Griffin Johnson is a YouTube rock star having all this graphical talent to explore real wars an discuss them in strategy and history. Griffen Johnson looks no older than 25 and he mocked his peers on YouTube who do videos on Tusken Raiders and Star wars as these people have no knowledge of real wars and history like he does. Griffin did a video recalling the brutal trench warfare between Iraq and Iran and he explored the insanity of this war wondering who was really behind this wars as the
international weapons developers had a good market for a decade and much like Syria now war is a very profitable business all while eliminating the lower classes that could otherwise be troublesome and for Ayatollah Khomeini and Saddam Hussein exporting potential populations to do battle and kill off each other lead to regime stability for themselves and their authoritarian rule in the eighties.
Griffen Johnson mocked his generation into Star Wars movies and his YouTube rivals who focus on Stormtroopers and Tusken Raiders as clueless idiots distracted by fake news and lame stories of space and he blasted Hollywood for not making movies based on real wars like this Ira-Iran and instead dehumanize warfare with science fiction not wanting to rehash past political objectives that lead to real death and despair on the battlefront in real wars that tax payer supported in other lands and stans.
My sister once had a boyfriend who was an Assyrian Christina bitter he was taken and forced to serve in this war and was resentful of the international community for not doing more to pressure these countries to end this conflict quicker. Just like the kid in Griffen's video my sisters ex beau was taken form his family and forced to fight the fucking Iranians and Americans and Asian kids in the West and East don't know how lucky they are not to be taken for real war and can play in their mother basement video games depicting on-screen wars and car races. Poor Ezhar had to b in the Iraqi army for three years killing scores of Iranians and luckily for him he was able to get to America and meet my sister years later. For millions of other Iraqis and Iranians in this trench warfare in the eighties they were not so lucky to survive.
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