Max Keiser flips out on Americas war industry and sat Putin is now Eisenhower and Trump Stalin

    Russ Russo
  Russian State propagandist program Keiser report hosted by Max Keiser and his wife Stacy Herbert attacks the fed and the dollar for funding America's military and oversee base Ventures. Max Keiser as a good Russian agent hate the American power base industrial War complex and seeks to demoralize Americans with his crazed YouTube Internet site called the Kaiser reports. Max Keiser went bananas the other day comparing Trump of reversing the Russian and America leadership roles as Keiser praised Putin for being popular and building infrastructure,rail, and roads something America bause to do and Max said Vladimir Putin is now Dwight Eisenhower.
Max and Stacy then went on to say president Trump and past administrations have become the terror exporting war mongering expansive state and compared American presidents from Reagan to Trump as being more akin to Joseph Stalin as Max Keiser did his usual attack on the fed and the American dollar being the federal reserve note for the world. As a agent for mother Russia Max Keiser ignores the horrors and fear the Russian people are living in a oppressed society and terror as bad if not worse
than Joseph Stalin and this idiot speak with fork tongue in his mockery and preference for the Russian oligopolies and the dictatorship of Vladimir Putin, who may be the worse authoritarian and in the long run much worse and genocidal than Adolf Hitler. Mr Keiser is such a bitcoin and golddust hack that he will say anything and push anything to attack the American dollar even if it makes him look completely ridiculous and insane. Anyone who compares Vladimir Putin to Dwight Eisenhower and makes claims of Obama and Trump bring Joseph Stalin as to be either on drugs or just structurally nuts.

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