because it pays those involved a bogus inflated lifestyle and incomes that they lie in making claims it is well deserving. Chicago awful sports tlak radio hacks Dan Berntein and Jason Goff are Dave Zirin type leftists on race but libertarians on income and they recently were projecting that Russel Wilson deserved to be paid like a Chief Executive of a fortune 500 company. The Seattle SeaHawks eventually did give in and are
paying one man so many millions in guarenteed money and this ever increasing costs and burden of th e economy geared towards sports players is a continuing abuse of our economy as lords and monopolists of other industries empower themselves with over-valuation of owning organizations that they can pay athletes as such.

Shit hole Indianapolis sees it's most deadly twenty four hour period ever
Cody Maloney
The decline of what was a all white great mid size city of Indianapolis was further evident April 6 and seventh as scores of individual were shot killed. Four scores and seven years ago Indianapolis was a great city before Democrats played identity racial politics and started shipping blacks to Indiana's capital to increase social service spending and now Indianapolis ranks above Oakland in violent crime index and is fast approaching Detroit and Cleveland . The capital of Hoosierland saw it most violent two day period this month in this country's history and not even roaming bands of illiterate and bloodthirsty Kickpaoo did as much crime as the meth addicted Blacks and tattoo hillbilly allies that are unfortunately a large chunk of this once great city.
The police and media are at loss of words and stating the simple obvious explained action of increased deranged low income and low class Blackers as the root cause of this cities mental and moral decline. Thug culture and celebration of it and Blacks in society has even effected the lower income tattoo Whites I this city many of whom have little shame hanging and doing drugs in my hometown and fair city that I have seen turn into a virtual shit-hole third world despite overnight I. Tge course of a few decades. This same decline in the typical middle America city can be played out anywhere as if it plays in Peoria it will play
Indianapolis is becoming a African and Caribbean type shit hole because of the liberal soft on crime and drug avocation Democratic Party and much like Whites in South Africa and Zimbabwe Americans here are increasingly arming themselves in preparation against these drugged out zombie tattoo shits within our borders and in preparation from more outsiders from Latin American unable to control their lower crime ridden filth and export encourage this shit to come to El Norte.
The decline of what was a all white great mid size city of Indianapolis was further evident April 6 and seventh as scores of individual were shot killed. Four scores and seven years ago Indianapolis was a great city before Democrats played identity racial politics and started shipping blacks to Indiana's capital to increase social service spending and now Indianapolis ranks above Oakland in violent crime index and is fast approaching Detroit and Cleveland . The capital of Hoosierland saw it most violent two day period this month in this country's history and not even roaming bands of illiterate and bloodthirsty Kickpaoo did as much crime as the meth addicted Blacks and tattoo hillbilly allies that are unfortunately a large chunk of this once great city.
The police and media are at loss of words and stating the simple obvious explained action of increased deranged low income and low class Blackers as the root cause of this cities mental and moral decline. Thug culture and celebration of it and Blacks in society has even effected the lower income tattoo Whites I this city many of whom have little shame hanging and doing drugs in my hometown and fair city that I have seen turn into a virtual shit-hole third world despite overnight I. Tge course of a few decades. This same decline in the typical middle America city can be played out anywhere as if it plays in Peoria it will play

elon Musk and Tesla profit form tribute payments of car companies that can't make emissions standards
Martin Manziel
Dream Money
Elon Musk makes dream money form silly electric cars and now somehow other car companies can get credits and score points from pairing up and pooling their car fleets with the likes of other manufactures and separate companies like Tesla. It seems Fiat Chrysler or other car companies are allowed to skip regulatory rules by pairing with those able to make cars that pass emissions standards which is insane and beats the whole process of having these emissions targets.
