Chet Oliver
Fresh off his numerous rallies that president Trump has been conducting while his opponent hide himself and the fact that he is unable to form a couple of sentences without a teleprompter president Trump called in on the vlogcast of Gary Null who is both nutritionist and political podcast and president Trump hammered on his so-called xenophobic attacks on Minnesota socialist Muslim extremist Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasi Cortez. The lying globalist anti-Trump media attacked president Trump and his observations that wicked witch doctors from Somalis such as Ilhan Omar are trying to tell us what to do and how to run our own country and because Trump had the audacity to speak the truth the evil media is attacking home and Trump bounced back on Gary's outstanding program.
Trump warned Null's observant intelligent listeners that there has been along range plan to get undemocratic socialists in our congress and have them divide an tamper with our democracy pushing lies and installing racial antagonism and fears with the end goal of damaging our democracy and capitalist forms of economy that for decades has proven to be the most successful form of system for producing and spreading wealth while the likes of Iihan Somali and Alexandria Rican Cortez prefer a system of one party undemocratic socialist foreign class and political system of theft for a small cadre class of political leaders that she is a part thanks to the dumber down voting district in the Bronx.

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