Ethan Kelin is a podcast host of something called H Podcast perhaps one of the biggest growing and Teddy or Ethan came aboard is hugely popular podcast and admired the billion dollar heist in Dresden Germany playing video of the jewel heist and said this is straight out of the movies. Ethan admires theft and I imagine if he saw a recent video and clothing mob flash heist in Pleasant Prairie where a group of blacks form Chicago and Milwaukee converged at a North Face outlet store in Pleasant Prairie and were not very pleasant in their shopping experience or respect for this business.
The black bucks (all men) stole a hundred thousand dollars of clothing in less than to minutes and Ethan Klein as a fashionista with his alter ego personality Teddy Fresh would of been very impressed with this action. Klein couldn't believe that these priceless artifacts were taken right form this museum and he joked that anew form of colonial theft is taking place with the West now the victim of formerly colonial subjects stealing Europe's artifacts and jewels instead of
Europeans stealing old African and Asian historical artifacts. Mr Klein would
been impressed by any smash and grab as Ethan is a tug wannabee and if not making millions for his H3H3 productions and his amazing Teddy Fresh clothing collection he likely would be on social media setting u smash and grabs and joining thug sin the hood to steal expensive 200 dollar hoodies. Ethan would get angered though if these smash and grabbers hit one of his warehouses and took his ugly sweatshirts and pink and blue hoodies that his alter ego Teddy fresh thinks is some outstanding fashion. Teddy Fresh needs his wardrobe stolen and warehouses looted where he willing et a better understanding how this billion dollar ewl heist is not admirable and cool. It should not be described as such and actually the jewel heist from Germany is despairing as these museums cannot even protect their valuables and treasures in this globalized era where the snake oil tiger bones sellers are looking to steal and gain more valuable riches 

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