Chrysler Fiat is able to make and sell the polluting cars and offset the sales to the pollution demanding public wanting to by nasty climate killing vehicles because Fiat is allowed to skip EU carbon-dioxide emissions as Elon Musk and his Tesla received hundreds of millions of dollars to allow this skipping of regulations and fraud to go forward. The whole point of emissions standards is to force these car companies to produce cleaner cars but if they can pay tribute to son of a bitches like Elon Musk and help his Tesla scam grow then what is the point. Apparently the point of for a greedy fuck plutocrat like Elon Musk to make more dream money and more cult worship of this goofy dow clown can proceed with the sorry excuse that is the business publishing media. Why is Elon Musk and Tesla along with other car companies producing vehicles that pass emissions standards allowed to pool their fleets with those that cannot make it thus allowing exemptions for shit exhaust coughing car companies that is this Fiat-Chrysler bullshit company.This is the same desperate globalist hustlers Chrysler and Fiat joint venture failed car companies that lied about their diesel trucks and SUVs and had to pay a huge price for their fraudulent testing and temperate valve shit downs during emissions testing.
Fiat is a complete fake news false company and a globalist take over of what was once an America institution and both Fiat and Chrysler need to be bankrupt and go the way of the horse and buggy for their ineptness and lies and Elon Musk and Tesla should not be allowed to sell credits and find new ways to grow his brand through the fraud of car companies unable or unwilling to make cleaner cars
Dream Money
Elon Musk makes dream money form silly electric cars and now somehow other car companies can get credits and score points from pairing up and pooling their car fleets with the likes of other manufactures and separate companies like Tesla. It seems Fiat Chrysler or other car companies are allowed to skip regulatory rules by pairing with those able to make cars that pass emissions standards which is insane and beats the whole process of having these emissions targets.
Chrysler Fiat is able to make and sell the polluting cars and offset the sales to the pollution demanding public wanting to by nasty climate killing vehicles because Fiat is allowed to skip EU carbon-dioxide emissions as Elon Musk and his Tesla received hundreds of millions of dollars to allow this skipping of regulations and fraud to go forward. The whole point of emissions standards is to force these car companies to produce cleaner cars but if they can pay tribute to son of a bitches like Elon Musk and help his Tesla scam grow then what is the point. Apparently the point of for a greedy fuck plutocrat like Elon Musk to make more dream money and more cult worship of this goofy dow clown can proceed with the sorry excuse that is the business publishing media. Why is Elon Musk and Tesla along with other car companies producing vehicles that pass emissions standards allowed to pool their fleets with those that cannot make it thus allowing exemptions for shit exhaust coughing car companies that is this Fiat-Chrysler bullshit company.This is the same desperate globalist hustlers Chrysler and Fiat joint venture failed car companies that lied about their diesel trucks and SUVs and had to pay a huge price for their fraudulent testing and temperate valve shit downs during emissions testing.
Fiat is a complete fake news false company and a globalist take over of what was once an America institution and both Fiat and Chrysler need to be bankrupt and go the way of the horse and buggy for their ineptness and lies and Elon Musk and Tesla should not be allowed to sell credits and find new ways to grow his brand through the fraud of car companies unable or unwilling to make cleaner cars
Free Talk Live fags talk about Skip the Games and new sources of on-line prostitution as both Ian and Mark Edge wish to have sex with a robot
Gus Perkowski
Make no mistake libertarian asshole Free Talk Live fags Ian Freeman and Mark Edge are assholes and wish to have sex with robots. GThey spent the first hour or so on a recent episode of their award losing podcast to discuss Skip The Games .com and the commodization of sex and relationships with the hook up culture and on-line sex ads and placement of ads. Mark and Ian talked about how prostitution should be legalized and that making it more underground is more dangerous fore John and ho alike and new internet players have sprouted up since the closing of Backpage and Craigslist
advertising ads. The Free Talk live fags said how human trafficking increases making prostitution illegal and hookers go underground and the spread of diseases and so forth are enabled more making this a crime that is should no longer be considered.
