Jake Glass
Animal stories
Right wing radio legend Michael Savage came aboard his award winning radio program and blasted the Chinese state and these modern day American Maoists that have ruined his once beautiful city of San Francisco. Savage tore into Chin and wondered if they are funding and supporting these protests that never end and the decline of San Francisco savage says is a deliberate attempt by eh Democrats as wherever they set up their monopoly Chinese style one party state places like Seattle and San Francisco become hell holes where sidestepping human shit becomes more common than dogshit. It is the raising and abuse of dogs by China that also had

Michael savage reported how despite many bans in China many rural backwaters and backwards cities in China continue to host and have these dog eating contests and festivals in places such as Yulin which follow the American tradition of dog eating contests in the summer on Coney Island the only difference is they are usuaing and raising actual dogs instead of heating pork bellies in a bun. Savage says while there are activists fighting for the protection and rights of dogs there are still a arge segment of the population in China that tortures dogs and as a
beloved dog owner of Teddy ,whom Michael Savage often has on his radio program barking and takes with him to all the fine stead chops in San Francisco and ahhhh buy his dog a steak while bums on the street are starving. . This issue is personal to Michael Savage who has trouble sleeping at times and has had dozens of nightmares of Chinese hoards coming and attempting to steal Teddy form him.
Savage is greatly concerned f the growing communism he sees in government and the protests advocating for the compete abolition of police and capitalism and

the fact is in China dogs have long been on the menu and are tasty ahhh tasting even better and much like hot dogs and Mr savage should try it or try to learn the culinary culture of China and other nations before he speaks with fork tongue and dog on subjects and food items that a nation of a billion hungry souls needs to develop for themselves.
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