Ian spoke how authorities and the criminal justice system just wishes to pout more people into the system with the illegality of the world oldest profession and adults should bne able to make these sexual transactions as long as both parties are consenting adults and that if authorities take down Skip the games like BackPage or Craigs listing other internet offerings will develop and should develop. Ian and Mark though said the days of women being a hooker having this profession availability to them could be numbered and said
economic conditions are the number one reasoning for the lower-class low -income women even going into this lifestyle to begin with and soon they may also be replaced with automation. Edge and Freeman look forward to this day and they say this will solve the prostitution problem as both have tried sex dolls and robots often trading swapping them out with one another likely not even bothering to clean it. The Free Talk Live fags may even look into investing into the sex robot industry and this provides a good opportunity to support a value and respected belief system they both share as libertarians.
Make no mistake libertarian asshole Free Talk Live fags Ian Freeman and Mark Edge are assholes and wish to have sex with robots. GThey spent the first hour or so on a recent episode of their award losing podcast to discuss Skip The Games .com and the commodization of sex and relationships with the hook up culture and on-line sex ads and placement of ads. Mark and Ian talked about how prostitution should be legalized and that making it more underground is more dangerous fore John and ho alike and new internet players have sprouted up since the closing of Backpage and Craigslist
advertising ads. The Free Talk live fags said how human trafficking increases making prostitution illegal and hookers go underground and the spread of diseases and so forth are enabled more making this a crime that is should no longer be considered.
Ian spoke how authorities and the criminal justice system just wishes to pout more people into the system with the illegality of the world oldest profession and adults should bne able to make these sexual transactions as long as both parties are consenting adults and that if authorities take down Skip the games like BackPage or Craigs listing other internet offerings will develop and should develop. Ian and Mark though said the days of women being a hooker having this profession availability to them could be numbered and said
economic conditions are the number one reasoning for the lower-class low -income women even going into this lifestyle to begin with and soon they may also be replaced with automation. Edge and Freeman look forward to this day and they say this will solve the prostitution problem as both have tried sex dolls and robots often trading swapping them out with one another likely not even bothering to clean it. The Free Talk Live fags may even look into investing into the sex robot industry and this provides a good opportunity to support a value and respected belief system they both share as libertarians.
President Trump comes to Green Bay and bashes Jussie Smollett and previous scum in government
Ed West
President Trump came to Green Bay and had another smashing rally where he finally made mention of shitty foreign-controlled Chicago and how it endangers and is a shame for the nation. Trump blasted some two bit horrendous actor and singer for staging a hate crime and false accusation against those who wish to make America a great nation.
This rally in Green Bay that we attended may have been Donald Trump's best and is a clear example of why he is in power and we need someone of his extreme in this age of the economic warlords and media crazies thinking they have the nobility and entitlement to dictate politics for hundreds of millions of people. Their resistance is fueled on maintaining the current position and all of the profits of a scrambled order of economics and those in charge hijacking a political party that was once for the working classes. The Democrats long supported the business class that worked to ship jobs to China and attempt to build up that nations dictatorial brutal authoritarian horrific style of governance on its subjects.
Donald Trump proceeded to attack Jussie Smollett for his false accusations and compared the light-skinned homosexual to another one who looks,talks, and resembles him and is an anchor at CNN. Trump's speech also told of the amount of people resigning at the Department of Justice and who like Kimm Foxx and Jussie Smollett are scum of the Earth. The Democrats and the liars in media and entertainment are running unhinged and it was great to hear Trump call them out and explain exactly why they hate the MAGA hat and what it really represents to them as pro-globalists and having the nations economy tilt towards their continuing abuses and advantages to the masses.
President Trump came to Green Bay and had another smashing rally where he finally made mention of shitty foreign-controlled Chicago and how it endangers and is a shame for the nation. Trump blasted some two bit horrendous actor and singer for staging a hate crime and false accusation against those who wish to make America a great nation.
This rally in Green Bay that we attended may have been Donald Trump's best and is a clear example of why he is in power and we need someone of his extreme in this age of the economic warlords and media crazies thinking they have the nobility and entitlement to dictate politics for hundreds of millions of people. Their resistance is fueled on maintaining the current position and all of the profits of a scrambled order of economics and those in charge hijacking a political party that was once for the working classes. The Democrats long supported the business class that worked to ship jobs to China and attempt to build up that nations dictatorial brutal authoritarian horrific style of governance on its subjects.
Donald Trump proceeded to attack Jussie Smollett for his false accusations and compared the light-skinned homosexual to another one who looks,talks, and resembles him and is an anchor at CNN. Trump's speech also told of the amount of people resigning at the Department of Justice and who like Kimm Foxx and Jussie Smollett are scum of the Earth. The Democrats and the liars in media and entertainment are running unhinged and it was great to hear Trump call them out and explain exactly why they hate the MAGA hat and what it really represents to them as pro-globalists and having the nations economy tilt towards their continuing abuses and advantages to the masses.
Nigel Travis worried about Cafe De Lube in Racine,Wisconsin
Woody Underwood
Cafe De lube is an unbelievable part oil change part coffee house where people can drink great coffee and wait for their car and change of dirty oil. Upon learning of this business Dunkin CEO Nigel Travis was utterly perplexed this sent shock waves to his head shocked at the start up and concept of this idea and this sent shockwaves to the board members and shareholders of Dunkin
Donuts. This is a brand that is just so corrupt and keeps going up everywhere in the Chicago region and thankfully this process is not repeated in Milwaukee or Indianapolis as they come no where close to the number of Dunkins as unfortunately Chicagoland allows these shitty stores that often are empty after two O'Clock. Cafe De Lube has amazing coffee and makes time pass fast for those waiting in the excruciating boring time period people have to wait for their car to be serviced.
While some say Nigel Travis is no longer Chief Executive of Dunkin to us he will always be and this man is still responsible for the insane corporatist land grabs and growth of this boring chain that is primarily responsible for giving Hindus and Muslims form the Indian sub-continent an excuse and business ownership as nobody would go to indies owned by dotheads and this is the sole purpose of Dunkin aside form spending on advertising industrial complex as well. Cafe De Lube is in Racine,Wisconsin and should be a chain for growth offering people more of a purpose to stop with oil and coffee on the go instead of stopping for once a baked bad donuts and water coffee that Indian hard-working immigrants bring about signing of to a sheet from a shipped central processor of donuts in a factory
Cafe De lube is an unbelievable part oil change part coffee house where people can drink great coffee and wait for their car and change of dirty oil. Upon learning of this business Dunkin CEO Nigel Travis was utterly perplexed this sent shock waves to his head shocked at the start up and concept of this idea and this sent shockwaves to the board members and shareholders of Dunkin
Donuts. This is a brand that is just so corrupt and keeps going up everywhere in the Chicago region and thankfully this process is not repeated in Milwaukee or Indianapolis as they come no where close to the number of Dunkins as unfortunately Chicagoland allows these shitty stores that often are empty after two O'Clock. Cafe De Lube has amazing coffee and makes time pass fast for those waiting in the excruciating boring time period people have to wait for their car to be serviced.

Dennis Rodman,Lavar Ball and Satoshi Nakamoto worried about Dopecoin as many start buying thousand of this penny ICO
Ali Muhammad
Dope Coin is a crypto currency that is right now worth.223455% of a penny and many Crypto currency rivals are worried of this coin as it hits an initial coin offering soon. Satoshi Nakamoto is the founder of Bitcoin it being the largest Crypto currency traded and on the market right now with Euthereum a far second and there are some two thousand crypto coins right now and my friends I advise many people to start purchasing Dopecoin as this is a crypto currency that is going to
go up and up and rise in price up to the lengths and price Bitcoin was able to accomplish in the fall of 2017. The founder of Bitcoin is not the only person scared brown underwear stained by the potential of Dopecoin as former NBA bitch and transvestite Dennis Rodman also is heavily involved in a another marijuana related crypto-currency and that being Potcoin. Dennis Rodman was shocked at the news of Dopecoin
being developed and offered on the free market of Crypto madness and most people are in agreement Dopecoin has a much cooler name than his Potcoin and it is just pure dope. Lavar ball is also paranoid about the contributions of people that is being promoted to go out and purchase Dopecoin and make it much more valuable as a crypto currency to own than Bitcoin.
Lavar Ball was going to do his own ICO and offer Ballcoin as alternative and new Crypto-currency himself in the following year as shoe sales increased and he is able to dwell into other ventures and economic gains through the backs of his incredibly talented basketball playing sons. Lavar is still going to offer Ballcoin but he know Dopecoin is going to be a smash and people right now buying it at its pretty amazing low price will see a fortune in a few months or years as this currency increases some 1004% we predict.
Dope Coin is a crypto currency that is right now worth.223455% of a penny and many Crypto currency rivals are worried of this coin as it hits an initial coin offering soon. Satoshi Nakamoto is the founder of Bitcoin it being the largest Crypto currency traded and on the market right now with Euthereum a far second and there are some two thousand crypto coins right now and my friends I advise many people to start purchasing Dopecoin as this is a crypto currency that is going to
go up and up and rise in price up to the lengths and price Bitcoin was able to accomplish in the fall of 2017. The founder of Bitcoin is not the only person scared brown underwear stained by the potential of Dopecoin as former NBA bitch and transvestite Dennis Rodman also is heavily involved in a another marijuana related crypto-currency and that being Potcoin. Dennis Rodman was shocked at the news of Dopecoin
being developed and offered on the free market of Crypto madness and most people are in agreement Dopecoin has a much cooler name than his Potcoin and it is just pure dope. Lavar ball is also paranoid about the contributions of people that is being promoted to go out and purchase Dopecoin and make it much more valuable as a crypto currency to own than Bitcoin.
Lavar Ball was going to do his own ICO and offer Ballcoin as alternative and new Crypto-currency himself in the following year as shoe sales increased and he is able to dwell into other ventures and economic gains through the backs of his incredibly talented basketball playing sons. Lavar is still going to offer Ballcoin but he know Dopecoin is going to be a smash and people right now buying it at its pretty amazing low price will see a fortune in a few months or years as this currency increases some 1004% we predict.
Jimmy Fallon parody and mocks geriatric Democratic Socialist front runner Bernard Sanders
Randolph Perkins IV
Jimmy Fallon came aboard his award winning Tonight show and did a parody of amazing quality impersonating Bernie Sanders doing a Rap Country Song by ahhh Lile Wayne or somebody. Jimmy Fallon marked it dead on with his portrayal of Bernie Sanders and many people in the audience actually thought it was the front runner Vermont senator old buzzard bastard so concerned about growing inequality and ways to regulate more and bring about a equal between workers and owners in the business world. Jimmy Fallon and other late night talk show hosts obviously do not wish this as the inequality we see in society helps pave the way for more cable and media channels
than what is needed and allows Mr Fallon, Trevor Noah, Stephan Colbert, and Jimmy Kimmel outrageous bonuses and incomes far exceeding than what they deserve for their role. This is not to say that Jimmy Fallon's impersonation and singing old Town Hall was not entertaining as Jimmy buzzed this old geek and his appearance eon the Fox town hall where he either had a bug in his ear or forgot his fucking hearing aid. This video made Bernie Sanders loo old and incompetent as he is and is another reason people will vote against this guy who got hammered in 2016 yet somehow created a narrative the Democratic committee screwed him over despite the overwhelming evidence this clown is unfit to be president and represents the most radical of socialist thought in this country that few have the wisdom to support or actually think is preferable .
Jimmy Fallon came aboard his award winning Tonight show and did a parody of amazing quality impersonating Bernie Sanders doing a Rap Country Song by ahhh Lile Wayne or somebody. Jimmy Fallon marked it dead on with his portrayal of Bernie Sanders and many people in the audience actually thought it was the front runner Vermont senator old buzzard bastard so concerned about growing inequality and ways to regulate more and bring about a equal between workers and owners in the business world. Jimmy Fallon and other late night talk show hosts obviously do not wish this as the inequality we see in society helps pave the way for more cable and media channels
than what is needed and allows Mr Fallon, Trevor Noah, Stephan Colbert, and Jimmy Kimmel outrageous bonuses and incomes far exceeding than what they deserve for their role. This is not to say that Jimmy Fallon's impersonation and singing old Town Hall was not entertaining as Jimmy buzzed this old geek and his appearance eon the Fox town hall where he either had a bug in his ear or forgot his fucking hearing aid. This video made Bernie Sanders loo old and incompetent as he is and is another reason people will vote against this guy who got hammered in 2016 yet somehow created a narrative the Democratic committee screwed him over despite the overwhelming evidence this clown is unfit to be president and represents the most radical of socialist thought in this country that few have the wisdom to support or actually think is preferable .
Carl form Nashville calls Jeremy Scahill outraged by Venezuela coup Iran guards designation and Jeremy considers running for president
Ramon Ramos
left-wing communist anti-American hero Jeremy Scahill was on his Intercept podcast program and took calls getting one form notorious phone caller Carl From Nashville. He spoke of the united States calling Iran a terrorist state and the attempt by the Trump administration to take down an elected regime in Venezuela and both Jeremy Scahill and Carl form Nashville blasted president Trump and his meddling into the affairs of Venezuela for the business community and interests. Carl form Nashville called this amazing author and investigative journalist Scahill who hates this country and is lucky to have the freedoms to write and rant against the power of protective services it enables the Democratic world as most other countries he would of been beheaded and hung by his testicles for criticizing his home government all while making a profit form book sales and radio hosting.
Scahill and Carl form Nashville are shits and pieces of it and if he hates Trump why one must wonder this Intercept jackass just doesn't announce his candidacy to the United States presidency in 2020. Scahill made some reference to Juan Guadido president is like the Democrats or Hugo Chavez making John Edwards and declaring him president in 2010 ad Scahill said we should just let Venezuela alone and let them join the axis of communism in Latin America and have oil sales to empower them and spread their ideology and just accept this. Carl Fom Nashville also was angrier than a Hippo with no
teeth about the recent Trump declaration that the Iranian Guards were international terrorists and Carl said the amount of involvement and warfare we have caused in this region is deserving of the same designation by the Iranians which is exactly what they did following Trump's declaration. Jeremy Scahill then thought that why couldn't he run for president and get some more publicity for himself and possible more mainstream media gigs instead of only being designated to shit programming nobody watches like Democracy Now or Al Jeazerra networks. Jeremy Scahill is asking his investors to possible help him raise cash and perhaps make some news for himself, is Intercept brand, and his books and he may be declaring a run under the Democratic party in 2020 and he may or may not have the full support of his little audience and the Carl From Nashville talk radio phone callers
left-wing communist anti-American hero Jeremy Scahill was on his Intercept podcast program and took calls getting one form notorious phone caller Carl From Nashville. He spoke of the united States calling Iran a terrorist state and the attempt by the Trump administration to take down an elected regime in Venezuela and both Jeremy Scahill and Carl form Nashville blasted president Trump and his meddling into the affairs of Venezuela for the business community and interests. Carl form Nashville called this amazing author and investigative journalist Scahill who hates this country and is lucky to have the freedoms to write and rant against the power of protective services it enables the Democratic world as most other countries he would of been beheaded and hung by his testicles for criticizing his home government all while making a profit form book sales and radio hosting.

Bankster JP Morgan agent Manuela Veloso and subsidize tech and AI with grants to academia wants to have sex with a little robot
Bernardo Romano
JP Morgan spends some 11 billion freshly minted greenbacks to its 50,000 tech workers and it developers and seeks a plan for total AI in its business and push for it globally. Bankster and wankster former Hillary Clinton adviser globalist Manuela Veloso announced a huge grant and sponsorship of academia with research freebies and grants to implement and enforce more spending for these important tech people and the relatives in academia as JP Morgan is just a monopoly money institution meant to spend on a small certain segment of the population and industries they so desire and thus we get more AI talk.
The fake news of data becoming more complex and valuable and that some AI thingie needs to be created is bullshit and what the disturbed fraudster sin banking like this global nonsense of talking about increasing customer experiences with aid form Artificial intelligent beings of banks. This woman had a department created for her at JP Morgan looking for new ways to scam the system and get money into the hands of those already at the top and for this robotic woman the silliness of artificial intelligence and robot expertly is modern wizardry of this era. JP Morgan says it will move decades worth of financial data form the past and update it so this old grandma woman can laugh all of the way to the bank along with the other researchers . This woman and JP Morgan think funding engineering elites to create toddler type robots to kick a ball is worth some massive infusion of cash and investment.
Billions are given to women like Manuela form lifetime politicians and the banks so these researchers can work on robot soccer gadgets and claim some day they will play as good as Ronaldo but the real secret is diversion of money towards the already obscenely wealthy and bad goals and this is not sport. Basically JP Morgan and the big bank domination of the economy that tax payer bailed out also are subsidizing and keeping afloat anti Western academia and the legions of foreigners who come here and study for free and this is anther egregious action of the global banks and why the system needs ot be nationalized,broken up, and destroyed. As far as Manluel Velosa goes the poor old sea cannot get withany young lesbians and can't even get sex with old politicians like Hillary Clinton and this is pushing her for her campaign and research work that powerful JP Morgan subsidies. Ms Velosa wishes to have sex with little robots looking forward tot he day old woman have little robot grandchildren instead of real grandchildren to play.
JP Morgan spends some 11 billion freshly minted greenbacks to its 50,000 tech workers and it developers and seeks a plan for total AI in its business and push for it globally. Bankster and wankster former Hillary Clinton adviser globalist Manuela Veloso announced a huge grant and sponsorship of academia with research freebies and grants to implement and enforce more spending for these important tech people and the relatives in academia as JP Morgan is just a monopoly money institution meant to spend on a small certain segment of the population and industries they so desire and thus we get more AI talk.
The fake news of data becoming more complex and valuable and that some AI thingie needs to be created is bullshit and what the disturbed fraudster sin banking like this global nonsense of talking about increasing customer experiences with aid form Artificial intelligent beings of banks. This woman had a department created for her at JP Morgan looking for new ways to scam the system and get money into the hands of those already at the top and for this robotic woman the silliness of artificial intelligence and robot expertly is modern wizardry of this era. JP Morgan says it will move decades worth of financial data form the past and update it so this old grandma woman can laugh all of the way to the bank along with the other researchers . This woman and JP Morgan think funding engineering elites to create toddler type robots to kick a ball is worth some massive infusion of cash and investment.
Billions are given to women like Manuela form lifetime politicians and the banks so these researchers can work on robot soccer gadgets and claim some day they will play as good as Ronaldo but the real secret is diversion of money towards the already obscenely wealthy and bad goals and this is not sport. Basically JP Morgan and the big bank domination of the economy that tax payer bailed out also are subsidizing and keeping afloat anti Western academia and the legions of foreigners who come here and study for free and this is anther egregious action of the global banks and why the system needs ot be nationalized,broken up, and destroyed. As far as Manluel Velosa goes the poor old sea cannot get withany young lesbians and can't even get sex with old politicians like Hillary Clinton and this is pushing her for her campaign and research work that powerful JP Morgan subsidies. Ms Velosa wishes to have sex with little robots looking forward tot he day old woman have little robot grandchildren instead of real grandchildren to play.
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